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Anonymous 15/01/07(Wed)10:03 No. 16304 ID: cc0387

File ppppu_5_(shantae_edit).swf - (3.38MB , ppppu 5 (shantae edit).swf )

just found this. looks like more are in the works too. I renamed the file. original file named a5c717a7ee1b2cd94b6259fa638c7f50.swf

Anonymous 15/01/09(Fri)02:25 No. 16306 ID: 740fad

>Animal Crossing Coming soon

Im hyped.

Anonymous 15/01/12(Mon)12:27 No. 16311 ID: 900508

It's not very good. I feel like changing the music and making the girls not randomly swap kills the appeal of the original, and definitely kills the Super Mario 3D World reference.

Anonymous 15/01/14(Wed)07:13 No. 16322 ID: c36b62

I say if people wanna keep adding more, let it happen. I save almost every version to the collection anyway.

Anonymous 15/01/14(Wed)07:33 No. 16324 ID: c36b62

He also says he's continuing the edit until it hits 10mb, so there's a ways to go yet.

Anonymous 15/01/14(Wed)08:28 No. 16325 ID: 0bef91

The same 'cameltoe' is used in a lot of scenes. It might be a good idea to have a couple of variations thrown in there, especially for different girls

Anonymous 15/01/14(Wed)11:48 No. 16327 ID: 900508


I don't care how many characters they add, as long as they don't look like shit, like that one that tried to add palutena.

It's the way it changes the flash from randomly switching characters to the rhythm block song from Mario 3D world that bugs me.

WBGrock 15/01/16(Fri)05:35 No. 16334 ID: 2d1782

Well, if he's going to edit till 10mb.... Cumshots!!

Anonymous 15/01/18(Sun)11:46 No. 16342 ID: 0de23a

If you skip to the end where the background is yellow, the normal pose is the proto-zelda scene whereas the rest of the scenes are filler of Peach and Rosalina.
I like these better when you can choose a scene like the first edit.
I'd also really like it if the editors would go the full distance and add some cumshots. Closure is nice.

Anonymous 15/01/18(Sun)18:44 No. 16343 ID: 15ce64


How do that???

Anonymous 15/01/20(Tue)10:17 No. 16348 ID: 3f4d67

also the dick dissapears on a couple bj scenes.

Anonymous 15/01/30(Fri)02:59 No. 16372 ID: 774ed1

File removed.swf - (4.36MB , ppppSuperWiiU3-SceneSelect.swf )

Alright it's been a while but I got a new version of the scene select version done. It has Shantae from gscot's latest release and a lot of other new, small features. To see the controls, press H.

Dark Daisy 15/01/30(Fri)14:00 No. 16373 ID: 15ce64


That edit it's amazing. Finaly Shantae with the Sky Block Music and the alternative poses ;)

Anonymous 15/01/30(Fri)19:05 No. 16376 ID: 5e3c26

Took a minute to get everything down but this feels very well put together. Thanks.

Anonymous 15/01/31(Sat)01:56 No. 16377 ID: f3d11b

God damn. Perfect. The release before this, I would just cringe with some of the weird looking faces, or placement of things like Peaches arm. Still, I miss Shantae's music.

Anonymous 15/01/31(Sat)02:05 No. 16378 ID: f3d11b

DAMN. There's even variant scenes. Fucking love it.

Anonymous 15/01/31(Sat)04:28 No. 16379 ID: 30a28a

this has got to be by far the best version.
any chance we can get a breast slider like what cubespoon was planning on doing?

Anonymous 15/01/31(Sat)11:41 No. 16381 ID: 774ed1

Unfortunately not likely. Did some quick mockups and the graphics used for the breasts didn't look good when used for different sizes. The only size I have confidence in looking good at this time would be completely flat. I'll try a few more mockups though and see if it's feasible.

I'm terrible with art, so if I did WFT she'd in all likelihood look very wonky.

Anonymous 15/01/31(Sat)23:04 No. 16385 ID: f3d11b

I'd love to see Din from LoZ: Oracle of Seasons, but... who even makes the characters? Is there a template? I can try making a few, but I know jack about Flash, so I could only provide art.

Anonymous 15/02/01(Sun)06:37 No. 16387 ID: 6da20d

Give her Samus's hair and make it Grey.

Anonymous 15/02/01(Sun)15:51 No. 16389 ID: 15ce64


Why to use " ~ " to change the scenes mode?. I canĀ“t use this because in my keyboard to use ~ i ned to push "alt gr", and this tecle has another funtion with the interactive and non do the ~ funtion... :(

Anonymous 15/02/01(Sun)23:33 No. 16390 ID: 974e70


Fucking awesome. Love how there's variation like reverse cowgirl having both vaginal/anal on all characters

Anonymous 15/02/02(Mon)13:01 No. 16393 ID: 774ed1

File ppppSuperWiiU3-SceneSelect.swf - (4.36MB )

Sorry about that, ~ seemed ok to use since it's placed next to the 1-9 keys on my keyboard. Here's a slightly modified version that uses 'S' instead of the ~

gscot is the one who added Shantae character from my understanding. You can make a suggestion for characters on the e621 page for the last flash he released (search "gscot").
If you are willing to do it yourself: template wise, you should only need the graphic of a character's head as hair and head accessories are the main things that make everyone different. Just be aware that the hair is split up into multiple parts (Peach's hair is split into 5 or so unique sections).

As for the other recent suggestions that I didn't 100% rule out, I'll see what I can do but I'm not promising anything. Don't want a situation in which I promise too much and nothing comes out of it because it was out my skill set.

Dark Daisy 15/02/03(Tue)14:17 No. 16395 ID: 15ce64


Thank you very much. That version finally solves the problem ;)

Anonymous 15/02/04(Wed)01:30 No. 16398 ID: e95f30

I honestly can tell why does everything need to be mapped to keyboard instead of being clickable.

That's why >>15571 is still my to-go ppppu edit.

Anonymous 15/02/04(Wed)03:17 No. 16399 ID: 3b047a

it seems like it's easier. seems like it's hard to resize this flash without anything breaking. (background is broken on the other flash you linked) And too many buttons would clutter up/block off the view.

Anonymous 15/02/06(Fri)06:59 No. 16401 ID: 1ddd1a

Can you also bring back the Samus reverse vaginal cowgirl scene from the older versions?

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