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Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)18:02 No. 20763 ID: 2ab599


Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)18:25 No. 20764 ID: 2ab599

and now he's screwing up my dashboard with 1's

Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)03:50 No. 20765 ID: c831d1

minus8 didn't draw that one. It's the joke going around, that the new Switch JoyCon Grip looks like a puppy dog's face.

Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)11:52 No. 20767 ID: f45bf4

oh....so...thats it?
well i don't know how you found it but....ok then

Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)15:31 No. 20768 ID: 0835cc

i know he didnt create it, but he already draw a switch dogge n stream... cosplaying isabelle... was so cute

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)06:24 No. 20771 ID: eac555

I don't remember that...link?

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)10:33 No. 20772 ID: b34aed

meant the porn animation of her getting railed by a disembody penis
and you can see the indention of said penis
when it goes in thanks tho

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)23:53 No. 20773 ID: bde27d

where's the swf of this one?


Anonymous 17/01/21(Sat)20:36 No. 20774 ID: 983ff6

probably only a gif. that resolution and quality is basically the format for uploading to tumblr.

he did the same thing with the not_new teaser. could this be a flash in the works? probably not, since we've seen other gifs of this scene before.

Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)13:18 No. 20776 ID: 8fa1ff

File tj.swf - (50.14KB )


Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)13:45 No. 20778 ID: 2203fb

It's good, different and unexpected but good nonetheless.

Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)18:26 No. 20779 ID: 5a1791

somewhat good but keep it up

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)00:16 No. 20780 ID: d4fce0

that 1up is cool

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)02:29 No. 20781 ID: a1301e

Excellent job my man, keep it up

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)02:45 No. 20782 ID: 9deac4


Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)05:25 No. 20784 ID: 1987bb

aaaaand another minor has come across -8's tumblr

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)05:45 No. 20785 ID: f45bf4

Damn minors keeps going to his blog forcing him to delete his blogs.

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)11:27 No. 20786 ID: 1951d7

>tfw minus8 thinks we hate him because of the occasional shitposters

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)11:27 No. 20787 ID: 1951d7

>tfw minus8 thinks we hate him because of the occasional shitposters

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)16:18 No. 20790 ID: 8fa1ff

File rp.swf - (36.10KB )

Short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)17:19 No. 20791 ID: 8fa1ff

File goome.swf - (623.67KB )

Short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)17:35 No. 20792 ID: 8fa1ff

File zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.swf - (1.90MB )

short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)17:38 No. 20793 ID: 8fa1ff

File gum_pussy.swf - (43.78KB , gum pussy.swf )

short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)20:45 No. 20794 ID: ddaa68

cannot tell if it is fin or not

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)21:41 No. 20795 ID: 0551d2


Anonymous 17/01/25(Wed)20:43 No. 20797 ID: 8fa1ff

File mmmi_mmm.swf - (26.89KB , mmmi mmm.swf )


Anonymous 17/01/25(Wed)20:44 No. 20798 ID: 8fa1ff

File mmmi_ggggg.swf - (26.62KB , mmmi ggggg.swf )


Anonymous 17/01/26(Thu)02:37 No. 20799 ID: 0e07ee

Awesome -8! You're the best!

Anonymous 17/01/26(Thu)03:24 No. 20800 ID: 56d04a

Thank you!

Anonymous 17/01/26(Thu)10:46 No. 20801 ID: 72fab6

Can you make one with the suit still on?

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)01:48 No. 20802 ID: 0856b1

good thighjob

Mii KB 17/01/27(Fri)06:52 No. 20803 ID: 94603c

File mmmi_m+g.swf - (26.49KB )


Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)11:50 No. 20809 ID: 4ee197

I heavily request a cum ending.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)12:41 No. 20810 ID: e2d4e0

this just in, minus8 is still a gigantic faggot who is an unstable emotional wreck at the drop of a hat no matter how much you suck his dick and try to inflate his ego to immense proportions like he wants. Spamming the same message on tumblr roughly 171 times in a row with no context or given reason.

I love the kind of stuff you make as well as the flashes you do. The charm behind your art is easily distinguishable and unique. But fuck you need to learn how to be an adult instead of throwing child tantrums all the time.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)13:13 No. 20811 ID: 12fa37

Minus8's streaming and some autist didn't like how he was drawing his badly designed OC so Minus8's OWN autism kicked in and he went into a bitch fit.

It's still stupid, but there is context.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)13:35 No. 20812 ID: e2d4e0

even in context you cant really justify his actions. i like how he doesnt like to be called baby or considered a child but he sure does like acting like a child at every chance he gets. I like how he was literally going to delete his account over this, couldnt because he forgot his password, demanded people to report him or he'll spam every day, had the problem solved, and is now slightly upset because someone did report him and he didnt want to anymore. How does minus8 even fucking function as a living being with that kind of unstable nature. If you gave him a gun and there was a problem his first reaction would probably be to just instantly kill the source of the problem because its the fastest.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)13:55 No. 20813 ID: fdcc20

File msf_edit.swf - (749.91KB )

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)14:23 No. 20814 ID: 469260

Whats this, the Randomizes Every 10 switches version?

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)14:56 No. 20815 ID: 674b88

It's a darker skinned dude.
Oh man. Are we really gonna start another stupid internet argument T_T

I think it's an edit of the version where holding the number keys changes the girls.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)16:18 No. 20816 ID: e6e153

Well.....I don't know what will happen next.

I hope he calms down

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)16:42 No. 20817 ID: 674b88

My tumblr dashboard was just filled with random minus8 drama.

It's sad to see this keep happening. How do his haters keep finding him?

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)17:44 No. 20818 ID: e6e153

it wasn't his haters. look >>20811

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)20:08 No. 20819 ID: 4f880c

The hell is that!? All I can see is orange... :/

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)21:48 No. 20820 ID: e2d4e0

its fans like you that need to stop sucking up to him like hes really that great of a person. this isnt the first time hes threw a fit over the smallest thing. hes always been such a man child that if he doesnt get his way he'll make sure everyone knows it by throwing a tantrum

Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)06:34 No. 20823 ID: 61bb39

File ~Minus_8_-_Koopa_Girl(Edit).swf - (636.75KB )


Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)10:59 No. 20824 ID: bb5288

BWAHAHAH NIGGER have fake penis and no balls

Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)11:23 No. 20825 ID: 1e6a1c

Do you perhaps suffer from autism?

Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)14:23 No. 20826 ID: 18eeb3

More chocolate please.

Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)18:22 No. 20827 ID: 5a1e7e

Do the Ashley one

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)03:26 No. 20828 ID: 6e4ad7

Unfortunately i cant decompile it without some motions messing up. Its weird. Everything works fine fine except one of the guys leg twitching back and forth.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)06:20 No. 20829 ID: 82c3a0

actually it's retards like you that think you're owed some kind of professional facade from an hobby artist. are you fucking serious? nobody is asking you to suck anyone's dick but if you want to look at the art without reading the kind of blog-drama you want to police then get the fuck off tumblr and wank on a regular pornographic website you fucking crybaby bitches.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)08:14 No. 20830 ID: 43159b


Can you edit this one? >>20776

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)09:08 No. 20832 ID: 6e4ad7

File ~tj(edit).swf - (51.03KB )


Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)17:40 No. 20833 ID: 5a1e7e

Rhythm Heaven pls

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)18:40 No. 20834 ID: ffe51e


Sadly this, his art is gorgeous and I love it, fapped to it many times but he acts too much like a little kid.

I cant even remember how many times he deleted his tumblr and created a new one over and over again. Every god damn time something is not going the way he wants he throws a fit

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)18:51 No. 20835 ID: ffe51e


Minus8 got super upset when a person told him to draw his OC in a different way. ANd since Minus8 cant handle any sort of criticism he threw a fit. You can see it all the time on his tumblr, people try to give him some sort of advice or anything and he takes it as a assult on him.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)22:07 No. 20836 ID: b6b083

No one is "expecting a professional facade". We're just disappointed that he's a grown ass man who is incapable of not throwing childish tantrums at the drop of a hat.

His tumblr/this thread are the best places to find his new work. When he's constantly sabotaging his tumblr over dumb bullshit, it makes it hard to follow his work.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)22:53 No. 20837 ID: e512fd

The biggest problem with that is that i might kill myself before I finish editing all that.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)23:43 No. 20839 ID: 45ab6d

I would suck Minus8s dick in reality if I could. I find his personality cute.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)01:13 No. 20840 ID: 81baab

He has a boyfriend ’д‘

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)02:46 No. 20841 ID: 5a1e7e

how about the Ankha one

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)05:40 No. 20843 ID: 3b9cb4

Unfortunately i cant decompile it properly.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)06:33 No. 20844 ID: 43159b


Fuck HTDMason for causing this shit. Fuck him with a rusty rake, goddamn fucking entitled spergs, this is why we can't have nice things.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)06:49 No. 20845 ID: b4a586

I can't seem to get it to switch even when I hold it. Is there something I'm not getting?

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)08:06 No. 20846 ID: e2d4e0

its funny that you call people who call out minus8's childish antics the crybabies instead of the guy who can literally take no criticism. There is literally nothing "entitled" about calling out someone for acting like a baby. The dude threw a fit and posted the same message 171 times. Let that sink in, he went through the effort to post the same message 171 times instead of talking about it, spammed the same message about 10 times to get people to delete his tumblr for him because hes too retarded to remember his own password or use his browser to save it for him, and then when HTDmason actually apologized in his stream and didn't mean to upset him, minus8 got a little upset because he did get reported and didn't want to since there wasn't a problem anymore. He blew everything out of proportion, threw a fit like a fucking child, and instead of trying to talk about it and solve the problem he crys like a brat, and here you are white knighting him even though literally everything we called him out on is 100% true and isn't even the first time hes done this.

you retards who blindly defend anyone you like, even though they will literally never notice you or care who you are, are the reasons many artists get inflated egos and can get away with shit without repercussions.

Minus8 is a spastic sperglord that flips his shit as soon as something doesn't go his way. Hes emotionally unstable and pretty much an adult man child who cant handle the real world. Its surprising to me that he actually has a job in animation without breaking down and getting fired for his poor attitude. Then again he might treat his professional life a little differently, who knows, I'm not one to say. I'm not saying he has to conform to my rules of mannerisms but I'll be damned if you can prove that he isnt exactly what we just called him out on. You try to paint minus8 as this perfect being simply because hes pretty decent at flash animation in a way thats appealing when really, even though his art, animations, and concepts are good, his attitude is literally the opposite.

Its funny that you guys are actually white knighting minus8 when he has publicly and explicitly stated that he doesn't give a shit about his fans.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)08:44 No. 20847 ID: 82c3a0

white knighting is a funny word for calling out retarded cunts. you're as big a crybaby as you accuse minus of being and I'm not even saying he's not one. just point out the absolute impotent rage some of you dorks have over being "forced" to scroll past some things that weren't free porn. you entitled fuckwit.

like I said, get off tumblr if you dont want drama. moreover, dont import the fucking drama here if you dont want it. you're literally just betraying how fucking dependent on social media you are to tell you how you feel about things. if you weren't exactly as huge a fucking beta as the people you are accusing of being white knights you would shut the fuck up, jerk off to the cartoon porn and bugger off. but you didn't, you dickless abomination. you cannot rebut how fucking useless you are no matter how many words you shit out.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)08:49 No. 20848 ID: 82c3a0

that and HTDmason is a goddamn sperglord who never shuts the fuck up and constantly requests his or his autistic friends OCs to be drawn in "trades" for his godawful MSpaint scribbles and yet even he is usually welcome in the retarded little world of minus8. I dont care what happens on tumblr I just want to watch the fucking art streams in peace and yet children like yourself and others in this thread take it upon themselves to turn every social sleight into some kind of justice movement like a bunch of fat lesbians. just fucking ignore it and go on with your life if you dont want to engage that sort of behaviour. it doesnt make you look better than the person you are decrying, it makes you look equally as pathetic. jesus christ.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)10:30 No. 20849 ID: e2d4e0

>i'll just say he lives on tumblr
>everyone hates tumblr so i win

wew lads, also its portraying, not betraying, get it right faggot. Also its kind of funny that tumblr is your only argument here. I fail to see how using tumblr shows dependency on social media when literally anyone can use any social media platform for any amount of period but i suppose if you're a brain dead retarded sheep who follows the herd and cant develop your own opinion you'll just choose to follow what others say about tumblr or any other site for that matter. Yeah its shit but its also a good platform for keeping up on artists as well as posting creations in a manner not found elsewhere.

This literally isnt even the first time drama about his tumblr has been brought up here and only now are you throwing a fit about it.

>i'll just call him a beta and a bunch of other insults
>that means i win, right?

You cannot rebut how fucking upset you are no matter how many words you shit out.

I don't disagree with that, HTDmason sure seems like that kind of shit head but that fact doesn't erase the fact that minus8 is just as big of a shithead.

This is a thread made by minus8, for minus8, about minus8, and if you cant handle the shit that comes with the good then fuck right off. Its going to happen, as its happened before. You tell others to ignore it yet you yourselves can not do the same.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)10:48 No. 20850 ID: 82c3a0

no, it's betraying, because you clearly wanted to keep it a secret you confused little girl

tumblr is YOUR only argument by the way. I use it all the time to follow art, but thats it. I dont throw a fucking hissy fit when someone isn't catering directly to my specific interests and not posting anything else. there's literally nowhere else that he does the shit you and the rest of the thread is complaining about besides tumblr and picarto and yet for some reason that justifies character judgements far beyond your ability to comprehend a person's character since you dont have one of your own and rely on social media and other outlets to feel more interesting than you are.

>>I don't disagree with that, HTDmason sure seems like that kind of shit head but that fact doesn't erase the fact that minus8 is just as big of a shithead.

yeah, thanks for repeating my point back at me. my point being that you too are just as big a screaming shithead as the people you are pointing fingers at and anyone else you happened to catch in the crossfire of your furious masturbatory attempts to look better than someone else on the fucking internet. you pathetic attempt at a human.

you think this is about winning. that's how I know you aren't an adult yet. I just want you to see what a fucking idiot you look like when you expect other people to agree with you. that's why I stooped to your retarded level you fucking joke of an organism. there is no winning against manchildren like you because you're so obsessed with the idea that an argument can be won (an objectively wrong idea since your experiences are irrelevant to the world and the concept of factuality ) that you will not pay attention to the language used and the ideas conveyed as long as you can put an asterix there and correct someone's spelling like some kind of primal man attempting to join debate club with an actual club. fuck off cunt, you aren't even close to as significant as you want to be. just stop. just fucking stop you poor lost soul. seek help that is not in the form of a japanese love pillow, stop treating pornography like it's the united nations and just fucking. relax. you. infant.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)11:42 No. 20851 ID: 5d3337

could you idiots make love in a private chat instead of polluting the thread with your paragraphs of bullshit? If you bother to translate the shit he says in his streams, he likes to clear his tumblr and start anew. Like deleting browser history. The spam and "tantrums" are just a running joke. (I hope)
Just go with the flow, ignore the spam, enjoy the art, and stop acting like you're on reality tv.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)14:09 No. 20852 ID: ffe51e

He wants to create a new one but that one will be gone in a few days again because he will throw a fit sooner or later once sonmebody tries to give him any sort of criticisms, this happened over +4 times now. Minus8 needs to grow up thats all.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)18:52 No. 20853 ID: 62072c

Holy fucking shit. Shut the fuck up.
No one cares if he's throwing a fit.
No one cares if his personality doesn't please you.
No one cares if he's making drama.
Just walk the fuck away if you fags can't handle it.
We just want content. Your complaints are irrelevant to the thread.
With that said, time to get a mod to clear up again this stupid shit.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)21:58 No. 20856 ID: 8fa1ff

File tkf.swf - (72.32KB )

loop shit :3

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)21:59 No. 20857 ID: 308a90

plz be my gf minus

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)22:17 No. 20858 ID: 1bb376

Drama is dumb. Porn is nice.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)23:19 No. 20859 ID: 13f4d1

Thanks -8 <3

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)23:39 No. 20860 ID: be5d8f

Holy shit, you guys.

Take it easy, alright? The guy is a genius animator. Why don't you just shut the fuck up and enjoy the free, unique orgasms he provides to you?

Future generations, our children, our grandchildren will fap to his unique art, while we and our bullshit "online discussion" will be lost forever in the sands of time.

So just shut the fuck up and be grateful.

Thanks -8 <3!

Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)01:56 No. 20861 ID: e41ab7

I fucking love minus8 but i hate his stupid cultist fanbase.You should all stop sucking his dick and get a fucking job.

Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)03:31 No. 20862 ID: 5a1e7e


Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)03:39 No. 20863 ID: 9a22b4


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