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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Script stuff Noob 18/12/03(Mon)16:24 No. 5173

File 154385065394.jpg - (13.67KB , 450x319 , 67808925-stock-vector-vector-thinking-guy-meme-fac.jpg )

Hi guys, i have this script that i run through chrome on tampermankey, but to run it 24/7 is quite expensive in electricity terms.
is there a free way to make it run on other devices or online or stuff like that that i dont know???

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 18/12/03(Mon)17:38 No. 5176

Sooooooooo what are you looking for? Another script manager? Do you HAVE to run it inside a browser?

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 18/12/11(Tue)14:45 No. 5177

Maybe run it on a Raspberry Pi? Although I'm not sure how long it'll take to amortize the cost of the Pi.

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 19/01/03(Thu)07:41 No. 5192

What the fuck are you doing that requires so much compute that the electricity is getting costly???

1) figure out how to make it more computationally efficient.

2) run it via a botnet.

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 19/01/04(Fri)01:35 No. 5193

I assume what OP means is that it's costly to keep the computer running 24/7 just to keep the script running, not that the script by itself increases the power consumption.

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 19/01/13(Sun)01:11 No. 5203

If it doesn't need to be in a browser you could probably port it to Node, which would be a little less wasteful than running it in Chrome.

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 19/01/17(Thu)20:52 No. 5205

But why did you have to write it in Javashit in the first place, and why are you using a proprietary browser?

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