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Gscot 15/08/29(Sat)21:11 No. 17193 ID: bd478c

That sounds pretty good. Every other beat probably works best.
I like to "ready" at the beginning. Maybe I should add that to the swf.

Anonymous 15/08/29(Sat)23:41 No. 17194 ID: 7dd745

Just in case requests are being made for the future, I'd like to suggest Jolene from Paper Mario TTYD. I realize right now we're just focussing on voices and anal, but when everything's mostly done it's nice to have a few other characters for future updates. I did see the new character teaser on Gescot's tumblr, and I'm excited for that too!

Anonymous 15/08/30(Sun)06:00 No. 17196 ID: 66ea1f

....Isn't that just the regular PPPU then?

Anonymous 15/08/30(Sun)07:08 No. 17197 ID: a7464a


Thanks for the detailed feedback. Did grunts on 2's with subtler pitch shifting than before.

Noted. Removed it from everything but the beginning. Added regular vocals to the beat after a blowjob.

Thanks! Means a lot coming from one of the big guys.

Anonymous 15/09/01(Tue)06:46 No. 17207 ID: a7464a

Did Daisy! I'll do Peach next most likely. I don't have prepared voices for the rest.


Anonymous 15/09/02(Wed)08:49 No. 17214 ID: 7dd745

If anyone's been keeping track of GeScot's tumblr, you are probably just as excited as I am for his latest post! Get pumped!! http://generalscot.tumblr.com/

Anonymous 15/09/03(Thu)00:26 No. 17218 ID: a7464a

Good idea! Buy and teach me how to use flash!

Maybe, and this is a strange concept for an artist but bear with me, maybe I want people to be able to find and see the other sound work and 3d art I do!

Scroll up and check out a few of the development SWFs, people are working on this very thing

Music Gscot 15/09/03(Thu)06:32 No. 17219 ID: bd478c

Hey, guys. I could use a bit of feedback in regards to music. For Pokèmon, I'm currently using Route 1 from the anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpALEsA6mV4
However, I would like to use something from Gen 3 or later. I've been out of the Pokèmon scene between Crystal and XY so my knowledge is extremely limited.
The other thing I'm looking for is a good Fre Emblem song. Again, the library is extensive and my knowledge is even less than with Pokèmon.
From what research I have done I've constantly run into issues with tempo and time signatures, so I'm turning to your collective knowledge to help out find some good tunes.

Anonymous 15/09/03(Thu)08:46 No. 17221 ID: d08338


If it's from Gen 3, I'd probably suggest route 110. But it may take too long to spin up, so I'm not sure.


Gscot 15/09/03(Thu)08:57 No. 17222 ID: bd478c

I'm not handling the interactive mod. I'm basically just an animator.
That might work. I see what I can do with it. Thank you.

Anonymous 15/09/03(Thu)13:32 No. 17225 ID: 3d48db

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anonymous 15/09/04(Fri)14:13 No. 17238 ID: 1cb393

Excuse me sir, you seem to have posted the wrong Mirror B. theme.


not gscot 15/09/05(Sat)10:04 No. 17244 ID: bbd6db

File leak.swf - (28.83KB )

did everyone already see this

not gscot 15/09/05(Sat)17:47 No. 17247 ID: bbd6db

i'm aware, that's how i got the image. also kind of figured that most people had seen it anyway, but the picture's there now.

Anonymous 15/09/05(Sat)19:46 No. 17248 ID: 6fa25b

The part that bothers me is that there's too much variation in the sound. It's fine in some things, but the repetitive rhythm and beat has become such an ingrained part of PPPPU that it's not enough to just match the beat because even minor changes in the sounds end up sounding like a random assortment of noise if they don't at least have a pattern following the rhythm. It seems largely random whether it's going to be a "SQUELCH", an "AGH", an "UGNH", or a "HA!", and it just clashes horribly with the extremely well-defined pattern that the preexisting sound and visuals follow.

Anonymous 15/09/06(Sun)23:44 No. 17256 ID: 2b7531

File ros.swf - (137.28KB )


Anonymous 15/09/07(Mon)03:13 No. 17259 ID: 2b7531

Text files makes it easier for users to manually edit the file, which probably won't happen for the majority.
SOL files are generated when using SharedObjects, which are essentially glorified dictionaries. All you do after this is add in a loading routine and you're done.
As for actually doing it, ask the dev. It's a possibility though.

Gscot 15/09/07(Mon)11:44 No. 17264 ID: 7a9ecd

Could you clarify that, please?

Delays Gscot 15/09/07(Mon)19:13 No. 17267 ID: bd478c

My computer is out of commission at the moment and work has stopped. The files are backed up and a solution is known, but I can't work until it's fixed.
I'm still aiming for a Fall release.

Anonymous 15/09/08(Tue)06:48 No. 17275 ID: bb9dd7

Shit. I didn't know that you'd need a loading routine for that.

Is there any other way you can think of where you can save the settings in the game so that you don't have to do it every time you open the flash animation?

Gscot 15/09/08(Tue)13:29 No. 17279 ID: bd478c

Despite what he said on Tumblr, I'm not as good as him; not even close. I took up this project to learn from him. Once I've done my final update, I'll be moving on to my own projects.

john+pollack 15/09/09(Wed)00:09 No. 17283 ID: a6da05

It can be done. methinks


Anonymous 15/09/09(Wed)11:58 No. 17293 ID: 265ae9

Seems I've fallen behind a bit. So getting the bad news out the way, there have been some difficulties with the hair physics. Even though the current implementation is very basic, it doesn't seem flexible/accurate enough (currently) and too visually jittery to work with the current animations and future ones. That may change once I further refine how it works but I still have some reservations. I might work on a less critical aspect that would be more "fun" to work on now to avoid getting burned out.

Making a mental note for a save file to add. It'll be especially useful with the additional changes to the new version. As for the choppiness thing, I want to look further into this because I was under the notion that the average user wouldn't notice. Anyone have any specific animation/character/parts that are choppy compared to the original?

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