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Is Hedonism an Asceticism? Anonymous 22/07/22(Fri)06:51 No. 15011 ID: 4177ec

File 165846550229.jpg - (141.50KB , 1200x900 , Hikikomori,_Hiasuki,_2004.jpg )

For example — although this thread should not be limited to them — I was thinking about the hikikomori. Don't they resemble monks in their seclusion? Is there something to this? Discuss.

Anonymous 22/07/22(Fri)06:56 No. 15012 ID: 3d42f1

what makes you say that?

Anonymous 22/07/22(Fri)08:16 No. 15013 ID: 3d42f1

Hedonism involves the pursuit of endless pleasures, while ascetism seems to involve the exact opposite, so how can one be the same as the other?

Anonymous 22/07/22(Fri)16:46 No. 15014 ID: 5d71d1

>Don't they resemble monks in their seclusion?
That's about the only resemblance. While monks seek spiritual/religious enlightenment and guard documents and ancient texts, hikikomori just play vidya, fap to hentai and browse the internet. The only thing hikikomori seek is escape.

Anonymous 22/07/22(Fri)16:48 No. 15015 ID: be9b39

>While monks seek spiritual/religious enlightenment and guard documents and ancient texts
A bunch of these losers would tell you that's what they're doing. I know a guy.

Anonymous 22/07/22(Fri)19:23 No. 15016 ID: c4d93f

Hikkinori and their cultural posterity are just lazy.
Imageboards are especially very lazy in their morals.
I tire of them trying to act like they're better than Reddit, my mother's fax machine or TikTok when they have the same problems with grooming.

Anonymous 22/07/22(Fri)19:58 No. 15018 ID: 838b0b

File 165851271153.jpg - (50.27KB , 361x532 , 12412.jpg )

Japan does not currently have cultural prosperity. Like all other developed countries the youth are not capable of achieving the same means of success that their parents and those before had, even if their parents had rough courses to get to said success. Since they do not have the comfortable seat to appreciate the past and its strengths they turn to violence. Self immolating or assaults on other person it is a need for violence that manifests in the hikkimori.

Anonymous 22/07/24(Sun)02:57 No. 15020 ID: 3d8074

How does this guy you know bide his time?

Anonymous 22/07/25(Mon)20:38 No. 15022 ID: 44e8de

>More armchair intellectual crap.

No. Most hikkimori aren't reactionary youth like you.
In fact, I feel that hikkimori being conflated with alt right is an excuse used to gain more numbers into rightoid larping.

Anonymous 22/07/29(Fri)18:55 No. 15024 ID: 838b0b

>armchair intellectual
read a book
newage crap, read a book

Anonymous 22/07/29(Fri)19:11 No. 15025 ID: be9b39

>>More armchair intellectual crap
What do you even mean by this?

Anonymous 22/08/25(Thu)05:58 No. 15100 ID: 57bad6

No you read a book. Most of you "enlightened" rightists just watch too many edgy cult classic movies amd quote sociopathic charcaters and think pissing off people means youre "special".

Go read some actual books and not some online audiobook by some sophomoric boomer.

Anonymous 22/08/25(Thu)18:11 No. 15103 ID: 838b0b

But I have.
If you must know, and I think you really do, I've read the author I put in a picture, the Greek classics, Japan's War from Hoyt, much of Mishima, Kato and Kanba's book on them, etc.

One such as your self must cease from having such an extreme kneejerk reaction when someone did little more than regurgitate points from the well educated class. I think because you sorely lack a liberal education maybe you greatly misconstrue a point such as that for one I thought up myself.

Anonymous 22/08/27(Sat)05:59 No. 15111 ID: fd43e1

You think life is like those historic books you read. Most of history is just peasants tilling the land and making gadgets to aid their minimal living. This idea of history as epic wars and heroes like its Clash Of The Titans is due to Age Of Exploration.

Anonymous 22/08/27(Sat)09:59 No. 15113 ID: 24e565

Yea, St. Anthony of desert lived his whole life secluded in the desert, fighting hordes of demons.

Anonymous 22/08/30(Tue)20:08 No. 15116 ID: 838b0b

Human beings have not changed in thousands or years and you are like everyone else all over the world in more ways that you would like to think.

Anonymous 22/08/31(Wed)04:32 No. 15117 ID: f5fbc6

I know that. But keep in mind that alot of those historical epics you read are often exaggerated or dross over any flaws. Most of history is just peasants tilling the land in the same spot for their entire lifetimes. All these epic wars were mere blips.
People whom glorify war or radical ideology are often those with no purpose nor contact with daily struggle. Theyre self insulated and have zero empathy.

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