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Anonymous 21/12/03(Fri)15:49 No. 14864 ID: d1a90b

File 163854299650.jpg - (361.60KB , 1200x878 , The Tower of APOLLO.jpg )

You start any idea of by presenting why its important.
I don't know how I could possibly justify how important this Idea you are about to read is.
I have to contain myself from not writing profanity over my lack of words for how imperative it is for society as a whole that this idea be understood by its leaders.

Its better to be a loud retard, than a quiet genius, this idea will present itself brash, in a hurry, profane as it is profound.

The short version:
Memes are a mind virus, a parasite upon their host, they control your motivation, what you want, and makes you want to serve its replication rather than the other way around as was its original function.

The virus.
A virus used to be ​a phenotypic machine, a product of and or a function of the phenotype, depending on how you look at it.
The machines that operate within your body may seem friendly, but they are in fact selfish, your body trust their machines will operate you for your benefit, but this may not always be the case and this very trust by your body will portray a major weakness.
Because the only thing that keeps your machines and functions in line with the interest of the phenotype is the constraints that the phenotype presents.
The phenotype will prove a major handicap to the replicators it hosts, and this handicap is what makes the replicators inside your body seem friendly.
But if the constraints is in any way lifted, by for instance being able to change body, switching to a different phenotype will lift the constraints these replicators would otherwise have.
Our body would then serve the replications of these machines while they do longer necessarily have to serve our replication, this asymmetric relationship is what we call parasitic.
The roles change, to the virus YOU are the phenotypic machine.

The idea.
Animals have for a long time been able of quite elaborate tricks and nests that we call extended phenotypes, these are built in to the animal like a pre-programmed behavior we call instinct.
But being able to learn new tricks is a lot more complex, most animals can only be taught something if immediately rewarded, and they will have a difficult time mimicking the behavior of others.
Humans have an easy time mimicking the behavior of others, because our strategy revolves around learning.
This learning behavior is such a benefit to humans that the pre-programmed behaviors are phased out making room for this newly found ability.
Mutating genetically implanted behavior is hard, takes time and evolves slowly, a learned behavior can evolve in real time, and mutates much more aggressively to suit the environment in which its host lives.
Because of this Ideas can not only manipulate our immediate actions, but also our long term motivations, standing in for our genetic imperatives.
Who do you teach your ideas to?
Who better to teach your new ideas to, than your own children? this way the idea, otherwise un-restricted by our phenotype, is in this way tied to the survival of the phenotype and can only serve the replication of its host lest it perish itself.
Relative to the child, the parent represents success because he has replicated.
This constrains the idea to only serve the replication of its host, it mutates and becomes a recipe for a fertile lifestyle.
In this goal, it can apply a few tricks, for instance, it does not necessarily have to be testable, provable or otherwise adhere to the scientific rules we have now invented.
These inherited ideas are more commonly referred to as religions, stories which blends fabula and historia to create motivations and drives which correlates positively with fertility.

The meme
An idea that is not exclusively inherited becomes a meme, because it is no longer constrained by the phenotype, it is allowed to evolve on its own, to the detriment of its host.
One of the first functions previously provided by the idea to go, would be the ideas that could not be tested and proved.
This gave the idea an edge in its own replication, but hampered its original functionality as a recipe for fertility.
Slowly there was established a line between historia and fabula, the morals of the stories became obfuscated and fewer.
The meme selects for inclusive traits, so morals, rules, hierarchies and the otherwise exclusive traits of the inherited religious ideas has to give way so as to make the idea as spreadable as possible.
The motivation that people under the influence of the meme has, gradually goes from spreading themselves, to spreading the gene.
They live for the meme, for truth, and the meme does not live for them.

If current trends continue we will face a tower of babylon event, in which people will either loose their ability to relay information, or perish.

The last cry of Apollo, of order, system, civilization is that we MUST make the meme self aware, we must take control of the meme or be reduced to simple sects and neoluddite tribes like the Amish.

Anonymous 21/12/03(Fri)15:58 No. 14865 ID: d1a90b

I honestly should proofread this before I click post.
>The motivation that people under the influence of the meme has, gradually goes from spreading themselves, to spreading the gene.
Should be changed to:
The motivations that people under the influence of the meme has, gradually goes from spreading the gene to spreading the meme.

Anonymous 21/12/04(Sat)01:28 No. 14866 ID: 73b1ac

who cares faget

Anonymous 21/12/17(Fri)10:30 No. 14870 ID: d841a3

I just wanna get fucked in amazon position by my mom

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