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Anonymous 15/05/09(Sat)01:34 No. 16729 ID: 2b7531


Uses fl.motion.AdjustColor for adjustment of DisplayObjects with complex fills.
Allows for HSLC modification, downside (?) is that it requires Flash as opposed to some free development tool since the import doesn't appear to play nice with alternatives.

im getting excited Anonymous 15/05/11(Mon)06:44 No. 16735 ID: 3f4d67

File -ppppSuperWiiU4vote.swf - (5.41MB )

found this on swfchan.

I see Lucina is coming soon <333

Anonymous 15/05/16(Sat)03:24 No. 16746 ID: 265ae9

Sorry for lack of updates. Unfortunately I have nothing to show even though progress is slowly being made. I've been working on customizable modification (skewing, repositioning, scaling, rotations) of animation parts , primarily a method that uses the flash ide Motion Xml and that is looking pretty promising. The other is allowing code based modifications through the TweenLite library (I can see it mostly used for simple things like changing the mouth to use or its position.)

Thank you. This works better and I appreciate your help but I still don't like how contrast is handled. A target I aim for a black haired Rosalina that still has good contrast. I feel this is not fully achievable with this method. For now, I'm using a code rip from SDT for handling HSL until I get more time to tinker around.

It should happen regardless of when/if I finish the template version.

Did some light digging through the swf but didn't notice anything new outside the coming soon buttons. Anyone noticed if there any changes/fixes in this or is it merely Gscot bringing to attention a vote and the fact that a new version is going to be released?

Anonymous 15/05/16(Sat)04:44 No. 16747 ID: 2b7531

If HSLC isn't suitable I think it might be an issue with your fills.
Even in SDT, switching skin tones was actually handled by swapping palettes and then applying HSLC, there is no one catch-all transform since that's simply not how it works.
Well it's a theory, I'm sure you'll work something out.
I also understand that this last month has been a particularly busy one for some, keep your priorities in real life and maintain steady progress.

Anonymous 15/05/22(Fri)12:55 No. 16776 ID: 265ae9

File ppppuTemplateAlpha0.swf - (237.14KB )

It's been a while but I finally got something in somewhat presentable form to prove that this is still being worked on. Visually it's not a lot but internally there's a bunch going on that will allow for changing of animations during run time.

As usual there's a convoluted assortment of key presses used. Assuming QWERTY keyboards: Q to I changes iris color, and A to K changes sclera color. Z-C changes the base skin color. And for the big one, which allows changing from Peach's animation to Rosalina's. V restores to Peach entirely, B changes hair and hair animations, N changes Earrings, M changes Headwear, Comma does eye related changes, Period changes lips color, P changes body parts so the character's right hand is on their hip and O undoes this (along with other animations that were changed but ignore that).

Oh also you can change hair color using the sliders on the right side of the window.

Anonymous 15/05/22(Fri)18:00 No. 16778 ID: 2b7531

Nice one. Having looked at the implementation again in terms of shape assets, I can see you've separated lines and fills so good job on that. You might want to consider making your life easier in regards to skin tones and clothing.
Right now, you've got 3 shapes per tone per element, that adds up quick and makes maintenance tedious. Consider having the actual base skin shapes to be completely black, then apply fills over them. For those with linear fills I believe there's a means to convert shapes drawn in flash to their AS3 equivalent. You can use this to create a little helper method that can take any series of 0xRRGGBB ints and draw up the necessary shapes to form the base body. In this way you have even more power than HSL transforms.
As for clothing, you've got a few shape assets that are drawn with body elements, it might make for less work in terms of customisation to separate these from the body such that the shapes contain only the clothing.
In reference to the above elements, you can utilise the benefits immediately since the crown exists in two different forms in the assets. You can do away with one, and draw using specified fills depending on the correct character.
You've used the Flash UI elements to form your sliders, nothing particularly wrong with that but they're bulky for the minor convenience, they also litter your library with their resources. Consider writing a small control lib to better suit your aesthetic.
Having this control lib and then abstracting it will allow you to build common components for manipulating complex objects like your iris/sclera/hair etc.
What else... oh. Consider restructuring your code such that related components are part of some hierarchy. You have body elements like BaseEyebrow just sort of hanging around at the top level, having them occupy some lower level would keep things tidy.

Looking forward to further development, make a blog or something so you can throw up pictures, receive asks etc.

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