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Anonymous 14/09/26(Fri)23:43 No. 16080 ID: de8243

Well you could try and go for it, be worth a shot.

Anonymous 14/09/30(Tue)14:22 No. 16097 ID: 774ed1

File ppppuWiiU2_SceneSwitchv2.swf - (3.41MB )

Modified >>16072 to the specifications of >>16075
spacebar toggles whether characters are allowed to switch automatically.
S, D, R, and P are used to select a specific character and locks it to them.
Also added a few of gscot's more recent modifications (an animation from Peach and Samus)

Anonymous 14/10/02(Thu)01:34 No. 16103 ID: e0f0f6


This is most definitely the bestest one I've seen so far. I've been waiting for this for weeks, I love you <3

Anonymous 14/10/02(Thu)21:13 No. 16117 ID: fe7639

You are doing God's work Anon. Love it!

Anonymous 14/10/04(Sat)07:51 No. 16123 ID: 947701

File ppppu_moon.swf - (4.99MB )

Anonymous 14/10/04(Sat)11:13 No. 16126 ID: 7b17a4

I don't know if it's because I'm just stoned, but this makes me happier than it should

bless you

Anonymous 14/10/06(Mon)15:28 No. 16130 ID: 6a88b8

It doesn't work without the background. Someone should shoop that in.

Anonymous 14/10/13(Mon)02:01 No. 16151 ID: 319f42

might be a bit much, but could you look into adding an option where you can choose which girls appear when it's randomly switching instead of locking it to a character?

Anonymous 14/10/15(Wed)13:51 No. 16162 ID: 774ed1

File ppppuWiiU2_SceneSwitchv2_1.swf - (3.41MB )

Z-V toggles if a character will be shown through the normal cycle or random select (Z for Peach, X for Rosa, C for Daisy, V for Samus). Also B toggles the random character select (constrained by the Z-V toggles).
Side note: Random character select and character lock can't be activated at the same time.

Anonymous 14/10/21(Tue)03:42 No. 16178 ID: fe7639

Seriously man, some good work you're doing here. Thanks

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