I plan on doing one more after this update and a classic style ~ppppu with all the girls as a separate swf. The last update will have one new character slot, credits for the major modders and "hopefully" finishes, one per character. There is no planned release date for it.
After that I want to work on my own animation and do commissions.
Speaking of modders; I want to apologize in advance in case I don't get around to streamlining the breasts for you guys trying to make scaling options in the current update. I really want to get this out this month and the animation/music comes first.
On a lighter note, with the setbacks of travel, busted computers and heavy work schedules, the most interesting hurdle was an odd bug every time I would load the file for about two weeks where Lucina kept stealing Peach's socks: http://orig15.deviantart.net/86b1/f/2015/276/f/e/peaches_clothes_by_generalscot-d9brbyp.png