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An argument for the absurdity of free will using a quantum particle:
1.If X is able to do action Y and simultaneously is able to not do action Y, X has free will.
2.X being able to do Y is equivalent to there being a probability greater than zero that X will do Y.
3.X being able to not do Y is equivalent to there being a probability lesser than one that X will do Y.
4.If there is an action Y that X has a probability to do that is not 0 (no possibility) and not 1 (only possibility) then X has free will.
5.A physical object changing its state is an action taken by the object.
6.If a physical object has a probability to enter state Y that is not 0 or 1, the physical object has free will.
7.A quantum particle can have a probability that is not 0 or 1 to enter a particular state.
8.A quantum particle can have free will.
9.A quantum particle is not alive, does not have consciousness, and does not have the capacity to think or feel.
10.Life, consciousness, and the capacity to think or feel are not necessary attributes to have free will.