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Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)12:48 No. 20379 ID: 19c41e

bulgeless version pls?

Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)19:00 No. 20380 ID: b3b661

I'm enjoying the majority of minus8, though personally I'm not a shota fan. There's a little of a lot of things here, and I am glad I finally found out who made all of those Nintendo flashes to music. Just have to hope that he realizes how good of a person he is someday. Now I've popped my chan cherry, I'll leave.

Anonymous 16/10/26(Wed)06:05 No. 20391 ID: a47ae1


I'm not here for the lewd, I'm here for the music he uses.

So catchy

Anonymous 16/10/26(Wed)18:49 No. 20393 ID: e22b1d

I know that this thread is (mostly) about minus8 flashes and loops, however not a long before deleting his last tumblr he posted some really simple, useful and funny tips for animation using two separate boy and girl loops. And I haven't saved them and can't find anywhere anymore. Could someone post or link them?

Anonymous 16/10/28(Fri)12:00 No. 20397 ID: c36c11

Yeah, I'd love to see him attempt some regular yaoi.

DarkNecroman 16/10/28(Fri)22:27 No. 20398 ID: 8a1267

I got the gifs of those images.. but cant post gifs here it seems.

Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)07:29 No. 20399 ID: 2fbcb8

So what happened to Couch #6?
I noticed that we jump from Darla at 5 to Suzy at 7.

Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)09:16 No. 20400 ID: 696aa5


Well gang, it looks like we have another mystery on our hands.


Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)12:22 No. 20401 ID: e22b1d

Aww. Can't you post them on imgur or any other image hosting? Here you can only upload sfw's

Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)12:44 No. 20402 ID: 8fa1ff

File mmmi.swf - (26.62KB )

Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)13:35 No. 20403 ID: d39ed1


Penny from Inspector Gadget

Anonymous 16/10/31(Mon)06:02 No. 20405 ID: b10ece

A hero.

Anonymous 16/10/31(Mon)18:03 No. 20406 ID: c09b72


Anonymous 16/11/03(Thu)03:23 No. 20411 ID: 71dbad

Does anyone know -8's stream schedule?

DarkNecroman 16/11/03(Thu)04:42 No. 20412 ID: 8a1267

Its random. Can be in the middle of the night, or during the day... or whatever.

Anonymous 16/11/03(Thu)14:30 No. 20413 ID: 9c0c0f


with some variations, a cum scene and some music this would be god tier

minus8 16/11/04(Fri)19:37 No. 20416 ID: 96c73b


Anonymous 16/11/05(Sat)16:10 No. 20418 ID: 8fa1ff

File wqeqwqeqe.swf - (17.00KB )


Anonymous 16/11/05(Sat)18:04 No. 20419 ID: df12ef


Anonymous 16/11/05(Sat)23:22 No. 20420 ID: 8459a8

Holy shit m8, do you take commissions or requests?
I never thought I'd visit 7chan again, but I found your image on rule34 paheal and just had to ask!

Anonymous 16/11/06(Sun)00:17 No. 20421 ID: ec51af


No, he doesn't.

Anonymous 16/11/06(Sun)07:11 No. 20422 ID: 368a82

Kind of late to the Undertale party but whatevs, this is really good

Anonymous 16/11/06(Sun)19:24 No. 20423 ID: 092c00

Can somebody put this to the Temmie Village song or something?

Anonymous 16/11/09(Wed)02:13 No. 20424 ID: 0e2642

minus8 should do Tulip from Infinity Train.

Anonymous 16/11/09(Wed)06:59 No. 20425 ID: b451a4

does anyone have the dick figures gif he did not the tit job one the pink one and an oc i can't find it for shit it was on his tumblr and you know how that shit goes

Anonymous 16/11/09(Wed)10:52 No. 20426 ID: 0f3c0a


here ya go, buddy

Anonymous 16/11/09(Wed)19:49 No. 20428 ID: b451a4

>not the tit job one
thanks tho i ment the one on his tumblr that got deleted

Anonymous 16/11/11(Fri)09:44 No. 20431 ID: 8d52ce

the fuck is up with her tits

Anonymous 16/11/11(Fri)12:08 No. 20432 ID: f45bf4

Her tits are being grabbed if thats what your wondering.

Anonymous 16/11/12(Sat)00:43 No. 20434 ID: b3c86e

Sorry if this doesnt work http://imgur.com/3fZDpgk

Link to newest blog? Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)06:40 No. 20437 ID: 3d25ac

Does anyone know if Minus8 has a new blog up yet, or are we waiting for the next one to pop up?

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)06:43 No. 20438 ID: 10559a

i dont think he will tell us this time...

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)10:40 No. 20439 ID: e08468

Anyone no where I can find the VODs of his streams?

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)12:31 No. 20440 ID: f45bf4

Dude isn't that the reason he keeps deleting his blogs? Don't ask for it dude. You probably won't get an answer.

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)16:50 No. 20441 ID: e6af4f

Hey gamers

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)17:55 No. 20442 ID: 0e2642

oh no

Anonymous 16/11/14(Mon)12:21 No. 20444 ID: f45bf4

Really? why would you do that? It's like you trying to piss ppl off

Anonymous 16/11/14(Mon)21:53 No. 20445 ID: bd7c8b


What happens?

Anonymous 16/11/14(Mon)22:34 No. 20446 ID: 3a8c74

-8 deletes his new blog every 7 days or so

I think you're essentially shortening that time by flaunting it here

Anonymous 16/11/14(Mon)22:59 No. 20447 ID: 048ecf

Honestly you guys assuming shit based on nothing.
Once again you keep trying to respond shit for him.
He never said he didn't want his tumblr pages posted here.
Moreover, some of you idiots come in here to repeat the same thing over and over.
Even if you are right, if someone already said it. Stfu and stop filling the chat with your cultist behavior.
That said, I take my leave.

Anonymous 16/11/15(Tue)05:01 No. 20448 ID: af0e82


"If minor has trying to contact my porn
I go away.
You know I'm a coward."

He literally gave why in this thread the last time people started bitching about him deleting his account.

Anonymous 16/11/15(Tue)08:22 No. 20449 ID: 5a5b29

also not that one but very welcome
he did the pink character and an oc but then he deleted thanks thou very good fap materiel

Anonymous 16/11/15(Tue)18:29 No. 20450 ID: bd7c8b

Anyone knows if he did a stream last weekend?

Anonymous 16/11/16(Wed)04:08 No. 20452 ID: 34bfb8

he went to draw on youknowwhere (banned word) and did summ stuff
but i have no idea if he did a stream or not

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)07:08 No. 20456 ID: 6a08e5

That doesn't even slightly mean that it happened because it was posted here.
He posts porn here ffs. He also posts porn in his tumblr. Think about it for a little bit.

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)11:27 No. 20460 ID: f45bf4

the drama between one guy who acts like he knows him and one guy who knows the main reason to why he does this.

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)11:39 No. 20461 ID: f45bf4

I guess i should add this but he was being treated like shit and had haters telling him to delete his acc so i back this guy up
But it is true that it may not be because of this site or maybe it is. There are many ways that his contents are spreaded so in the end this drama is between two ppl proving there point.

Anonymous 16/11/18(Fri)05:58 No. 20462 ID: 2c56f9

Just to make clear, because I know my english sucks:
What I tried to say is that the drama gotta end.
I also think no one should respond for him. (Informing that he doesn't do commissions is another story)
All the time some dumbass has to complain about petty and then it becomes a clusterfuck.
For this case, for example, it's not like someone went post his porn or ask for his porn on his personal or work tumblr.
He also posted porn in there so it wouldn't make a difference if it was posted here.
Sorry for the long post, I just suck at making myself clear.

Anonymous 16/11/19(Sat)09:59 No. 20463 ID: 995f20

I want anal fart girl boys flash sex music

Anonymous 16/11/19(Sat)19:55 No. 20465 ID: b2da8b

thread is getting clogged again, admins pls descend upon us again

Anonymous 16/11/23(Wed)10:50 No. 20468 ID: 646665

why is the gif on R34 so different from the flash in terms of water placement?

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)11:18 No. 20471 ID: f45bf4

is this thread dead?

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)19:11 No. 20473 ID: a5d3d7

It's because of the korean internet censorship laws. The police has legal means to block access to certain websites containing "harmful materials". This includes porn.
porn includes ㅡ8's work.
It is probable that his tumblr is getting blocked and he can't access it without using some shitty VPN. Which is why he's making new blogs so frequently.

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)19:24 No. 20474 ID: a5d3d7


Also, There is this "아청법". Law against child pornography which prohibits not only real kiddieporn, but also drawn or fictionalized depiction of minors getting it on. This means you can get into trouble for watching some JAV starring a adult pornstar dressed in a schoolgirl outfit. Or from reading a eromanga with schoolgirl uniform drawn in it.
Not to mention that penalty for distributing illegal porn has increased very much so these years.
Because of this, I'd say ㅡ8 is acting very rationally changing his blog so often. Espesically so that he gained this kind of international cult-fame now.
Even more so getting caught by the police drawing porn could possibly mean social death in Korea. His actions are not at all weird.

So in short, just give him a break. Situation in Korea is pretty shitty.

wowo 465 16/11/28(Mon)17:51 No. 20479 ID: d7621b


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