Makes sense, having a separation between visual content and code can be tedious.
To break it down in to steps, it might go something like this:
Design a single set of animations using a blank or "template" character.
For each element in that character (head, arms, leg etc.), create multiple frames within that object, each relating to a single character.
At runtime, simply invoke gotoAndStop(CHAR_NAME) on each object and that'll be your swapping code done.
The reason why this is such a convenience is that you suddenly gain perfect consistency between all characters.
After this, it becomes possible to separate out accessories or clothing from the body itself. You could simply add in layers above each element which contains its own set of frames, and in the same way shift between them.
This would allow for say, one character to wear the clothing associated with another. It would also allow adjustment of body properties independent of the accessories such as hue shifting (HueColorMatrixFilter.as).
In scenes where multiple characters are defined, you could easily adjust the frames such that any two could be selected etc.
The benefits are enormous, and you really open up customisation for what is essentially a one time job, this also reduces your work load for adding in new characters.
Keep us posted.