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Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)19:29 No. 21053 ID: e169e9

Most of these aren't his work, just stuff he reblogs

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)21:40 No. 21054 ID: 42d7e6

I didn't save every image on his blog, other than some stuff from that Chiiz person it should be mostly his stuff/characters.

>>21052 Why does it bother you so much that people like the art he does that isn't a .swf file?

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)23:42 No. 21055 ID: bdb8ea

I'm not seeing your better art.

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)00:07 No. 21056 ID: fef397

You don't have to make better art to say someone's art is shit. That's not how it works.

The guy you're replying to is an idiot though.

Minus8's Wiped Tumblr (Again) Justadoo444 17/03/17(Fri)03:15 No. 21057 ID: a2a000

One Imgur gallery?

...Why not have the whole blog, posts and all?

(Used a Python tool named tumblr_archive, but forgot the source - It's not in the code, either. If anything was posted today, it's not here, since the last update was very late yesterday.)

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)04:35 No. 21058 ID: 42d7e6

Very cool, thank you.

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)07:53 No. 21060 ID: a22c34


Thanks! He showed a lot of porn sketches in one of his streams, I wish I had screencapped them...

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)14:49 No. 21061 ID: 9f01f4


how about do some simple ctrl+f before looking like an idiot?


Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)15:55 No. 21062 ID: c0757c

He's wiped it clean and started again, though...

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)19:49 No. 21063 ID: 1f4294

hey minus8 can u make a animation of lynn and lincoln sex?

Anonymous 17/03/18(Sat)09:50 No. 21066 ID: 9d0339


Could ya reup to mega or something that doesn't shit itself when too many people download it?

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)11:09 No. 21069 ID: 6d8ee1

So does -8 have a serious medical condition for all this behaviour? If you've known about him long enough, this isn't just a one time thing. He seems emotionally unstable and hates himself/his work even at the best of times.

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)13:54 No. 21071 ID: ffe51e


Maybe, considering that he is throwing a another tantrum yet again and only 3 days later after his last one

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)15:59 No. 21072 ID: f5f5e8

Point. However, in this case it's subjective.
Also, you need to be able to do at least as good before trying to tell someone else what they should like or not.
Should also be able to say why it's bad.
Which he can't.

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)22:12 No. 21073 ID: be5d8f

Are you guys retarded or something? Do you have autism? Are you 12 years old?

I don't understand how you can keep asking about -8's behavior, the guy is obviously a genius in his craft.

All geniuses throughout human history have been quirky and were hard to understand to the common folk.

I would really like to see how you would have reacted to Nikola Tesla if you were in his time.

"Does he an disorder? Why is he anti-social? Why isn't he married? Is he autistic?" Just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BE GRATEFUL FOR THEIR WORK.

Anonymous 17/03/21(Tue)05:51 No. 21076 ID: 9947d2

actually i don't think there is. -8 if you are reading this do you still have the flash you used to make the Gardevoir loop?

if you do it would be mighty decent of you to post the swf, it has much better quality than any gif or movie could provide. keep up the good work!

Anonymous 17/03/21(Tue)08:35 No. 21077 ID: c24d56


Are you 15, autistic, or both?

Anonymous 17/03/21(Tue)17:54 No. 21078 ID: 67eb21

This is fantastic. Are you gonna keep updating it?

Anonymous 17/03/22(Wed)13:33 No. 21082 ID: aa6446

>the guy is obviously a genius in his craft.

Wow... a genius? Its just porn dude. Lets take it easy now, ok? stop talking nonsense.

Anonymous 17/03/22(Wed)18:42 No. 21083 ID: 9947d2

you're right, i must have scrolled past it or something. cheers!

Anonymous 17/03/22(Wed)19:02 No. 21084 ID: 9947d2

He did say in his craft.

You can easily be a genius in your craft if you specialize in potato peeling. Saying that -8 is a genius in what he does best isn't far-fetched.

Anonymous 17/03/22(Wed)19:14 No. 21085 ID: 4b8090

He's really good at it and actually draws stuff for some of our niche tastes, so that's pretty great of him.

Anonymous 17/03/23(Thu)09:45 No. 21086 ID: 14a4c4

he is a fucking genius

Anonymous 17/03/24(Fri)08:38 No. 21087 ID: 9f7eee

Genius is a bit of a stretch. Unless just being good at what you do makes you a genius now.

Anonymous 17/03/24(Fri)23:56 No. 21091 ID: aa6446

Yea but he is putting -8 at Nikola Tesla's level...

Anonymous 17/03/25(Sat)09:10 No. 21092 ID: 14a4c4

three greatest geniuses of our times:
karl pilkington

Anonymous 17/03/25(Sat)10:21 No. 21093 ID: cba2dc

three greatest geniuses of our times:
and me

Anonymous 17/03/25(Sat)11:30 No. 21094 ID: 440fa8

File Zelda_fuck_microgame_by_Supersatanson_-_Hentai_Fou.swf - (298.47KB , Zelda fuck microgame by Supersatanson - Hentai Fou.swf )

Just wait and chill

Anonymous 17/03/26(Sun)16:53 No. 21096 ID: 0ed7a0

The one thing I'm going to say before I go back to long-time lurking is this:

I'm pretty sure that, knowing minus8, he's going to nuke his blog/tumblr on a semi-regular basis regardless of whether it's linked here or not.

Thus, either save or hope other people save his work in preparation for the inevitable, and in the meantime be grateful for what he posts, and skip over what you don't care for.

That's about it for me. Back to lurking.

Anonymous 17/03/28(Tue)07:31 No. 21098 ID: 17754c


Anonymous 17/04/01(Sat)10:57 No. 21102 ID: 86dcb7

Wasn't this a backup tumblr someone else made?

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)09:28 No. 21106 ID: 98a653

I run the blog, what do you mean?
On that note, I'm not entirely sure what to do with it, not the most comfortable running an archive for a guy who thinks about raping real kids.

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)09:31 No. 21107 ID: 5cdf7f

I was just double checking that it wasn't his tumblr.
What do you mean by wanting to rape real children?

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)09:35 No. 21108 ID: 5cdf7f

Never mind, just opened the archive again.
Eh... I'd rather not start a discussion over that so I won't talk about it.

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)09:44 No. 21109 ID: 98a653

Fair enough.
Whatever happens, it's not going down. Hard enough to find his work.

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)11:58 No. 21110 ID: b9b219

Going off the last post he made before nuking his tumblr (yet again), I'm guessing people started giving him a ton of shit after he made that post?

Can't really blame those idiots though. He'd have found some other excuse to delete his tumblr without their help.

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)09:25 No. 21114 ID: 4aa9cc

>minus8 draws loli porn


>minus8 implies he'sa pedo


You people are a joke.

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)09:27 No. 21115 ID: 440fa8

I think you meant


Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)10:09 No. 21116 ID: 2483d6

He didn't imply that he was a pedo he said he'd rape a child if he knew he could get away with it

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)13:12 No. 21117 ID: cf31bd

"Fantasy is reality" faggots are the worse. I fantasize about killing black people but I don't fucking do it. UH OH HE DREW A PICTURE OF KILLING A BLACK GUY. ARREST HIM.

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)19:13 No. 21120 ID: 2647db

Rare footage of Minus8 at home

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)22:40 No. 21121 ID: 34564b


wtf i love minus8 now

nothing wrong with thought crimes

Anonymous 17/04/04(Tue)03:50 No. 21122 ID: 21fbcb


>giving a shit about the personal opinions of the artist you jack off to

Anonymous 17/04/04(Tue)10:37 No. 21123 ID: c76bbf

What version of flash does -8 specifically uses? I'd love to take a crack at this.

Anonymous 17/04/04(Tue)11:47 No. 21124 ID: 357196

Welp, I didn't even have to start said discussion. It'll get worse, I bet.
Either way, thx for keeping up the archive.
I personally would remove the irrelevant meltdown bits to avoid people coming here to comment "Muuh get a therapist" or "he's a pedo, i'm triggered" bullcrap.
It's just a suggestion, though.

Anonymous 17/04/04(Tue)19:20 No. 21125 ID: af8f58

that is what I thought he means by REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous 17/04/05(Wed)08:51 No. 21126 ID: a0d1df

Its funny how minus fans only care if he would still make porn or not... He has a fucked up head and I hope this was just an excuse to nuke his blog again cuz I think that posting that you are a pedo on a fuking art blog is the stupidest idea ever. WHY DO PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW?!! Anyway I wasnt a fan of his loli stuff but now that he kinda states that he actually wants to do it in real life is really fucked up...

Anonymous 17/04/05(Wed)14:53 No. 21127 ID: a747ca

Wanting to and doing are two very different things

Anonymous 17/04/05(Wed)18:10 No. 21128 ID: 5a80df

Time to pause this...

Anonymous 17/04/06(Thu)12:00 No. 21132 ID: ee08e4

You literally made me laugh out loud. xD
It's because he is not his art. We fap to his art, not personality.
Do you think pornstars are angels? They're also fucked in the head.
No one cares about your morgalfag principles. We came to see porn, not flail ideals. It's simple.
Honeslty, what do you expect people to do? Join your pointless discussions? Riot? Whine? Cry? lol

Anonymous 17/04/06(Thu)13:27 No. 21133 ID: 19bb3e

SHIIIIIIII- I thought I stopped time oh wait I forgot

FLASH !r0FDb7E.D2 17/04/06(Thu)16:30 No. 21135 ID: 674920


Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)02:20 No. 21136 ID: aa5921

Jesus Christ this thread is full of 13 year olds.

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)03:51 No. 21137 ID: 7bf04e

shhh don't let -8 know that...

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)11:25 No. 21138 ID: f194b1

You don't judge a pornstar in their thoughts, opinions and "personality"

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)11:36 No. 21139 ID: 705039

Are you sure? An ex-pornstar wore a colander on her head for her driver's license and fought the state to do it.

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)11:53 No. 21140 ID: 440fa8

You thought this was a minus 8 thread but it was me, KONO DIO DA!

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)19:46 No. 21141 ID: 7e114f

Lookie here guys. At least somebody get's Jojokes and only waits to more -8 content.

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)20:55 No. 21142 ID: 45dd48

Oh, we got it. We were just ignoring it because it was cringy as hell.

Anonymous 17/04/08(Sat)13:16 No. 21144 ID: 423045

Indeed, attention faggot trying too hard to push his jokes

Anonymous 17/04/08(Sat)13:39 No. 21145 ID: 440fa8

Lol using the word cringy on a thread like this is pointless.... MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!

Anonymous 17/04/08(Sat)18:35 No. 21146 ID: 6d1019

Little did they know that Minus 8 is also a fan of Jojo and Drew a Female Version of Death 13 one time.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)02:29 No. 21147 ID: 1cedee

That doesn't mean you get a free pass for spamming your shitty irrelevant "jokes". Fuck off back to Reddit where you belong.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)02:37 No. 21148 ID: 9c86c6

I don't even Reddit. I mostly hang out here (reloading the pages everyday, in YouTube waiting for more Silvagunner, or in Swfchan looking at more porn while waiting for minus8.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)03:14 No. 21149 ID: 970c07


That doesn't even make any sense you idiot.

"But it was me but it was me Dio"

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)03:44 No. 21150 ID: 440fa8

Oh boy do I see the salt shooting out of your pee holes. Settle down everyone.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)06:28 No. 21151 ID: 3dae11

Kk I'll settle down and be quiet until Silvagu- I mean minus 8 uploads a new one.

Anonymous 17/04/10(Mon)14:19 No. 21153 ID: 4eea2b

I only want more loli stuff of Minus8 from now.

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