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why we exist emo kiddo 23/01/19(Thu)19:06 No. 15220 ID: 9b5a9b

idk i think we should live the life be happy
anyways sorry to bother anyone
thank you im new here sorry

The+Red+Barron 23/01/22(Sun)10:11 No. 15224 ID: 7cb4c3

We're pets, clowns for God

Honk honk nigger.

Anonymous 23/03/03(Fri)08:29 No. 15242 ID: 109252

Yeah that’s the completely unthinking dipshit version of reality.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/10(Fri)14:36 No. 15249 ID: fff4f2

Provide your own idea then, you clearly brilliant subhuman

Anonymous 23/03/19(Sun)14:17 No. 15258 ID: 734add

i guess then the real question is what actually ends up giving the most happiness to us and the people around us?

The+Red+Barron 23/03/19(Sun)16:10 No. 15259 ID: b23312

File 167923864048.jpg - (112.34KB , 850x1133 , __karasu_tengu_shin_megami_tensei_and_1_more_drawn.jpg )

The destruction of the forces opposing our own happiness

In other words, killing every nigger on the fucking planet will cure all depression worldwide

Wavegod 23/03/26(Sun)19:16 No. 15267 ID: bf4bff

I have the ability to give eternal life to anyone and I am looking for folks who would like to live forever on earth, not some mystical heaven in some religious person's imagination. To be eligible for it, you must be covid vaccine free because taking it makes you available for manipulation against me and I don't want to give someone who can be manipulated by demons against me eternal life. I don't want to be careful about people forever, I need people who I can trust to always be on my side. Another eligibility test my followers must pass is to agree to obey the ten commandments plus the other two given by Christ, after passing these two tests my product of eternal life will be given to you.
No religion or religious leader or worldly leader can give you eternal life on Earth, only I can do that.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/27(Mon)16:37 No. 15271 ID: ab00b4

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>ignores the part where Jesus says belief in him is not just critical but REQUIRED for salvation
>is a nigger
>spams board

Fuck you, angels will joy in your death

Anonymous 23/03/28(Tue)18:28 No. 15272 ID: 254be0

I don't think logic can meta itself. While it's integral part of reality, it cannot encopass itself and beyond while still operating within itself.

In other words, I don't think it makes sense to ask a question like that.

The answer is blowing in the wind though so it's fine to ask, but just listen and instead of a question - you have an answer.

Anonymous 23/04/18(Tue)14:04 No. 15280 ID: c9d146

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To find out life for ourselves

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