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Fixed the heads Gscot 15/11/05(Thu)08:56 No. 17888 ID: bd478c

File reverse_cowgirl_test.swf - (44.05KB , reverse cowgirl test.swf )

Life stuff has been taken care of I finished a new version of the reverse cowgirl position with normal sized heads. Looking for feedback before I try applying this to the other girls.

Anonymous 15/11/05(Thu)20:29 No. 17891 ID: 265ae9

File ppppSuperWiiUv5_InteractiveLQ.swf - (6.60MB )

It's finally time for the interactive version of ppppSuperWiiU5 to be released. Just want to point out that the head size change is not in this and that mobile users might not have access to the swipe related functions. High quality music version can be found at d.maxfile.ro/jqtafjljxe.swf

Gscot 15/11/06(Fri)05:34 No. 17895 ID: bd478c

I'm afraid not. It's not for lack of trying; some of the girls' hair styles are just too long.

WiiFit Trainer Gscot 15/11/06(Fri)21:58 No. 17912 ID: bd478c

File wiifit_preview.swf - (50.50KB , wiifit preview.swf )

It was suggested to give Trainer her shirt because she was kind of plain looking since the shine doesn't show up.

Anonymous 15/11/07(Sat)21:37 No. 17929 ID: 265ae9

1) Go to d.maxfile.ro/jqtafjljxe.swf
2) Save the file somewhere on your system
3) Open the file with your browser or stand alone player.

Anonymous 15/11/12(Thu)18:17 No. 17954 ID: 265ae9

By lock in, I'm guessing that you want to stay only on one animation. To do so, change the animation selection (default: minus and plus) so the blocks on the right side change what animation they'll show, then click on whatever block.
For reference, the indexes for anal animations are as followed:
Peach - 10, 18; Rosalina - 10, 13; Daisy & Samus - 5, 10, 11; - Shantae - 5, 10; Zelda - 11 to 14; Midna - 5; Isabelle & WFT - 10, 11; Gardevoir - 11; Lucina - 10;

Gscot 15/11/14(Sat)01:38 No. 17962 ID: bd478c

You're who commissioned Hilda? I've sent you an email already with a sample animation and am waiting for an ok to do the rest of the editing.

Gscot 15/11/14(Sat)13:41 No. 17964 ID: bd478c

File hilda_preview.swf - (53.93KB , hilda preview.swf )

There was a bit of a misunderstanding, so I'm just going to through this up here. This Hilda won't be released.
Hilda from Pokèmon WILL be added, but she is being put in a special version of ~ppppu since she's overwriting another character. In the end if space allows I'll put her in the main version. May will also be a mini update before I get to work on my final one.

Gscot 15/11/15(Sun)01:07 No. 17966 ID: bd478c

No Dawn unless she gets commissioned.

Gscot 15/11/16(Mon)04:53 No. 17971 ID: bd478c

Clothing would be +$10 per scene because it would likely require a lot of new assets that would have to be animated separately from existing material. A toggle is outside of my current knowledge and is something I'd have to look into so I can't really give an estimate on that.

Anonymous 15/11/17(Tue)05:14 No. 17980 ID: 6183b1

I would have liked Gardevoir just fine if it didn't look like SHIT. I appreciate that effort is being made to add a proper rep.

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