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? 23/10/16(Mon)11:26 No. 25756 ID: a3fb63

File 169744841495.jpg - (33.21KB , 500x375 , IMG_5420.jpg )

Whats so wrong about being a bad person? not tryna seem edgy, im just curious

Teenage Girl 23/10/16(Mon)22:21 No. 25758 ID: d39134

It's bad.

? 23/10/21(Sat)08:49 No. 25762 ID: e4cad1

oh ya ur so right mb

Teenage Girl 23/10/21(Sat)14:47 No. 25763 ID: 490f81

It's in the name.

Teenage Girl 23/10/21(Sat)23:51 No. 25764 ID: 13858f

You know, religion is complete horseshit. But that golden rule thing is good stuff. Do unto others.

Teenage Girl 24/05/21(Tue)15:53 No. 25902 ID: 8038e9

The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards.

The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.

Teenage Girl 24/06/25(Tue)22:05 No. 25917 ID: ec5dde

Nothing. We all are. It’s frusturating having to be the nice person, when I know that im terrible no matter how you look at it

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