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Anonymous 17/01/07(Sat)22:14 No. 20732 ID: 0856b1

That's really nice, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)11:18 No. 20733 ID: d750de

I mean the guy was directly responding to someone asking for topless
that said, any still cam edits with her cute bra?

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)19:17 No. 20734 ID: 7a11d4

File isabelleStillcam.swf - (121.48KB )

>>20713 >>20733
Here ya go, lads.

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)22:43 No. 20737 ID: df20d1

Thank you based -8. Hope 2017 is a good year for you.

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)22:44 No. 20738 ID: d750de

love you mang

Anonymous 17/01/11(Wed)01:04 No. 20742 ID: 1951d7

I think it's the literal world licking a personification of the new year.

Anonymous 17/01/11(Wed)03:28 No. 20743 ID: 48b4fc

The filename is "ore.swf".
It's an Oreo.

Anonymous 17/01/11(Wed)07:05 No. 20745 ID: 9ca664

These flashes just keep getting better and better. Honestly, if I were to be asked a favorite, I wouldn't know what to choose.

Anonymous 17/01/11(Wed)07:06 No. 20746 ID: 9ca664

Heck, even a least favorite one...

Anonymous 17/01/12(Thu)00:02 No. 20748 ID: 8cc531

-8 i love your music for the dw flash
I honestly never have fapped to a song before
I would like to know the original song -8 please. Or if you made it can you upload a file of it?

it's the song that says "do it again" i think. Yeah I love the music.

Anonymous 17/01/12(Thu)06:27 No. 20751 ID: ffaeb8

Specifically the Oreo O's cereal mascot, that's apprently still sold in Korea.

Anonymous 17/01/12(Thu)11:23 No. 20752 ID: f45bf4

oh yeah...i remember that mascot.
Seems like minus8 made him a female one.

Anonymous 17/01/14(Sat)04:32 No. 20753 ID: 30d9f3

has anyone seen an animation of this character
on his last tumblr before it got nuked jigglypapa i think it was along side a mime stick figure animation
i ask the man himself and said he didn't make but i think he rebloged it and i can't find it for SHIT

Anonymous 17/01/14(Sat)08:47 No. 20754 ID: 7a11d4

File spoonBulgeless.swf - (29.78KB )

Bulgeless edit of that one Marceline flash he did a while ago. Also removed naval bc couldn't make it stop spazzing.

Also, tribute to Minus8, after seeing his oreo loop. Tried what I could, enjoy I guess

Anonymous 17/01/15(Sun)10:58 No. 20755 ID: 7ff8de

It's a character from a series called "Dick Figures" you can find it on youtube. This is a secondary character though that just shows up now and then.

Anonymous 17/01/15(Sun)22:57 No. 20756 ID: f980f5

Got a character you might be interested in, -8.


Burnbot from Hotdiggitydemon's new show "Brain Dump".

Anonymous 17/01/16(Mon)05:39 No. 20757 ID: 47f813

show this to -8 when he's streaming

Anonymous 17/01/17(Tue)14:03 No. 20758 ID: ea891e

Saw this and thought "Well, if minus8 was going to sexualise the new Nintendo console..."

Anonymous 17/01/17(Tue)17:16 No. 20759 ID: c355c0

He's put up several gifs on his tumblr. Does he host his original flashes anywhere, or do we have to wait until he comes back?

Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)01:03 No. 20760 ID: 2ab599

he thinks we hate him

Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)01:05 No. 20761 ID: 0835cc

looks like shit... minus have done one draw of switch dogge way... WAY better.

what is his actual tumbrl anyway?

Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)12:29 No. 20762 ID: f45bf4

he doesn't have one anymore. keeps deleting them.
ask the people here. i completly forgot why.
I think it's because of the hate that ppl are saying to him but.....ask the experts

Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)18:02 No. 20763 ID: 2ab599


Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)18:25 No. 20764 ID: 2ab599

and now he's screwing up my dashboard with 1's

Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)03:50 No. 20765 ID: c831d1

minus8 didn't draw that one. It's the joke going around, that the new Switch JoyCon Grip looks like a puppy dog's face.

Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)11:52 No. 20767 ID: f45bf4

oh....so...thats it?
well i don't know how you found it but....ok then

Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)15:31 No. 20768 ID: 0835cc

i know he didnt create it, but he already draw a switch dogge n stream... cosplaying isabelle... was so cute

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)06:24 No. 20771 ID: eac555

I don't remember that...link?

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)10:33 No. 20772 ID: b34aed

meant the porn animation of her getting railed by a disembody penis
and you can see the indention of said penis
when it goes in thanks tho

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)23:53 No. 20773 ID: bde27d

where's the swf of this one?


Anonymous 17/01/21(Sat)20:36 No. 20774 ID: 983ff6

probably only a gif. that resolution and quality is basically the format for uploading to tumblr.

he did the same thing with the not_new teaser. could this be a flash in the works? probably not, since we've seen other gifs of this scene before.

Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)13:18 No. 20776 ID: 8fa1ff

File tj.swf - (50.14KB )


Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)13:45 No. 20778 ID: 2203fb

It's good, different and unexpected but good nonetheless.

Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)18:26 No. 20779 ID: 5a1791

somewhat good but keep it up

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)00:16 No. 20780 ID: d4fce0

that 1up is cool

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)02:29 No. 20781 ID: a1301e

Excellent job my man, keep it up

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)02:45 No. 20782 ID: 9deac4


Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)05:25 No. 20784 ID: 1987bb

aaaaand another minor has come across -8's tumblr

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)05:45 No. 20785 ID: f45bf4

Damn minors keeps going to his blog forcing him to delete his blogs.

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)11:27 No. 20786 ID: 1951d7

>tfw minus8 thinks we hate him because of the occasional shitposters

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)11:27 No. 20787 ID: 1951d7

>tfw minus8 thinks we hate him because of the occasional shitposters

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)16:18 No. 20790 ID: 8fa1ff

File rp.swf - (36.10KB )

Short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)17:19 No. 20791 ID: 8fa1ff

File goome.swf - (623.67KB )

Short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)17:35 No. 20792 ID: 8fa1ff

File zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.swf - (1.90MB )

short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)17:38 No. 20793 ID: 8fa1ff

File gum_pussy.swf - (43.78KB , gum pussy.swf )

short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)20:45 No. 20794 ID: ddaa68

cannot tell if it is fin or not

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)21:41 No. 20795 ID: 0551d2


Anonymous 17/01/25(Wed)20:43 No. 20797 ID: 8fa1ff

File mmmi_mmm.swf - (26.89KB , mmmi mmm.swf )


Anonymous 17/01/25(Wed)20:44 No. 20798 ID: 8fa1ff

File mmmi_ggggg.swf - (26.62KB , mmmi ggggg.swf )


Anonymous 17/01/26(Thu)02:37 No. 20799 ID: 0e07ee

Awesome -8! You're the best!

Anonymous 17/01/26(Thu)03:24 No. 20800 ID: 56d04a

Thank you!

Anonymous 17/01/26(Thu)10:46 No. 20801 ID: 72fab6

Can you make one with the suit still on?

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)01:48 No. 20802 ID: 0856b1

good thighjob

Mii KB 17/01/27(Fri)06:52 No. 20803 ID: 94603c

File mmmi_m+g.swf - (26.49KB )


Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)11:50 No. 20809 ID: 4ee197

I heavily request a cum ending.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)12:41 No. 20810 ID: e2d4e0

this just in, minus8 is still a gigantic faggot who is an unstable emotional wreck at the drop of a hat no matter how much you suck his dick and try to inflate his ego to immense proportions like he wants. Spamming the same message on tumblr roughly 171 times in a row with no context or given reason.

I love the kind of stuff you make as well as the flashes you do. The charm behind your art is easily distinguishable and unique. But fuck you need to learn how to be an adult instead of throwing child tantrums all the time.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)13:13 No. 20811 ID: 12fa37

Minus8's streaming and some autist didn't like how he was drawing his badly designed OC so Minus8's OWN autism kicked in and he went into a bitch fit.

It's still stupid, but there is context.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)13:35 No. 20812 ID: e2d4e0

even in context you cant really justify his actions. i like how he doesnt like to be called baby or considered a child but he sure does like acting like a child at every chance he gets. I like how he was literally going to delete his account over this, couldnt because he forgot his password, demanded people to report him or he'll spam every day, had the problem solved, and is now slightly upset because someone did report him and he didnt want to anymore. How does minus8 even fucking function as a living being with that kind of unstable nature. If you gave him a gun and there was a problem his first reaction would probably be to just instantly kill the source of the problem because its the fastest.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)13:55 No. 20813 ID: fdcc20

File msf_edit.swf - (749.91KB )

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)14:23 No. 20814 ID: 469260

Whats this, the Randomizes Every 10 switches version?

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)14:56 No. 20815 ID: 674b88

It's a darker skinned dude.
Oh man. Are we really gonna start another stupid internet argument T_T

I think it's an edit of the version where holding the number keys changes the girls.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)16:18 No. 20816 ID: e6e153

Well.....I don't know what will happen next.

I hope he calms down

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)16:42 No. 20817 ID: 674b88

My tumblr dashboard was just filled with random minus8 drama.

It's sad to see this keep happening. How do his haters keep finding him?

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)17:44 No. 20818 ID: e6e153

it wasn't his haters. look >>20811

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)20:08 No. 20819 ID: 4f880c

The hell is that!? All I can see is orange... :/

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)21:48 No. 20820 ID: e2d4e0

its fans like you that need to stop sucking up to him like hes really that great of a person. this isnt the first time hes threw a fit over the smallest thing. hes always been such a man child that if he doesnt get his way he'll make sure everyone knows it by throwing a tantrum

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