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Black Blizz Post Shader Kory Taylor 21/05/26(Wed)05:51 No. 14753 ID: 9f80eb

File 162200107352.jpg - (35.30KB , 1024x574 , 190412-why-do-we-listen-to-liars-main-kh_bd4a72f84.jpg )

Some 4 channer threw a vinagroon at me after I said I was a nigger. Germa Clythe

Kory+Taylor 21/05/26(Wed)05:54 No. 14754 ID: 9f80eb

THe scropid? Clymes Kimby


mission 6.6 grr whait wait. guys umm i am whistle one

Anonymous 21/05/26(Wed)05:58 No. 14756 ID: 9679d6

File 162200148615.jpg - (158.00KB , 500x665 , 1533181524496.jpg )

can you pliss tell me what a vinagroon is, famalamadibblidoobber mc loobergoober?

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)05:59 No. 14758 ID: 9f80eb

This is a logical argument if you take all animal references away.

This is a philosophical argument if you climbed to a woman.

This is a math problem about surrounding a oops as a triangle is enough for goop.

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:01 No. 14760 ID: 9f80eb

A board argument. A whistle. A blowing statement. That fist fights are had below.

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:02 No. 14761 ID: 9f80eb

Anthony Buon- Bourdain said there was no way
that you said that right. (good enough)

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:03 No. 14762 ID: 9f80eb

That's right anthony is above anthony if i have to use parantheses is am not getting fucked right.

Blue page book. BKK BUONOMO

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:05 No. 14763 ID: 9f80eb

Is Kory the black dog. And he can still make it.

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:07 No. 14764 ID: 9f80eb

We don't like feds, I have to prove my fiction. My fuckery, my grap and grade and chairl.

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:08 No. 14765 ID: 9f80eb

My imaGINARY lawyer.

the deeel the pel the til.c a d

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