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I barely find any interest in reading Anonymous 22/11/24(Thu)00:39 No. 15183 ID: 0edd86

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I made a post with the same title, but decided to delete it and make a dumbed-down version of it:

> me interested in philosophy since young kid
> me wanting to write philosophy book
> me not wanting to read philosophy book
> me think is unnecessary to read all book, when one can grasp fundamental ideas and apply to other fields
> me unsure if must read philosophy book to seem legit in dialogues with others (+writing)
> me believes 10 tools more important/useful than 1000 books of information
> hence, me invest in tools over the years instead of reading
> me refer to philosophical branches, anyways (subconsciously) > resulting in on flowing discussions
> me not wanting a title in philosophy
> me wanting to speak in front of an audience in future
> me having million dollar dilemma - me arrogant for thinking = reading philosophy unnecessary? For me thinks most books are recycled ideas, like hero vs villain, meaning of life, God etc.
> me thinks - why reinvent the wheel, when me can roll.

> also, me thinks to be on the right side of the graph in the picture (at least on my way there).

Hope that made sense.

Anonymous 22/11/24(Thu)01:11 No. 15184 ID: 14131b

EDIT: adding the following to clarify: it is not that I don’t WANT to read, but rather lose the interest once I receive the message of the book. About 2 days ago I started reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra, but couldn’t make it past 30 pages, as I got the idea. I of course had discussions about the ”superman” and also read about it before. So I found no reason in reading/finishing the book. Yet I feel ”obligated” to read these books, as I sometimes mention them in discussions, and do not want to make a fool of myself. I just can’t see what I ”miss” as a whole, on not reading them, but still having the concepts/messages of the books.

Anonymous 22/11/24(Thu)03:17 No. 15185 ID: 32135d

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I fucking hate reading, so I buy books that are about other books. I tell you the only guy I can read is Mortimer Adler. I hate it, it takes so much time and I lose interest quickly.

Yeah yeah I read some horology books but I'm a watchmaker so there's that. Reading sucks, debate me.

Anonymous 22/12/02(Fri)16:22 No. 15190 ID: 049bc8

Philosophy books are actual horseshit, you'd be wasting your time.

Anonymous 22/12/03(Sat)12:45 No. 15191 ID: 3ee042

Why do you think they're shit?

Anonymous 22/12/03(Sat)18:01 No. 15192 ID: 049bc8

They are really long and actively make you dumber as you read them. A standard philosophy book consists of a European autist spending 700 pages attempting to convince you that red bicycles are red, and failing. And those are just the more modern ones, ancient philosophy actually goes out of its way to be as wrong as possible. "Falling speed is governed by weight", "The idea of a cup is not an idea, somewhere in the world there is a pure example of the abstract concept of a cup in physical form, which governs all use of the idea of a cup somehow. And you are a cave-dwelling ignoramus if you don't agree with me."

There are some that are worth reading but they're the ones that really go against the grain and skip all the "first we must prove that existence exists" bullshit" and talk about somewhat tangible elements of the human experience (politics, communication, etc.)

Anonymous 22/12/08(Thu)01:33 No. 15193 ID: 948726

Philosophy is just fetishism under an academic banner

Anonymous 22/12/08(Thu)16:53 No. 15194 ID: ffbf5f

I'm a philosopher, completely agree.
Silly. What would you recommend? I am aware the average person still likes fetishism in daily language.

Anonymous 22/12/09(Fri)17:12 No. 15195 ID: ffb412

Yep. That's why more practical sciences are disdained by working class adults.

Anonymous 22/12/30(Fri)21:40 No. 15206 ID: f6cf90

Philosophy is idealism, which is the heart of malehood.

Philosophy is just adults complicating things to create an articial product called maturity.

Anonymous 23/01/23(Mon)14:25 No. 15229 ID: ed8030

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You guys ever try getting along with the mentally disabled? They have more emotional intelligence than 90% of adults

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