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Anonymous 23/11/18(Sat)21:13 No. 15353 ID: ecf5e3

File 170033842293.jpg - (340.17KB , 1536x2048 , 1662219561941782.jpg )

If there is such thing as reincarnation, I dont wanna come back as a human ever again.


Even if God Himself promises that I will never suffer from poverty, slavery, disease, etc again.

I may not, but someone else will.
How can we truly enjoy human life when it comes at the expense of others?

All the luxuries enjoyed by any class of people have always been at the cost of exploiting other classes.

I would rather be an astral being roaming the cosmos, enjoying the wonders of thousands of stars and planets.

The pleasures of human existence are nice but sirely limited. The only thing that motivates humans is imagination.

We still yearn to go to the stars and we still have so far to go.

If there is such thing as reincarnation, I want to be an astral being.

The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)23:48 No. 15363 ID: a6e051

I hope God gifts me with eternal life. He marks;
>my spirit will not struggle with humanity for eternity, but he shall live 120 years

Lord I hope my rod in the back has fit and enlarged my mind to not struggle, but to do the will of my God and earn that glory of Enos who pleased the Lord, and was not

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