Sorry for lack of updates. Unfortunately I have nothing to show even though progress is slowly being made. I've been working on customizable modification (skewing, repositioning, scaling, rotations) of animation parts , primarily a method that uses the flash ide Motion Xml and that is looking pretty promising. The other is allowing code based modifications through the TweenLite library (I can see it mostly used for simple things like changing the mouth to use or its position.)
Thank you. This works better and I appreciate your help but I still don't like how contrast is handled. A target I aim for a black haired Rosalina that still has good contrast. I feel this is not fully achievable with this method. For now, I'm using a code rip from SDT for handling HSL until I get more time to tinker around.
It should happen regardless of when/if I finish the template version.
Did some light digging through the swf but didn't notice anything new outside the coming soon buttons. Anyone noticed if there any changes/fixes in this or is it merely Gscot bringing to attention a vote and the fact that a new version is going to be released?