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Youth ≠ Innocence/Idealism Angsty Teen Girl 21/10/21(Thu)04:47 No. 24159

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I know people will disagree with me, but I'm tired of society treating under-25 as helpless puppies that shouldn't be allowed ANY form of independence.

I hate how whenever a young person makes a mistake or has a flaw, they attribute to youth, yet older people can be flawed and accident-prone and still have their personhood respected.

I especially hate how when it comes to young criminals, they assume that because they're young that they were "indoctrinated/misguided". No they're not. They knew what they were doing.
Especially when it comes to statutory rape. Alot of cases of man-on-girl "rape" are initiated by the minor. These young girls are worldly-ambitious and will do anything to have a taste of riches and adoration. It's only when the money and gifts stop coming that they yell "RAPE!"

Our society punishes young people whom show worldly-awareness and cynicism. Children are being forced into positivity. Any child who likes dark/edgy humor or isn't into the whole happy-go-lucky overtness that children are assumed to have are seen as defective.

God forbid kids should like horror, cuss words, porn, or different ethnicities. God forbid kids should point out the absurdities of the adult world.

This idea of youth as innocence/idealism is moral passive-agression from adults.
It's why adolescence was invented, why helicopter parenting and zero-tolerance rules are allowed to smother kids to death.

Then adults have the nerve to wonder why the newer generations are supposedly "declining"?

I'm sorry, but the social-legal invention of Childhood-as-Eden was a recent development from the 19th century that was realized in the 1940s.

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Angsty Teen Girl 21/12/05(Sun)21:11 No. 24336

>2028. That's when Gen Z hits voting age
What the fuck are you on? Gen Y/Gen Z end/start was 1996/1997.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/12/10(Fri)01:21 No. 24351

everyone you've ever met has had some sort of family problems

Angsty Teen Girl 21/12/10(Fri)01:42 No. 24353


>everyone you've ever met has had some sort of family problems

And the difference is most of them deal with properly. They don't sperg out like boomerlennials do and blame the cishet-LGBT-white-Judeo-Bolshevik-Fascist-feminist-misogynist cabal for their problems.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/12/11(Sat)00:04 No. 24358

no one does that, retard

Angsty Teen Girl 21/12/11(Sat)05:05 No. 24361


>no one does that

Uh-oh, sounds like someone's being disingenous again...

Angsty Teen Girl 21/12/18(Sat)19:31 No. 24384

>Uh-oh, sounds like someone's being disingenous again...
Uh-oh, sounds like someone's cognitive dissonance is showing again...

Angsty Teen Girl 21/12/19(Sun)05:09 No. 24387

Go on online forums like Quora and type in "Zoomer" or "Generation Z".
The amount of virtiol for that cohort is astronomical. And alot of it is word-for-word, taken from accusations made about Generation Y back in the 2000s.
Most of these plaintiffs against Generation Z?
You guessed it. Millennials.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/12/19(Sun)14:22 No. 24388

What? I have trouble believing this cause I am an mellinial. and I like zoomers.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/12/19(Sun)20:05 No. 24389

>I have trouble believing this cause I am an mellinial.
No, you have trouble believing this cause of your own cognitive dissonance. It contradicts your world view.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/01/04(Tue)21:14 No. 24401


Ah, millennials. We can’t be boomers economically but we sure as hell can be ‘em culturally.

Just once, I wish boomers would call 'em out on the shit they put Gen Z kids through just to see 'em combust when confronted with their own ironic hypocrisy.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/05(Thu)20:02 No. 24554

Now, millennials wanna have a trophy for being the first generation of youth to grow up with the Internet while criminalising GenZ for having Facebook in elementary school.
In reality, Internet and personal computers as a childhood hobby was prevalent in the 70s.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/05(Thu)20:13 No. 24555

>Ah, millennials. We can’t be boomers economically but we sure as hell can be ‘em culturally.
Every generation is jealous they're not a part of the prior generation generation whilst simultaneously blaming them for all their problems.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/06(Fri)01:00 No. 24556

Ironically, it's the other way around. Adults like to blame the current youth for all the world's problems while indulging in the same products that kids enjoy.
Whenever people talk about moral decay, they always blame the youth. Despite the fact that adults have been creating and indulging vices for years, painting the world in their own flavors of degeneracy, they crucify 10 year olds for occasional mild cussing or jacking off.d

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/07(Sat)19:47 No. 24561

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>Adults like to blame the current youth for all the world's problems while indulging in the same products that kids enjoy.

Hence the whole concept of 'normies,' which are somehow both rootless cosmopolitan, drooling retard NPCs that can't do fuck all AND super giga mega Chads and Stacies who run the world and are seemingly masterful sociopaths out to keep (insert group here) down. I see it all the time online: grown men playing with kids' toys (video games/comic books), grown men watching men old enough to be their sons/grandsons playing kids games (pro sports) bitching about how "KIDS THESE DAYS" have made them all "woke n' sheeeeit" rather than just accept they've grown out of them. They like to pretend soyboy consoomers live vicariously through product ("don't ask questions, just consoom product") and yet what got them "into" politics? They couldn't consoom product anymore! It wasn't anything ACTUALLY important, they just couldn't play with their toys anymore in good faith! These dorks talk about how great capitalism is, and when amoral companies work within the confines of capitalism to maximize profit, suddenly they're evil and out to destroy the West, as if these faggots wouldn't have come up with lootboxes and overpriced DLC if they were in charge. Yeah, let's triumph capitalism while deliberately handicapping how much we could make. "Get woke, go broke" is such a cope because the vast majority of people don't give a fuck about political autism like "woke/anti-woke" because to them, it's all about simply having fun with friends and family, and this all leads to what I've said on 8kun's doomer board, that it's all a bunch of suburbanite dorks who didn't get enough attention from Mommy and Daddy so they try to be as inflammatory as possible to get attention. It's why I laugh when I see hot takes online about "liberals are X" or "conservatives are Y" when the vast majority on both sides are likely just 9-5 working mediocre at best wagies who are just trying to brighten their ho-hum lives with a little illusion. Oh sure, you have the one percent of true believers, but I guarantee that ninety nine percent of them are just trying to fuck and have a social life. After all, Carlin said it best about pro-lifers for example: they're the people you wouldn't want to fuck anyway!

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/07(Sat)19:50 No. 24562


If people just chilled out, stopped letting their feelings be hurt and in general lived and let live then this wouldn't be a problem. there are haters tho. even for folks who have never experienced oppression or real trauma based on who/what they are, a lot join stupid political movements because it's acceptance and social elevation of some kind; I'd say it's less of a youth problem and more of a human problem.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/08(Sun)03:05 No. 24563

People are addicted to indignation.
Why else do crimes and scandals make the front page or are the general TV discussion?
Most adult entertainment is just fictional characters creating problems before the world and the other characters have to stop them.
People are so addicted to indignation, that they think conflict/suffering is the fundamental key to character.
>Hard times makes strong.mem
>No pain no gain
>When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

People often forget that conflict/suffering does alot of damage. They only look at the very few success stories about celebrities whom were born and raised in ghettos or survived cancer.
What people don't understand is that conflict/suffering doesn't make people golden. People whom mature from suffering had a strong support system.
Most victims of conflict end up as shut-ins or bitter sociopaths.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/08(Sun)16:25 No. 24565

>Whenever people talk about moral decay, they always blame the youth. Despite the fact that adults have been creating and indulging vices for years, painting the world in their own flavors of degeneracy
It's definately a two way street, and ultimately the miral decay of the youth falls under the prior generations responsibilities as they were the ones responsible for raising them.

When the current generation grows up and has to live with the new youth I'm sure they will blame the kids of "today" rather than accepting responsibility for their part. Moral decay is the result of not accepting responsibility for ones own actions. And unfortunately it is the youth who must act to reverse.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/08(Sun)17:52 No. 24566

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>When the current generation grows up and has to live with the new youth I'm sure they will blame the kids of "today" rather than accepting responsibility for their part. Moral decay is the result of not accepting responsibility for ones own actions. And unfortunately it is the youth who must act to reverse.

And that's my point, right there. People seem to sweep under the rug that Millennials were the ones who were caught into bullshit like reality TV, mirroring degenerate personified minstrel act rappers/popstars, hyperconsumerism, hedonism and shit that (seemed) more callous and indulgent than what I've witnessed from the Boomers and Zoomers that I've personally known. It was millennials that pioneered the woke shit, it's always a millennial who goes around shooting up schools and yoga studios, it's always a millennial who comes up with the try-est of tryhard hot takes about (insert group here) to justify doing nothing with their lives. It's also the millennials who killed pop culture and the internet, turning everything into a milquetoast at best retread or reboot and turning the internet into an insane asylum where, unless you want sports highlights, there's literally nothing to do anymore unless you prefer the company of batshit insane retards sperging out over the stupidest shit imaginable. And it's funny that millennials insist they never had it good; motherfucker, you at least grew up when the going was even somewhat good (the nineties that you'd later take credit for from Gen X/boomers who created everything you loved about it - seriously, what have millennials created?); what does Gen Z get? Hunter Thompson said it best in pic related:

>Generation Z are doomed to be the first generation of Americans who will grow up with a lower standard of living than their parents enjoyed.

And yet millennials be like: dude, why are zoomers so silly lol. It wasn't until the rise of the woke when most of these same kids began to veil their dramatic Cluster B tendencies under the guise of "hahaha yeah we are the most empathetic generation evaarrrrr!!1111" and bullshit faux-virtue signaling. Same bullshit, under a different skin/pretense. I mean, come the fuck on, look at the people who come up with the hot takes I mention, about saving the white race or dismantling the patriarchy or whatever. Take a good, hard look at them. Do you honestly believe any of them give a fuck about those things? Do you honestly think that? These people are going to end up suicide statistics one day and it's a serious problem when they're being held up as surrogate parent figures. Its also why they lash out and call you a lib/chud/etc when you strip away the ideological melodrama and call them what they are: boomerlennial faggots and future suicide statistics. I take no pleasure in them killing themselves, of course, but let's be honest: they're pretty much SOL. But hey, it was all worth it, right? Being based and owning random people...excuse me, I mean LIBS online?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/11(Wed)05:22 No. 24571

>When the current generation grows up and has to live with the new youth I'm sure they will blame the kids of "today" rather than accepting responsibility for their part. Moral decay is the result of not accepting responsibility for ones own actions. And unfortunately it is the youth who must act to reverse.

That's why I think innocence is a terrible metric pushed onto the young.
My moral take is this: if kids want to smoke and fuck, let them.
Any consequences is on them.
Instead of trying to scare children away from worldly vices, train them to enjoy said vices properly.
Childhood is very short. Adulthood is eternal. It makes no sense trying to euphemise the world to children when they will grow up to indulge in vices.
But what's even worse is that society tries to discourage cynicism and stoicism in youth.
Hell nah!
If a boy wants to write dark somber poetry in his daily journal, let him.
If a girl prefers fashion over silly tea parties, let her.
Children desire the adult life. After all, childhood is short.
This modern philosophy of childhood as Eden had made the west contemptuous and frightened of adulthood.
People treat growing up as a punishment rather than opportunity.
Adults always complain about how kids "have it easier" just because they don't pay bills.
Adults forget about the bullies and having to ask to use the restroom, and not having any money to go out with friends and the rejection from your crush for being too dorky.

I especially hate how adults always portray children/prepubescence as some cartoon wonderland. It's no wonder why adults are trying to justify bullying/teasing because they've been desensitized by slapstick comedy movies.
Adults get offended by kids whom hate being talked to like cartoon characters.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/18(Sat)21:10 No. 24682


>Uh-oh, sounds like someone's cognitive dissonance is showing again...

You don't even know how to use the term correctly, holy shit. Face it, bro, your generation = LOSERS.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/22(Wed)18:34 No. 24702

I find the premise of becoming an 8 year old again and being forced to go to school as about the most horrifying thing imaginable. I'm relatively sure when you die that's the end of your consciousness forever, but the idea of reincarnation still unnerves me sometimes.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/22(Wed)20:45 No. 24713


>I find the premise of becoming an 8 year old again and being forced to go to school as about the most horrifying thing imaginable.

I can understand why you'd think that, but I'd love to be a fly on the wall seeing some wingcuck goof have to. I'd love to see how they spin their boring, milquetoast education somehow as a white supremacist/Judeo-Bolshevik plot this time 'round.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/23(Thu)01:47 No. 24722

The reason why most adults say childhood is better is because most people suck at adulting.

Adulthood is sold as an bohemian big boys club where it's big money and big houses and big genitals and fast cars.

So people fall for the college trap, the marriage trap, and the rags-to-riches trap.

"Play now, pay later", rather than "pay now, play later."

And when they get burned by their primal materialistic ambitions, they start whining about how adulting is too hard.

Adults whom forgo marriage, college , and entrepreneurship are often the least debt-ridden. These kinds of adults are living off the land, growing their own food, making their own furniture/machines.

Unfortunately, since the western is modernized and relied on colonialism, trades and self-sustennance are seen as for losers.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)05:18 No. 24756


>Adulthood is sold as an bohemian big boys club where it's big money and big houses and big genitals and fast cars.

So it's like WCW as Steve Austin put it?

>Where the big boys play with each other!

Makes a lotta sense.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)14:18 No. 24758

What's WCW and who's Steve Austin?

But adulthood is more like middle/high school where people yearn for hedonism but they're not "cool/hip" enough to fulfill their sinful desires.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)20:04 No. 24766


You're not aware of pro wrestling? Stone Cold Steve Austin and WCW?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/26(Sun)15:50 No. 24791

>where people yearn for hedonism but they're not "cool/hip" enough to fulfill their sinful desires
Correct. The idea that it's a "devil's bargain" is not actually a warning but a misleading sales pitch. You don't just go "give in" and sacrifice your morals, it's a real fucking chore. A lot of people never accept the reality that "partying" and screwing around just aren't economical in the way the media presents them. I see this every time I go out to bars (which I did again last night, hence why I'm thinking about it), people pay out the ass for the privilege of standing around awkwardly with a drink in their hand and trying to look like they're having fun enough that some chubby girl they happen to be next to on the dance floor might feel comfortable rubbing against them for a minute.

If you pay attention, it's really hard to imagine a lot of people are hooking up. I'd bet that these try-hard regulars "pull" less than one time out of ten, and at great cost. Yet, a lot of people refuse to accept this and keep going with this media-driven meme that a man can adequately fill his sex life with one night stands (a character might say "I'm tired of sleeping with someone different each night, I want something real!") They come up with such obnoxious copes, too. So often you go with someone who *totally* scores every other time but this one time that you're with them they just happen to be in an above-it-all mood and are going to just sneer at everyone since sex isn't good enough for them. It's pretty much all about playing along with a myth.

I think that truly growing up requires accepting the reality that a lot of this stuff is pretty mediocre and oversold. It's not glamorous sin, it's just another way for adults to throw money around for an evening.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/26(Sun)18:56 No. 24794

Maybe that's why adults like to beat up on children for having any genuine fun.
Because grown up me cannot have any adrenaline rush, you don't deserve any either.

I honestly believe that alot of our moral obsession over young people is just copium. That's why adults like to come up with massive copies about the "virtues" of being older.

"At least you're not as quick to drink yourself to death because your body cannot take it anymore."

Meanwhike, people over 55 be drinking themselves to death every other day.

Adults are just achy-jointed, grey haired, liver-spotted teenagers.

And it's becoming more clear with last few generations.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/26(Sun)19:01 No. 24796

>people pay out the ass for the privilege of standing around awkwardly with a drink in their hand and trying to look like they're having fun enough that some chubby girl they happen to be next to on the dance floor might feel comfortable rubbing against them for a minute

If those chubby beauties are naked and glazed in baby oil, count me in.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/26(Sun)19:07 No. 24797

Unfortunately, they are not. Women (where I live) often dress worse at the club than they do going to the grocery store, they have this really sloppy look with a black top and jean shorts and some random shit thrown in like nets. Must be some kind of trend.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/26(Sun)19:13 No. 24798

That's because those women know that make sexuality doesn't obsess over fashion too much. In fact, alot of men are turned on more by a little sloppiness.
But that's only for sex.
It's different for romance.

Besides, who even goes out to party anymore?
Everyone always be webcamming/VR porn these days.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/26(Sun)19:25 No. 24801

I agree with the general concept but this particular look actually grinds my gears. It's simultaneously a slut virtue signal and patently unsexy. Pick one, for fuck's sake.
>Besides, who even goes out to party anymore?
>Everyone always be webcamming/VR porn these days.
Yeah this is sort of what I'm saying. You're not going to find particularly fun or agreeable people at clubs, just people that are into the whole "grinding" thing.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/27(Mon)04:36 No. 24807

>Yeah this is sort of what I'm saying. You're not going to find particularly fun or agreeable people at clubs, just people that are into the whole "grinding" thing.
The main reason for parties is an opportunity to have sex.

Alot of men attend parties and conventions in hope of some opportune prime pussy.

Women attend parties to be seen and adored.

Why else do we have the cheesy dating culture? Why else do we have chivalry?

Heterosexual romance is mutual narcissism.

It's no wonder why homosexuality bis becoming more acceptable, because straights cannot get theirs.

In fact, homosexuality was mostly straight folks unable to score with the opposite sex anyway.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/27(Mon)09:25 No. 24811


>Heterosexual romance is mutual narcissism.

All romance is, by that metric. Homosexuals are just boring, mundane and fucked as heteros are. Trans people are just as much the same as cis, and so on, blah blah blah. We're all human beings in the end.

Just blind people.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/29(Wed)14:53 No. 24868

Cue Bloodhound Gang's "Bad Touch"

Angsty Teen Girl 23/11/10(Fri)13:12 No. 25797

if there is such thing as reincarnation, I dont wanna come back as a human ever again.


Even if God Himself promises that I will never suffer from poverty, slavery, disease, etc again.

I may not, but someone else will.
How can we truly enjoy human life when it comes at the expense of others?

All the luxuries enjoyed by any class of people have always been at the cost of exploiting other classes.

I would rather be an astral being roaming the cosmos, enjoying the wonders of thousands of stars and planets.

The pleasures of human existence are nice but sirely limited. The only thing that motivates humans is imagination.

We still yearn to go to the stars and we still have so far to go.

If there is such thing as reincarnation, I want to be an astral being.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/01/16(Tue)02:15 No. 25842

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Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/03(Wed)17:26 No. 25874


From what I've gathered from heavy use of psychedelics and other drugs as well as watching interviews of people who've experienced NDE's that thing you said about being an astral being is something that will happen however from what I understand being in that plane of 'existence' or whatever you wanna call it will eventually become ummmm I dunno boring? It's really hard to explain but you will eventually long for the human experience and will come back as someone else or as I have seen it you can relive this same life but with some adjustments. It's really hard to explain and at the end of it all it doesn't really matter. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself....

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/10(Wed)04:19 No. 25881

>Being am astral being roaming the cosmos will bevome boring.

Perhaps. But it will be far more comforting kind of boring. Choosing to reincarnate as my current human self "with some adjustments" will also get boring, but the boredom will be far more destructive.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/13(Sat)09:26 No. 25885

The irony here is spaces created for adults by adults typically get invaded by teens, we can see this phenomena in bars and social clubs where teens will often use fake IDs to enter, even chan oriented sites where the majority of the users are typically 25+ are filled with teens.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/13(Sat)09:26 No. 25886

The irony here is spaces created for adults by adults typically get invaded by teens, we can see this phenomena in bars and social clubs where teens will often use fake IDs to enter, even chan oriented sites where the majority of the users are typically 25+ are filled with teens.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/13(Sat)09:39 No. 25887

So glad I came across this post, I've been saying this shit for years now but the vast majority of people are too simple minded to think this abstractly. I'm 26 and I'm already hearing people from my own generation shitting on generation alpha who are just barely, at the latest, 10 years old, yet somehow the hypocrisy is lost on them. They can't seem to think back into the not so distant past and remember how everything the adults of our childhood were saying about us when we were kids is now being directed at the kids of today by those very same (now grown up) kids, it burns a hole in my chest just hearing it. It's the absolute pinnacle of human stupidity and arrogance.
>God forbid kids should like horror, cuss words, porn, or different ethnicities. God forbid kids should point out the absurdities of the adult world.
Spot on, it's almost like everyone just grew up and forgot how they were when they were children.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/20(Sat)03:41 No. 25892

why use 25+ as the minimum age for imageboards?

Also underages sneaking into clubs are a minoroty compared to the latter.

Also chans were originally teens just goofing off without any political implications but those teens grew up.

Also alot of those "teens" on chans are just failed adults.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/20(Sat)03:45 No. 25893

we went from Millennials to Gen Z to Gen Alpha.

In five years Gen Beta will be blamed.
In ten, it will be Gen Gamma.

And all the while peoppe will become increasingly self absorbed in their cultural prime.

Generational cohorts are the new racism

Angsty Teen Girl 24/04/21(Sun)09:50 No. 25894

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>Spot on, it's almost like everyone just grew up and forgot how they were when they were children.

I went onto 4chan's /pw/ board and posted about the match ECW had between Beulah McGillicutty and Bill Alfonzo. I pointed out how it would be seen as woke today because Beulah got the clean pin on Bill. He put her over, big time. And what was the response? A bunch of millennials whining with their usual buzzwords. A few managed to actually contribute to the discussion, but it only proved my point. We have surrendered the asylum to millennial idpol faggots who think everything is problematic/woke. Literally EVERYTHING millennials "love" about the 90s/early 2000s would be rejected by them if they debuted today. Mike Judge and the pair behind South Park would be selling meat out of trucks with Bischoff if they just tried to get their foot in the door today.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/07/07(Sun)02:45 No. 25923

>Also alot of those "teens" on chans are just failed adults.
Except for you of course, you're the exception to the rule I imagine.
>2028. That's when Gen Z hits voting age.
lmao what? the oldest of gen z are like 26 by now, the hell are you even talking about? Is this whole website literally just gen xers and boomers who think it's still 2009 or something?

Angsty Teen Girl 24/08/22(Thu)09:27 No. 25942

>Except for you of course, you're the exception to the rule I imagine.

We have all fallen short, as the Bible says. Some of us are just able to admit it and don't pretend any different to own the normies like most anons do.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/10/13(Sun)03:49 No. 25961

My God, what were the chances of me finding this post. It is like you took thoughts outside of my fucking brain bro. I’ve been thinking of the exact same shit.

The only thing that I want to put emphasis on is that it is a double edged sword for the young person. Yes they can get away with a lot of shit, but that is not all, society has completely 0 respect for them. Nobody ever uses the words “rights” when talking about them. They are seen as talking pets owned by their parents, to the point that they could shoot up a school and most people will act as if the parents themselves did it. It’s the complete disregard for the personhoods of other people that gets me the most upset.

Angsty Teen Girl 24/10/17(Thu)22:09 No. 25964

Older people get away with alot more shit.
Adults cuss, lie, cheat, kill and dont get direct immediate punishment.
Adults can harass custoner service workers and never get spanked nor permanently banned.

Kids drop a F bomb in vicinity of a dozen people and society treats it like its the apocaylpse.
Adults create H boms to kill thousands of people and society shrugs it off as "All is fair in love and war".

Angsty Teen Girl 24/10/17(Thu)22:12 No. 25965

>It’s the complete disregard for the personhoods of other people that gets me the most upset.

Adults disreagrd other peoples personhoods all the time and nobody gets remotley upset.
War, wage slavery, racism, sexism, etc.

Yet, teenagers are the most blamed for disrespect of others?


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