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MAY CONFIRM Anonymous 15/10/29(Thu)03:17 No. 17814 ID: b57456


Anonymous 15/10/29(Thu)14:59 No. 17825 ID: 265ae9

File removed.swf - (6.60MB , ppppSuperWiiUv5RC4_Interactive.swf )

RC4 is done. The "play music for all characters" thing from RC3 is now a mode. When the icon with 3 body has 1 black music note on it, the music player will use the same music for all characters. When said icon has 3 different colored music notes, the music player will use the selected song for that character. Other things in it is a flash player version check, various bug fixes, and the help menu updating to properly reflect set key binds. At this point, I'm done adding anymore features until v5 interactive gets a release and future RCs, if any, will focus on fixing errors and oversights.

Gscot 15/10/29(Thu)21:50 No. 17829 ID: bd478c

Unfortunately, it only consists of sitting down, making assets and going frame by frame, layer by layer making everything fit together. The only tips I have is to use the "swap all" extension by CloudKid, recycle animation wherever you can, back up major progress with separate files, and make sure you're editing the right symbols. More than once I've gone back to find someone sporting a new hairstyle or body part.

Anonymous 15/10/30(Fri)12:03 No. 17833 ID: 265ae9

File ppppSuperWiiUv5RC5_Interactive.swf - (6.60MB )

RC5 time. Music fixed. Help menu changed so text shrinks when it is too large to fit into the text box.

Gscot 15/10/30(Fri)13:03 No. 17834 ID: bd478c

Working on it.

Anonymous 15/11/01(Sun)06:00 No. 17844 ID: 265ae9

Off hand I want to say about a year. My first release at >>16072 had numpad functionality.

Thank you. As for the voices, that's the plan. I know from experience with some games that it can be annoying to not have the ability to mute voices.

I caught that while working on ppppuNX version but forgot about it when working on the interactive version. It's a small layering oversight that's in the original ppppu flash. I'll rearrange the layers to fix this.

Gscot 15/11/03(Tue)04:25 No. 17862 ID: bd478c

I'll give you my email privately if you message me through those sites.

Flash Professional CS6

Depends on how much space I have, but the previous versions will still exist.

Gscot 15/11/03(Tue)06:29 No. 17866 ID: bd478c


new character Gavin 15/11/03(Tue)10:13 No. 17868 ID: 7559b9

I have been messing around with the project and have figured out the mechanics of how the animation works. I'm kinda lost, i don't exactly know where to begin. I need steps in chronological order on how to create a new character. My idea was to duplicate a character and change hair, eyes, and face but still hasn't figured out how. I have to admit, this is some complicated work. But i will still experiment and figure this out.

Editing steps Gscot 15/11/03(Tue)12:22 No. 17869 ID: bd478c

Duplicate the symbols you want to edit in the library and rename them. This way you have the originals to go back to in case something goes wrong.

Get the "swap all" extension by CloudKid so you don't have to swap out symbols every key frame manually. This will make editing go from nearly impossible to manageable.

After you swap out the intended symbols the animation will likely look awful because parts are distorting in strange ways. At this point you sit down and go key frame by key frame cleaning things up one layer at a time. There is no work around. From frame 15 to frame 29, though, you can usually copy and past those frames until about frame 75 where everything slightly shifts vertically for some reason.

Most importantly, use "Save As" instead of "Save" because God help you if you don't like how something ended up looking and you don't have your previous step on backup. (Holy crap, Isabelle)

Lastly, make sure you are keeping an eye on what the instance name of the different symbols are so your script calls them correctly. The instance name can be checked by selecting a symbol and looking at the properties tab. New symbols don't have a name, and when you do name them the first character should be lowercase.
When i was first doing this and trying to make Shantae, my lack of understanding this brought the whole thing to a standstill.

Out of curiosity, who are you trying to make?

Anonymous 15/11/03(Tue)14:03 No. 17870 ID: 265ae9

File ppppSuperWiiUv5RC6_Interactive.swf - (6.60MB )

Finished up RC6. Here's what's changed:
* Modified the flash version check to allow ios and Android based devices regardless of their Flash version.
* Implemented swipe controls so mobile users have functionality that was lost due to lack of right clicking (and in 1 case, mouse wheel). Read the 3rd page of the help menu for more on this.
* Modified some icons to better reflect their purpose.
* Rewrote how event listeners are handled for menus (barring the key config menu). Went from approximately 41 listeners to 4, which should help performance.
* Rearranged layering for animations where the collarbone would be placed in front of the breast.

Can't help with that. From my attempts at finding silent-j for crediting Daisy's editor, they posted on 4chan's /fl/ but that was over a year ago and I found nothing since.

The head thing likely won't be fixed until ppppSuperWiiUv6 is released (that is when the edit for that is being released, right?).

Anonymous 15/11/03(Tue)22:15 No. 17872 ID: 265ae9

I forgot to mention but I'm particularly interested in feedback from ios/android users. There's a few things I need to know that work such as the swipe motions, that the flash will play even with the right clicks checks in the code.

Going to assume you want the earlier music for all characters (as in, never change away from it). If so, set the music change mode from "Each" to "All" and then keep using the next or previous music select button until the music title is "Beep Block Skyway", if it isn't already selected.

Fixed the heads Gscot 15/11/05(Thu)08:56 No. 17888 ID: bd478c

File reverse_cowgirl_test.swf - (44.05KB , reverse cowgirl test.swf )

Life stuff has been taken care of I finished a new version of the reverse cowgirl position with normal sized heads. Looking for feedback before I try applying this to the other girls.

Anonymous 15/11/05(Thu)20:29 No. 17891 ID: 265ae9

File ppppSuperWiiUv5_InteractiveLQ.swf - (6.60MB )

It's finally time for the interactive version of ppppSuperWiiU5 to be released. Just want to point out that the head size change is not in this and that mobile users might not have access to the swipe related functions. High quality music version can be found at d.maxfile.ro/jqtafjljxe.swf

Gscot 15/11/06(Fri)05:34 No. 17895 ID: bd478c

I'm afraid not. It's not for lack of trying; some of the girls' hair styles are just too long.

WiiFit Trainer Gscot 15/11/06(Fri)21:58 No. 17912 ID: bd478c

File wiifit_preview.swf - (50.50KB , wiifit preview.swf )

It was suggested to give Trainer her shirt because she was kind of plain looking since the shine doesn't show up.

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