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God and infinite time dimensions Anon 23/11/29(Wed)09:40 No. 15356 ID: eecaaa

Will time exist at higher dimensions? Or it would be the point of eternity? What if there are more dimensions of time, and we haven't just discovered them yet?

According to the superstring theory, the so called theory of everything, there are 10 dimensions of time and space. According to boson string theory there are 27. We have M theory as well. All these talk about finite time dimensions. But what if the number of time dimensions in infinite?

"Carroll writes that, from a quantum perspective, the Universe ‘evolves in a mathematical realm with more than 10(10^100) dimensions’ – that’s 10 followed by a googol of zeroes, or 10,000 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion zeroes. It’s hard to conceive of this almost impossibly vast number, which dwarfs into insignificance the number of particles in the known Universe. Yet every one of them is a separate dimension in a mathematical space described by quantum equations; every one a new ‘degree of freedom’ that the Universe has at its disposal.

In simple words, consider this analogy, water molecules themselves are not wet. But when they come together they are. Same goes for spacetime, many dimensions come together on a quantum level to make it."

Presenting an abstract from another research paper:

"A simple numerical argument is presented which suggests that quantum space-time may very well be infinite dimensional. A discussion of the repercussions of this new paradigm in Physics is given. A truly remarkably simple and plausible solution of the cosmological constant problem results from the new relativity principle: The cosmological constant is not a constant, in the same vein that energy in Einstein's Special Relativity is observer dependent. Finally, following El Naschie, we argue why the observed D=4 world might just be an average dimension over the infinite possible values of the quantum space-time and why the compactification mechanisms from higher to four dimensions in string theory may not be actually the right way to look at the world at Planck scales."


The infiniteness of time dimensions makes us question the idea of eternity.

Because if we believe that infinite dimensions do exist, it becomes a case of infinite regress. But makes us question about god. He's atemporal, defies space and time and is eternal. Any being that doesn't fit this criteria can't be god. As I said this concept negates eternity. So it disproves the existence of god. No eternity, no passive observer outside these dimensions.

And if somehow these dimensions are finite then eternity exists and eternal recurrence makes sense kind of. As henrich heine says,

"The things in time, the concrete bodies, are finite. They may indeed disperse into the smallest particles; but these particles, the atoms, have their determinate numbers, and the numbers of the configurations which, all of themselves, are formed out of them is also determinate. Now, however long a time may pass, according to the eternal laws governing the combinations of this eternal play of repetition, all configurations which have previously existed on this earth must yet meet, attract, repulse, kiss, and corrupt each other again..."

Plus the key point in this discussion is, eternity has to do with the infiniteness or finiteness of dimensions of time not time itself. Because, time had a beginning, it can't be infinite. It had a starting point at big bang. This is the the only reason we can't look back in time to solve the enigma of what happened before big bang. Because the very entity of time will be destroyed at that point. Anyways, what I meant to say was that assuming that the dimensions of time are finite then what lies ahead of it?? Eternity. Timelessness. Where there's no time. Eternity is not infiniteness of time but timelessness. And from that vantage if we could attain it, space time would look flattened. And you'd be outside the dimensions of time. Like a passive observer or what we call a higher entity or like god.
But since this point can't exist with infinite dimensions it shows no atemporal higher entity exists.

The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)23:42 No. 15361 ID: a6e051

>randomly throwing numbers around

Oof. This is so incredibly terrible as a concept

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