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Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/16(Tue)23:13 No. 25201

File 166068443422.png - (560.79KB , 518x536 , 3421.png )

Every time I study, I forget what I learned. It just disappears what I studied.
It annoys me.

Cato 22/08/19(Fri)00:37 No. 25206

Same tbh. but you can still make it in this world if you just trust your instinct and think with your hands.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/19(Fri)17:58 No. 25207

yes, sir

Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/22(Mon)17:54 No. 25211

Take LSD

Angsty Teen Girl 22/08/25(Thu)05:43 No. 25216

Im starting to wonder about the practical purposes of higher education.
Like why do we need to study so much shit for stuff we will never use again in our lives ?

We are seeing a reduction in industrial skills and socialisation.

People waste their entire youth on finding the right college and affordable housing and for what? To get a degree that serves as window dressing?

Cato 22/09/01(Thu)05:58 No. 25225


Yes, the system is arbitrary. It was made to specifically cater to one type of learner. The "sit down and study" learner. And it's unfair for us "get up and do" learners.

However, we live in an unfair world, and the unfairness must be accounted for.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/09/03(Sat)02:57 No. 25231

Its being accounted for alright.
With burned out NEETs and ethots and whatnot.

College education was in better shape pre-1980.
Back when it was rightfully assumed that only the best and brightest of kids went.
Back when it was only for the exceptionally gifted and wealthy.
After all, college was built by rich and gifted for the rich ans gifted.
Poor gifted kids were allowed in, but they had to prove their mettle, which they did.

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