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Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/23(Tue)02:54 No. 25212

File 166121605159.jpg - (93.85KB , 1300x956 , education-elementary-school-childhood-and-emotions.jpg )

I was in a sexual relationship with my teacher in high school as an underaged student. He kicked me to the curb when I graduated and also confessed he had a serious relationship with a woman his age the entire time. He got fired from my school but somehow got re-hired at another school, this time an elementary school. Not sure if police/attorneys is an option because it's been too long and I didn't do anything about this back when it actually happened. What do?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/23(Tue)03:50 No. 25213

It depends where you live. In PA they just dumped the statute of limitations. You can talk to a lawyer for a free consultation maybe? If you can still open the case they will sue the school.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/25(Thu)05:31 No. 25215

Im sorry but underage doesnt mean automatically innocent. Im tired of these statutory rape cases treating teens as automatic victims just because of their age.
If you willingly went into the relationship, thats on you.

Our modern society made a big mistake forcing young people to stay in school for more of their life span anyway

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/09(Fri)05:47 No. 25240

Well it sounds like you shouldn’t have done that. We all have regrets, and taking responsibility & living with our poor decisions is part of growing up. And so, what did we learn???

That other people are responsible for our decisions…

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/13(Tue)01:31 No. 25246

Unfortunately, society is hell bent on infantikizing the youth as to always make them look amoral/limbless entities when its the elders with their exploitative nostalgic projection of "innocence".

Brain development and hormone are not factors of moral conscience.

Schooling should not last for more than 14 years.
Especially liberal arts education.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/24(Sat)22:46 No. 25281

How many undereducated seven year olds do you want in your good Christian harem? I'm guessing five, at minimum.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/25(Sun)16:44 No. 25284

The modern school system, unfortunately, is based on brainwashing (cf. classical and operant conditioning) rather than education. I doubt the anon you're talking to wants some sort of FBI fever dream about a radical right wing hardcore funamentalist child rape camp full of domestic terrorists. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the public fool system is automatically the superior option in all or even most cases.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/26(Mon)03:59 No. 25287

>criticizing institutional infantikizatiin means statutory pedophilia

Idk where you ge the strawman. I'm saying that our society is infantilising the youth via Prussian style education.
It's not sane to have young adults crammed in dusty building learning quaint math equations they'll never use again in ther lives.
As for "undereducation"?
We are seeing new world being born where adults need YouTube videos on how to interact with the opposite sex,cook,clean,etc.

Society is actively discouraging young people from wanting to date, marry, or drive.
They're trying to force more kids into college via indoctrination as early as middle school.
They also discourage trades.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/26(Mon)05:38 No. 25288

I bought one of the last original printings of this book for my mother, because she was an educator and I wanted to know what she thought about it. She never got back to me, but I watched the pen keeping tabs and she got through about half of it.

That's more than most people would put up with. I just got the PDF version and read a few more pages each day over lunch at work. I really didn't understand why gulags and prisons were such a big thing until after I thought through this book. It really puts things in to perspective if you have the guile to make your way through it.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/26(Mon)05:38 No. 25289

I bought one of the last original printings of this book for my mother, because she was an educator and I wanted to know what she thought about it. She never got back to me, but I watched the pen keeping tabs and she got through about half of it.

That's more than most people would put up with. I just got the PDF version and read a few more pages each day over lunch at work. I really didn't understand why gulags and prisons were such a big thing until after I thought through this book. It really puts things in to perspective if you have the guile to make your way through it.

School teachings NoyEveryonesFavorite 23/02/10(Fri)04:35 No. 25537

Let's not forget all the new "subjects" being taught in our schools today such as..."Communication" where barks, moos, meows and any other critter sound is taught. Also Litterbox

Angsty Teen Girl 24/10/17(Thu)22:30 No. 25967

Nah thats a right wing myth.
What is being taught is "social-personal" skills, which are sterile roleplaying about mundane irrelevent greetings of strangers.

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