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Artificial Neural Networks Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 16/01/23(Sat)07:46 No. 4852

File 145353156671.jpg - (121.43KB , 600x821 , scary_video_games_by_vashperado-d5hsuay.jpg )

Any hints, tips, or otherwise?
Any questions?

My current project is: Artificial Neural Network(s) distributed across Raspberry Pi 2 computer systems for use of robotic cat.

Any Suggestions? Already have code for ANN, just need to parallelize it.

Anybody have thoughts on that?

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 19/08/11(Sun)10:40 No. 5282

i am not expert in your issue

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 19/11/01(Fri)07:43 No. 5330

What do you mean by distributed ? You are getting the data via multiple sensor on multiple pi ?

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 20/04/13(Mon)01:07 No. 5361

the best you can do in terms of parallelizing neural networks is perform matrix operations over a distributed compute.

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