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Anonymous 22/04/28(Thu)06:19 No. 14936 ID: 865d12

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Friends, I'm dying for direction. What I want is Solipsism as a topic handled from an Existential standpoint, not epistemologically. I want to learn about how Hollywoodian Solipsism effects our mentality and turns us into self-serving drones. I know that might be too opinionated and specific so I am also fine with anything that touches it tangentially. If you have any thoughts on the issue yourself I'd love to hear it.

Anonymous 24/09/09(Mon)14:13 No. 15639 ID: 915276

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>I believe that to understand neuronormativity, we must first understand Solipsism. Solipsism is the belief that only the self and its experiences exist. A solipsist would believe that their experiences are the only experiences, essentially reducing others and their experiences to sub-human automations.
>In my opinion, while neurotypicals have been using ideas such as theory of mind to accuse Autistics of lacking the ability to know another’s mind, neurotypicals have been so unaware of the existence of neurodivergent experience that they will inflict pain on us to “help” us conform to their standards.

Solipsism is just autism.

Anonymous 24/09/09(Mon)15:44 No. 15640 ID: 1445a0

Solipsism means that reality is one-dimensional instead of multilayered.

Anonymous 24/09/09(Mon)17:32 No. 15641 ID: 886a93

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Full video - https://t.co/7SrWkxvJUW

Anonymous 24/09/10(Tue)09:15 No. 15642 ID: 52f22c

Solipsism is the foundation of monotheism. A singular omnipotent being that rules and creates everything is by default a solipsistic deity.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)00:38 No. 15972 ID: 8b3ef1

Yea, but solipsism postulates there's no two simultaneous existences that are autonomous. Those who claim one god (usually) don't adhere to the idea that within that God there isn't division and multiplicity, however solipsism necessitates that.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)00:40 No. 15973 ID: 8b3ef1

The article literally claims the opposite

Anonymous 25/02/16(Sun)01:40 No. 15986 ID: 80c442

> I want to learn about how Hollywoodian Solipsism effects our mentality and turns us into self-serving drones

Oh boy another one of those kind of people

Anonymous 25/02/16(Sun)01:40 No. 15987 ID: 80c442

Solipsism is the seed of the main character syndrome that affects anyone who is invested in politics

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