Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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AND ACCESSORIES: 1. requests for line ranges 2. CRC32 in requests to prevent sending files in cache 3. transfer size and error codes 5. user filling forms 6. realtime data streaming
File 161234162818.jpg - (35.05KB , 320x200 , 3ff173f581cdac.jpg )
I like that image man. I would watch the nekomimi's scrolling across the top while sega genesis type yamaha music plays in the foreground.
>>5450 Sounds like an idea for a demo. Would watch.
>>5450 It looks like she has no mouth.
You are reimplementing features HTTP already has. Don't make gopherholes, make better web sites.
>>5484 the modern web is unsalvageable