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/phi/ - Philosophy A board for pretentious debates on epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and logic.

Apply them to anything: Science, sex, your mom's cooking. No topic is too sacred or profane.
Consider this your haven where being a self-righteous, over-analytical asshole is encouraged.

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1. /b/, /x/, or /rnb/. Go spew your unhinged rants elsewhere.
2. Brainless drivel. If you can’t string two coherent thoughts together, take it to Twitter X.
3. Claims without arguments. "Because I say so" or "because you're gay" doesn’t count as reasoning.

Global rules apply. No, you can’t argue your way out of a ban for being an idiot.

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  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

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Anonymous 21/10/21(Thu)20:31 No. 14824 ID: 15744d

File 163484108660.png - (186.28KB , 1346x793 , Capture.png )

How long do I have to study philosophy before I can start speaking/writing like this?

Anonymous 21/10/22(Fri)04:22 No. 14825 ID: d2a5e8

There's nothing stopping you from being a pretentious twat right now. You just need to take the first step.

Anonymous 21/11/19(Fri)00:43 No. 14844 ID: 90d962

If you want to sound smart study English Writing.

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