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Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/04(Mon)18:52 No. 24916

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I genuinely think bots are taking over the internet, we just keep seeing random phrases stuck together in what used to be places of actual discourse. It sucks the life out of the whole thing and models NPC-tier communication to the few remaining humans.

I predict that within five years, the internet will no longer be considered a place to hear opinions. People will lose the small amount of trust they have that any opinion they see expressed might be genuine, and just get depressed and leave. It will just be used for basic functions that don't involve interacting with strangers (streaming movies, paying for things, reading digital versions of already trusted sources, talking to people you actually know, etc.) This might be a welcome change but it certainly will be a messy transition.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/04(Mon)20:06 No. 24917

Not here.
Shitchan sure.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/04(Mon)20:26 No. 24918

Have you considered the fact that maybe people copy and paste?
Or that maybe alot of those "bots" are just homemade scripts?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/04(Mon)22:20 No. 24919

>Have you considered the fact that maybe people copy and paste?
This was covered already, people who don't recognize bots think that copypasting empty bullshit is a normal thing for humans to do on these websites and start doing it themselves.
>Or that maybe alot of those "bots" are just homemade scripts?
So? If anything that's worse, it shows that real bots aren't on the scene yet and will be even more effective than these duct taped proto-bots.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/04(Mon)22:25 No. 24920

Post it on /x/
Can't talk about jews trying to summon zevi here

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/04(Mon)23:14 No. 24921

>So? If anything that's worse, it shows that real bots aren't on the scene yet and will be even more effective than these duct taped proto-bots.

Bots are common on dating sites, for the F4M section.
They're especially common as spam.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/04(Mon)23:44 No. 24922

What does F4M mean?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)00:14 No. 24923

Okay yeah obviously, we've always been used to that. It's different when it effects discussion boards that you would think of as largely free from financial interests. Who benefits from bots making empty wordsalad on /lit/? I don't know, and the possibilities creep me out more than standard "white boy, give me ad revenue" come-ons.
Female for male (when you're a man and you swipe on women)

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)00:47 No. 24924

That's what I thought, more men are looking for women than women for men. Women are satisfied with being the 3rd to 6th wheel off of 1 man, while men want their own female.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)01:51 No. 24925

Not exactly. It's more that women know they can always get theirs when they want.
Men get theirs when the opportunity arises.
Women, assuming we are only talking about females under forty, are the apples of society's eye, so they don't feel as much a need to assertively look for a catch.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)02:46 No. 24926

In short, you wouldn't deal with the horrors of online dating if you had many better options.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)03:41 No. 24928

I don't bother with dating nor relationships period.
Waste of time and energy.
People need to appreciate singlehood more.
Especially male singlehood.
Being single doesn't make you depraved or less of an adult.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)03:46 No. 24929

I want kids to pass this information on to. So I need to get a woman who has a science job to think the same.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)04:52 No. 24930

It's the being alone that's hard you nigger

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)14:13 No. 24933

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Bots are everywhere, especially on 4chan. I remember last year when /b/ was waiting for the 855555555 get the faggot mods locked /b/ down to a single thread and put all other threads on auto-delete. So you could see threads pop up on the first page but they 404'd soon. And the exact same fucking threads kept popping up, same text and same pic in the OP. All of them were sharethreads (sharing nudes of women you know IRL) and lots, fucking lots, of nigger porn. It was either gay nigger porn or niggers fucking white women. Seeing this, it became extremely obvious that these threads were bot posts but it raises the question, who is doing this? Why are they doing this? And why the hell do the mods allow it to continue?

There are plenty of bot posts on 7chan, they're just very obvious.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)15:58 No. 24934

>Lots of N-word
Please dont tell me youre one of those pol/tards

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)16:09 No. 24935

Nah. Being alone is great. Its being coupled thats hard.
You always have to deal with compromises, your partner isnt liked by your folks, you're not liked by your partner's folks, your partner is babbling about any little spat or day out you had together to others, etc.
Then, you have to worry about "not being good enough for them."

Your life is thrown in a spotlight when it comes to relationships.
Female youth is a goddess complex, male youth are exploited pioneer-warriors.

Society sneers at singlehood, especially male singlehood, because they want you to pay along with the charade.
No matter how civilized we are, humans are still bound to primal forces which manifest as biases.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)17:37 No. 24936

It's fine if you need to cope like this at your current point in life, but keep it to yourself. By loudly and arrogantly posting about it you're just asking for someone to make all the obvious upsetting responses you don't want to hear.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)20:37 No. 24941

How am I coping?
You're the one whom said "being alone is harder."

I'm the one that has to deal with endless threads about "TFW NO GF" and other whining about the unfair state of heterosexual romance.
I'm just saying.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/05(Tue)20:58 No. 24942

>I'm the one that has to deal with endless threads about "TFW NO GF" and other whining about the unfair state of heterosexual romance.
In what sense are you "the one"?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/06(Wed)03:15 No. 24948


>I'm the one that has to deal with endless threads about "TFW NO GF" and other whining about the unfair state of heterosexual romance.

They don't even want girlfriends. They just want another Mommy 'cause adulting is too hard. That's why so many mediocre (at best) men become trvdcucks. They can't handle adulting.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/06(Wed)14:59 No. 24952

No, I just say nigger a lot.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/09(Sat)11:54 No. 24985


So essentially you're a /pol/tard who thinks playing dumb is cute and funny.

>Me say slur, me funny long time.

Don't you love when millennialoids tell on themselves? So incapable of coming up with an actual personality, they wear the badge of 'racist' like it's another participation trophy. No wonder comedy is dead. It's either DRUMPF or NIGGERKIKETRANNYPLEASENOTICEMEMOMMYDADDY level cringe.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/09(Sat)12:57 No. 24989

I don't even browse /pol/.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/09(Sat)20:59 No. 24996


Doesn't matter. Nobody wants to hear nigger over and over. It's not funny, it's lame. And don't bother accusing me of being PC, I'm the poster literally saying they'll celebrate when suicide cripples your bitch made generation by 2050.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/09(Sat)23:19 No. 24998

The bot problem is overrated. Turns out, it's just wingcucks who can't handle life whining all the time. We just call it "bots" because we don't want to believe that so many people could be so broken.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/09(Sat)23:56 No. 24999


Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/10(Sun)04:10 No. 25002


At least try to be funny. Remember the Niggerology bit from Jesus Chatline? Now THAT was funny. Just saying nigger without any build up or punchline makes you an attention whore.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/10(Sun)04:30 No. 25005

Imageboards are ironically infinitely worse TikTok.
All the cringe from TikTok is mere smudge compared to the septic ocean that is 4chan, 8chan, Lolcow, and KiwiFarms.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/10(Sun)06:21 No. 25007


The sheer hatred from TikTok comes from two groups:

1. Boomers too dumb to understand how algorithms work and feel guilt for ogling teenage girls dancing.
2. Assmad millennialoids who are jealous of Gen Z for being kids.

That's it, really. Social media itself is not even inherently bad. It's funny how the same crowd that whines about "MUH GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE DO!" crowd uses anti-gun arguments about social media. Guns, social media, these are just tools for good and bad. That missing Canadian girl found in Oregon - social media was a huge reason why she was found. What, should we ban families from using social media like that because some fucking faggot doesn't feel up to learning self-control? Fuck off back to r/nosurf, losers.

>All the cringe from TikTok is mere smudge compared to the septic ocean that is 4chan, 8chan, Lolcow, and KiwiFarms.

Don't forget Tumblr AND Reddit. Millennialoids can't say shit about Gen Z habits online as a result. Imagine being the generation that popularized Tumblr, Reddit AND 4chan and STILL trying to act like nuh-uh, it's TIKTOK that's the REAL problem. Makes as much sense as the "libs are the REAL racists" crowd that whines about Ukraine getting billions, but is silent on Israel and Saudi Arabia basically tag teaming Lady Liberty since the thirties (remember FDR's meetings with Ibn Saud?).

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/10(Sun)15:39 No. 25013

>That's it, really. Social media itself is not even inherently bad. It's funny how the same crowd that whines about "MUH GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE DO!" crowd uses anti-gun arguments about social media. Guns, social media, these are just tools for good and bad. That missing Canadian girl found in Oregon - social media was a huge reason why she was found. What, should we ban families from using social media like that because some fucking faggot doesn't feel up to learning self-control? Fuck off back to r/nosurf, losers.

Yea. The same people whom say social media is bad are the ones whom indulge in TV. And I remember before 2006 when TV was the big bad.
Also, when people say social media is bad, what they're really saying is that they don't want young folks using it.
Those hebephobes are crawling on the same spaces that the youth are.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/10(Sun)21:11 No. 25017

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>Yea. The same people whom say social media is bad are the ones whom indulge in TV. And I remember before 2006 when TV was the big bad.

Exactly. It all boils down to the same old jealousy that kids today are kids and you're not. That's why I've always said that if we just called them out on this instead of resorting to "MUH INCEL CHUDS BAD" or whatever, we'd get somewhere as a society.

>Also, when people say social media is bad, what they're really saying is that they don't want young folks using it.

Well, how else are they gonna suppress their sexual desires they project onto everyone else? Funny how the "drag queen story hour" crowd's sites usually devolve into cunnyposters with loli anime avatars. Just saying.

>Those hebephobes are crawling on the same spaces that the youth are.

Remember Comicsgate?

>Let's push all the kids out of comics!
>Pushes kids out of comics, leaving the floodgates open for fellow emotionally/mentally stunted dorks (also known as "SJWs")
>What the fuck? Why are comics woke?!

Meanwhile, kids are playing GTA V with a literal anal sex scene, full blown. I have yet to see a kid give a shit about comics, period, let alone if they're "woke" or not. I have, though, seen rightoids like Stephen Molyneux freak out about hot blonde Supergirl on a fucking pasta can. And the rightoids say it's the SJWs who sperg out over the stupidest shit?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/10(Sun)21:22 No. 25018

Your image is a reminder of the elephant in the room: covid bullshit

Older generations were so fucking happy to make children and younger adults miserable for a year (or much longer) and stunt their social and mental development just to theoretically save a few retirees from a flu so they could keep collecting social security. That is the peak of misopedia.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/10(Sun)23:49 No. 25023


>Older generations were so fucking happy to make children and younger adults miserable for a year (or much longer) and stunt their social and mental development just to theoretically save a few retirees from a flu so they could keep collecting social security. That is the peak of misopedia.

I just find it funny that millennialoids went from scapegoating boomers as "racist, transphobic, planet killing assholes" for a decade or so only to immediately do a 180 ("stay home, save lives") and then go right back to scapegoating boomers. Really activates 'em almonds. And the boomers? They weren't even fucking grateful, either. And now we're reading kids as young as nine offing themselves and a skills gap that looks to be insurmountable, fucking many kids out of having a normal life.

But hey, millennials got to take selfies showing they got vaxxed, so it's all cool.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/11(Mon)00:45 No. 25024

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I just find it funny that millennialoids went from scapegoating boomers as "racist, transphobic, planet killing assholes"

No, they're the wants that want endless immigration because of cuisine, trust DC way too much, believe California is a paradise, dickheads on the road in different ways that hondoggers, sent all the jobs overseas, can't cook for shit, don't know what art is, allowed commies to take over higher education, and many more ills. They're trash people in the greatest of times sat lax on keeping vigilance to stay the course of stasis that a giant nation of various sub-culture needs.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/11(Mon)02:00 No. 25029

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And that's my point. They did all that, ALL that, that the very same millennials who told you to stay home were talking about just a mere year before COVID took off. Tribalism rules the roost. Remember the Great Health Flip of 2020? When college-educated liberals boasted that quarantines were ineffective, that the flu is more dangerous, that corona hysteria is a sign of racism so just relax while conservatives were freaking out, talking about travel bans and lockdowns? Remember when President Trump created Project Warp Speed and conservatives boasted that he would come out of this just fine, only to then reject the very same vaccine when Biden took office? And remember when liberals said they wouldn’t take any Trump made vaccine, only to do so when Biden took office?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/11(Mon)04:56 No. 25034

The best way to explain Millenials is just say Obama. They are Obama, the Obama generation, the people that made Obama, the people that wanted Obama.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/11(Mon)08:08 No. 25035


>The best way to explain Millenials is just say Obama. They are Obama, the Obama generation, the people that made Obama, the people that wanted Obama.

Dude, just say you hate niggers instead of pretending it's 2012 and you're gonna vote for that kooky Mormon fella. It's all politicians at fault; yes, even the ones I know you're simping for.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/11(Mon)17:51 No. 25042

Obama was the physical mainfestation of the progressive and happy answers to nature's problems for them. It's nothing about him being black. In fact if Alan Keyes would get in he would be black but not the same embodiment of CHANGE omg CHANGE like what they taught us is right in college CHANGE!!! Keyes would be more like Giffords and that not the change the millenial college kids want.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/11(Mon)19:29 No. 25049


Not all millennials are progressive, though. Quite many have the sort of 'tism that makes them embrace child sex fans like Trump and Romney (he's a Mormon, after all). Let's not act like the alternative to Obama was any better, okay? America hasn't had a presidential candidate worth a shit for decades, even a near century if you're really based and believe it all was over when Teddy lost in 1912.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/14(Thu)16:52 No. 25069

Post boomer conservatives are abysmal.
Even boomer conservatives are smarter.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/15(Fri)19:42 No. 25071


>Post boomer conservatives are abysmal. Even boomer conservatives are smarter.

Post-boomer cons are usually grifters who are just in it for power, clout, the attention they never got from their parents. Why do you think Lauren Southern recently made that big expose video? Boomer cons? They're smarter than posties, but overall talk like fags and their shit's all retarded. But I would take the latter over boomer/post-boomer libs, as those guys are masters of bullshitting. A liberal is just a conservative who smiles more.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/07/16(Sat)09:44 No. 25085

Wanna know dirty secret?
Conservatives don't exist.
There's only liberals.
You're either a lib left or lib right.
Anglo conservatism is based supposedly on classic liberalism.
The only difference between Democrats and Republicans is illegal immigration and trans education.
And even that's debatable.

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