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Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 19/11/13(Wed)23:06 No. 5334

File 157368279413.jpg - (214.77KB , 1200x900 , n0zh9le99mx31.jpg )

Hey, whatever happened to the Chinese "7 Golden Flowers"?
You'd figure with what was going on with all the protests in Hong Kong they would have popped back up.
Instead it seems as if all mention of them on the web has been purged, even from the Internet Time Machine.
Am I missing something?

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 19/11/16(Sat)02:46 No. 5336

I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never encountered that. I don't know what you're referencing. It's not something I have awareness of. As far as explanations of this my brain exports nothing in terms of an explanation, actually. lol Is it a book? A web page article? An informational video? I really don't know, but if I knew I'd be able to bring an explanation. That's my stance here. Explanation then preceding action can follow. I could Google it but what if there are 10 responses? I don't want that. I don't want that challenging decision horizon. Everything ought to be as easy as possible always. lol

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