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how Anonymous 22/11/11(Fri)18:02 No. 15173 ID: 93b88c

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where does god come from? i am muslim(i believe in god) but i still wonder this, and if there is no god, why there are something instead of nothing?

Anonymous 22/11/11(Fri)20:48 No. 15174 ID: 52cec3

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It's a false dichotomy. Why does there either have to be something or nothing. What if somethings and nothingness are a continual state of the universe that goes on forever? not to mentiuon you asked yourself: What created god? And gods creator? And gods creators creator....etc etc.

It is this exact reason which makes god impossible to actually exist because he can't be the first mover or not the first mover because either the universe was the first cause or you find yourself in an infinite regress.

Anonymous 22/11/11(Fri)21:15 No. 15175 ID: 32135d

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You ever trip on acid hard? God's easy to see. It's not a real thing you can talk to and touch. It's a single living dimension. It's some fucked up shit and honestly, it created our existence, not our bodies and minds, but it's also not your friend and can destroy everything in an instant for LOLs or by accident. Cocksucking interdenominational doom monster feeding on souls. I hate it.

>What created god? And gods creator? And gods creators creator....etc etc.
It's just another vector of time and space and has always existed, because it's another perspective of matter/lack of matter on a scale very hard to comprehend for temporal beings such as us.

Anonymous 22/11/15(Tue)18:43 No. 15179 ID: b7a62e

the existence of god is 50 / 50

Anonymous 22/12/19(Mon)14:43 No. 15200 ID: 31beea

God doesn't even tell the angels how He was made.

Honestly trying to understand much more base concepts about religion still leads to some incomprehensible things... How can man hope to understand the origin of God when it is so hidden?

Anonymous 22/12/31(Sat)17:28 No. 15209 ID: 5901cc

Why do you assume that some sort of god is necessary for existence? Working from an assumption that the word "god" here is meant to include both an intellectual component and a degree of intentional agency (that is, a god in the normal understanding and not, for example, the god of Spinoza), the idea that a god is necessary for things to exist is seeming insanity, as things reach constructed states without the work of a driving intellect quite regularly, such as the geometric nature of many crystals and the highly-efficient networks created by slime molds. No driving intellect is needed for an organised state to exist.

However, even if you exclude the ordering of extant things and instead include only the primal act of creation as a thing which seemingly necessitates a god, this is fairly easy to disprove with modern quantum physics. The existence of the Casimir effect, along with other phenomena, prove that ex nihilo creation happen all the time, with such regularity that nobody really pretends it doesn't. The actual mystery of existence is the fact that, unlike the "mundane" ex nihilo manifestations of particles, our standard material existence is extraordinarily long-lived, an event of staggeringly low probability if existence is simply assumed to have been brought about in the same way as these quantum particles. The caveat to this mystery is the fact that any probability greater than 0 is simply a matter of time, and time itself can extend to infinity in both directions. As any probability multiplied to infinity reaches 1, this handily solves that.

Anonymous 23/01/01(Sun)16:10 No. 15210 ID: bce5cf

>using math that is incorrect but that he can't do himself so he trusts

lmao, faith is truly the diviner of the universe

Anonymous 23/01/11(Wed)22:09 No. 15217 ID: 314a7b

>why there are something instead of nothing?

Well, the thing is we don't really know. We have various theories within the realms of physics, mathematics and so on that attempt to explain it as best it can (this is far too deep to go into here). For "materialists", this is how we explain the Why. Tl;dr it just does...things happened, the universe formed and the rest is history.

Then there are the philosophical concepts. These, again, are highly varied. It's really open to interpretation because (most) philosophy does not rely on empirical observations, it's just thought and speculation. Various philosophies have attempted to reconcile these issues. Kant tried to reconcile science and God through his transcendental idealism. The existentialists said there is no god of any kind. Camus, with his absurdism, said who cares, maybe God is or isn't, maybe there is nothing and nothing matters, just live and enjoy your life no matter what. And so on.

Then you've got the theological view, be it Christianity, Islam or some wacko fringe religion about UFOs or something. This is kind of like accepting that we don't know so you just decide to come up with some stuff to explain everything, most of which boils down to "well God(s) created it, that's that!" which, frankly, I think is such an empty thing to accept. You're just making things up with no hard truths and no known ways to prove the existence of any God or similar deity.

Since we don't really know, it's up to you to choose what you want to believe.

Anonymous 23/01/23(Mon)14:23 No. 15227 ID: ed8030

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It'd be nice to get questions from a fat-tittied nun elf instead of pretending niggers for once

Anonymous 23/02/05(Sun)11:40 No. 15234 ID: 3475bd

if you read your texts then you'd know that there was nothing beside him at all and that he's what everything depends on. so basically the necessary being, look into what that entails for questions about origin

Anonymous 23/03/03(Fri)08:20 No. 15240 ID: 109252

When you understand why you have been led to link something instead of nothing to the existence of a god in our image, you will have your answer.

Anonymous 23/03/09(Thu)21:34 No. 15246 ID: f82c59

> why there are something instead of nothing?
Because 'nothing' has no ontological quality, less educated spoken: it can not ever be, it's not real, it's just negation of 'something' in your imagination. The term 'no-thing' necessitates a 'thing' in the first place. Existence as such does not require any justification like that. What urges people to believe in metaphysical superbeing is their fear of the void of purpose, which results from a lack of self-efficacy and willpower, their inability to be a purpose of their own.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/10(Fri)14:34 No. 15247 ID: fff4f2


Anonymous 23/04/15(Sat)19:46 No. 15278 ID: 249a4a

Read Avicenna

Anonymous 23/04/18(Tue)14:03 No. 15279 ID: c9d146

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God comes from within

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