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Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)15:16 No. 20941 ID: 8fa1ff

File hay1.swf - (37.01KB )

loof shit again

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)15:20 No. 20942 ID: 8fa1ff

File AAGS1m.swf - (28.27KB )


Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)15:21 No. 20943 ID: 8fa1ff

File AAGS2m.swf - (38.76KB )


Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)15:21 No. 20944 ID: 8fa1ff

File AAGS3m.swf - (37.50KB )


Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)18:40 No. 20946 ID: c66cfb

Cool Shyguy x Shygirl
Also this is a first seeing Minus 8 himself do Palutena
I'll just wait for Pokemon Sun to come in

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)18:41 No. 20947 ID: c66cfb

Cool Shyguy x Shygirl
Also this is a first seeing Minus 8 himself do Palutena
I'll just wait for Pokemon Sun to come in

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)23:01 No. 20948 ID: a2a981

Anyone have the fla. for this?


Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)23:05 No. 20949 ID: 08645f

>no u
great reply

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)23:43 No. 20950 ID: 09cf26

that shyboy a cutie.

would love to see him get creamed~

Anonymous 17/02/13(Mon)03:21 No. 20952 ID: 6ded53

Can anyone but these short loops into one?
I have to keep open to many windows to fap :(

Anonymous 17/02/13(Mon)09:15 No. 20953 ID: 7274b0

holy shit mate, scary ending

Anonymous 17/02/14(Tue)20:10 No. 20955 ID: acff2b

I'd sacrifice 20 simple straightforward loops for 1 complex multiple-loop flash with audio. These latest ones are pretty good, but I wish they were merged into one file.

Anonymous 17/02/16(Thu)23:00 No. 20956 ID: 69023d


Anonymous 17/02/17(Fri)04:38 No. 20957 ID: 14e0fd

Hi drooling demon, how weed smelling is your hallway

Anonymous 17/02/19(Sun)09:04 No. 20960 ID: e0b106

and once again, -8 throws a fit on stream.

Anonymous 17/02/19(Sun)09:40 No. 20961 ID: 841214

What happened this time?

Anonymous 17/02/19(Sun)09:48 No. 20962 ID: e0b106

I don't remember well... chat was sharing their animations and Outtasync shared his and it just made -8 angry out of nowhere and started flooding the chat with "shit shit shit shit"

Anonymous 17/02/20(Mon)01:48 No. 20966 ID: 3a363f

I think I remember.
A few members were talking about different types of art and animation.
Eventually they started sharing their animations. One shared his running cycle, and another shared his stick figure animation. Minus didn't seem upset and was actually making jokes with them.
It was after Outta Sync posted his animation that Minus got upset.
Started saying stuff like "I don't think I'm a good guy." and "My animations are shit."
Outta Sync tried to tell him that his animations were good but then Minus replied with "fuck this. fuck you. fuck me" and then started spamming the chat with "shit" and random strings of letters.
Then he just ended the stream.
Outta Sync seemed completely confused.
The chat had to reassure him that he didn't do anything wrong and that this was a common occurrence.
After that they tried to get Cheeeeez to talk to Minus but we decided that it would probably be best to just let him cool down before anyone can talk to him.

I think that's pretty much it.

Anonymous 17/02/20(Mon)08:58 No. 20967 ID: 3ba721

He should like probably take some meds or something, yeah? What's the healthcare policy like in Korea?

Anonymous 17/02/20(Mon)22:39 No. 20968 ID: b78e0e

and once again a faggot throws a fit about -8 throwing a fit on trundle

Anonymous 17/02/21(Tue)05:09 No. 20969 ID: 77adfe

hoyl shit minus8 finally did gardevoir

my life is now complete

please post it here -8

Anonymous 17/02/21(Tue)14:47 No. 20970 ID: d1d2b8

Dear Anon,
Regardless of whoever you think draws better than you, people love your art for it's unique charm and style.

And I think those amount to something much more inspiring.


Anonymous 17/02/21(Tue)14:48 No. 20971 ID: d1d2b8

Dear -8,
Regardless of whoever you think draws better than you, people love your art for it's unique charm and style.

And I think those amount to something much more inspiring.


Anonymous 17/02/22(Wed)10:15 No. 20972 ID: 1951d7

Damn, don't know how I missed these classics. I've even watched/played both of them. PT especially, I think of often, haha! I have high hopes for Death Stranding and wish Kojima luck.

Anyways, I wonder what else the flash is referencing then. The hanged man feels like it should be something, although I'm not sure what. Either way I still like it a lot! The hand holding along with the dance is a nice touch.

Anonymous 17/02/22(Wed)11:33 No. 20973 ID: e2d4e0

-8 has always been that way. Wants to be considered the best and constantly praised as better than others. Hes even explicitly stated that in one of his previous blogs. Doesn't surprise me that he would throw a fit live on stream about someone being better than him.

Anonymous 17/02/22(Wed)19:29 No. 20974 ID: 249710


20974 anonymous 17/02/23(Thu)01:24 No. 20975 ID: 280e7e

Minus8 will you ever create mini game Flash like Zone-sama

Anonymous 17/02/23(Thu)03:15 No. 20976 ID: f7eb31

If he wants to be considered the best he needs to make more of those long, legendary ones like Rhythm Heaven, 1up, or even koopa girl

Anonymous 17/02/23(Thu)10:51 No. 20978 ID: c2773e

i don't really care if he makes flash games.

I'd just wanna see more of the shota trap character he has fucking (i guess it's his persona/character?),


More Casting Couch. Which is some of his finest work (and some of the finest flash porn on the internet at large).

Anonymous 17/02/23(Thu)13:26 No. 20979 ID: 61e884

Is there an .swf for this?

Anonymous 17/02/24(Fri)13:55 No. 20980 ID: 00db7d

I'ms curious to know which was the animation that broke -8

Anonymous 17/02/24(Fri)19:07 No. 20981 ID: 879afa

no yume nikki loops yet?

Anonymous 17/02/24(Fri)19:26 No. 20982 ID: 43159b


It was a sassy pixel negress, but it was very good sprite animation.

Anonymous 17/02/25(Sat)01:13 No. 20983 ID: cd1370

I believe it's this one

Anonymous 17/02/25(Sat)04:06 No. 20984 ID: 43159b


No, it was a pixel animation of his nigglet character, it's not on his tumblr.

t. I was in the chat

Anonymous 17/02/25(Sat)13:56 No. 20985 ID: dbb849

Found it.

Anonymous 17/02/25(Sat)23:06 No. 20986 ID: dda3c7

i dont see why -8 would get upset over it. while its still animation, its a completely different medium

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)11:55 No. 20987 ID: d488fc

can someone tell me how i stop chrome from directly downloading the SWFs? i just want to watch them in the browser itself >_<

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)14:52 No. 20988 ID: 33df77

Chrome blocks flash by default.
enter "chrome://plugins" into your address bar, set it to always allow flash.

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)17:25 No. 20989 ID: 9f0e51

that actually solved it thanks

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)19:57 No. 20990 ID: 8fa1ff

File awetnahegzsdrtvwaesrd3.swf - (33.69KB )

As you know
I'm a little low on mental age.
I'm aware of it.

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)20:25 No. 20991 ID: 7069b9

No problem man, being self aware and admitting to it is nice of you.

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)20:57 No. 20992 ID: 2863ae

Me too -8... me too

Jamie Neoma 17/02/27(Mon)02:10 No. 20993 ID: 1bb376

I hope you feel better soon minus.

Anonymous 17/02/27(Mon)05:11 No. 20994 ID: 2856b0

Thanks for the quality art

Anonymous 17/02/27(Mon)09:33 No. 20998 ID: 56d04a

Thanks for posting it minus8

Can anyone edit it to make the trainer white instead of grey?

Anonymous 17/02/27(Mon)20:04 No. 21001 ID: 7a11d4

>>20998 white as in skin color, or white as in RBG values being 255, 255, 255?

Anonymous 17/02/28(Tue)00:47 No. 21002 ID: 56d04a

Skin color

Anonymous 17/02/28(Tue)03:49 No. 21003 ID: 857c8d


You haven't made any peach stuff in a few months, are you off that kick or just indulging other people's requests for a bit?

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)05:42 No. 21007 ID: 56d04a

Is this thread completely dead

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)06:24 No. 21008 ID: 674b88

It's pretty alive on discord. I don't know why people don't just go there. People are talking about nonsensiscal stuff all day in chat. PPPPUprogrammer's talking about the future of the program in talk-to-ppppuprogrammer, and future modders are discussing their ideas as well.

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)06:49 No. 21009 ID: b20709

where's the discord?

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)14:14 No. 21010 ID: 29eea8

That's the PPPPU discord, only associated with the involment of -8's flash "PPPPU" he made long ago, where we turned it into a massive interactive flash (WIP), and nothing else, theres no other minus8 stuff in there.

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)19:19 No. 21011 ID: 8ec921

that wasn't the question

Anonymous 17/03/04(Sat)06:25 No. 21012 ID: ac3464

The link to the discord can be found on PPPPUProgrammer's tumblr

Anonymous 17/03/04(Sat)22:22 No. 21013 ID: 674b88

Crap... wrong board T_T.
MY BAD everyone.

Just follow minus8's newest tumblr if you want more stuff from him.

Anonymous 17/03/04(Sat)22:24 No. 21014 ID: 9fda09

It's been exactly 6 days since his last flash here.

Anonymous 17/03/05(Sun)12:46 No. 21016 ID: 8fa1ff

File do2.swf - (2.34MB )


parme-john 17/03/05(Sun)17:53 No. 21017 ID: 1b90fa

File dildonator.swf - (2.33MB )

this is my very first edit, might as well just post it here

love yah minus8

Anonymous 17/03/05(Sun)18:10 No. 21018 ID: 5a1e7e

dick goes where

Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)00:07 No. 21019 ID: e41ab7

one of your best flashes but need a background.

Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)14:00 No. 21020 ID: ffe51e

Once again he throws a tantrum for no reason and my tumblr is spammed with his +100post of the same msg

Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)18:31 No. 21021 ID: e2d4e0

followed by people lining up to suck his dick because someone called out his art style. even got an artist to draw something for him hoping that he feels better. It was probably something really stupid like his boyfriend forgot to cut off the crusts of his sandwich or something. I wouldn't be surprised with how petty -8 has been before.

Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)22:51 No. 21022 ID: 96fc81

File do2-background.swf - (2.52MB )


Anonymous 17/03/07(Tue)02:02 No. 21023 ID: 3bca3e

Here's some advice: stop following his fucking tumblr. It's vestigial. He posts all his flashes in this thread and links them on tumblr anyway.

Anonymous 17/03/07(Tue)13:28 No. 21024 ID: e2d4e0

he posts all his flashes here, he literally posts none of his other animations here or his art.

Anonymous 17/03/08(Wed)02:00 No. 21026 ID: c670dc

Does anyone know if -8 has made a flash with this song?
I could've sworn that I've seen one with this song, but I can't find it.

Anonymous 17/03/08(Wed)21:58 No. 21027 ID: 69c684

Yea no thats Future Funk not Vaporwave... just sayin

Anonymous 17/03/10(Fri)17:41 No. 21028 ID: a1ae08

If you're coming to /fl/ for non-flash content, you're a retard. Plain and simple.
Besides that his "art" is either animations to be turned into flashes later or shitty doodles. You can find shitty doodles everywhere. If you actually give a shit about not being able to see some drawing he made in five minutes, you're an even bigger retard.

Anonymous 17/03/10(Fri)19:49 No. 21029 ID: b90007

I don't think he actually meant that. He just responded.

Even so, what the fuck calm down

Anonymous 17/03/10(Fri)23:11 No. 21030 ID: 5550e4

Your reading comprehension sucks. Way to look like an asshole *and* a retard at the same time!

Anonymous 17/03/11(Sat)05:32 No. 21031 ID: a22c34


Fuck you faggot, even his doodles are pretty fappable.

Anonymous 17/03/13(Mon)03:11 No. 21033 ID: 792cad

Can't really follow that which doesn't exist anymore

Anonymous 17/03/14(Tue)05:46 No. 21034 ID: 56d04a



Anonymous 17/03/15(Wed)07:26 No. 21035 ID: 4484fb

Are you serious right now? Did you not even read anything on this thread? You're not supposed the link Minus8's Tumblr. You might've just cost us a decent fap.

Anonymous 17/03/15(Wed)13:29 No. 21037 ID: 4f1fe4


Anonymous 17/03/15(Wed)18:31 No. 21038 ID: 9f01f4

You guys must be blind because that link was already posted here like twice before lmao calm your tits.

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)05:58 No. 21039 ID: 4f1fe4

Is that so? the fucking tumblr is down... Look what you have done :/

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)06:02 No. 21040 ID: 56d04a

check your internet shitlord, it's not down

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)06:02 No. 21041 ID: 4f1fe4

ᶫᵉᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶫᶦᵉ ᶠᶫᵒʷ~

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