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Anonymous 14/11/15(Sat)11:41 No. 16218 ID: 0de23a

I didn't get that impression from Galaxy at all. And if it's okay for her to emote in two of her animations here, why not all of them?

Anonymous 15/01/03(Sat)08:20 No. 16289 ID: f99a3d

I believe that this flash is single-handedly responsible for the increase in traffic to 7chan, particularly this board, within the past 10 months.

Anonymous 15/01/03(Sat)19:26 No. 16293 ID: ed7bba

I literally come to this site to check on -8 updates.

Anonymous 15/01/06(Tue)02:48 No. 16300 ID: f3fbf3


Anonymous 15/01/07(Wed)10:03 No. 16304 ID: cc0387

File ppppu_5_(shantae_edit).swf - (3.38MB , ppppu 5 (shantae edit).swf )

just found this. looks like more are in the works too. I renamed the file. original file named a5c717a7ee1b2cd94b6259fa638c7f50.swf

Anonymous 15/01/09(Fri)02:25 No. 16306 ID: 740fad

>Animal Crossing Coming soon

Im hyped.

Anonymous 15/01/12(Mon)12:27 No. 16311 ID: 900508

It's not very good. I feel like changing the music and making the girls not randomly swap kills the appeal of the original, and definitely kills the Super Mario 3D World reference.

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