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Was Pliny the Elder the worlds first furry? Was Pliny the Elder the worlds first furry? 21/01/31(Sun)23:30 No. 14682 ID: 489c47

File 161213225246.png - (12.80KB , 269x187 , kek phiolosophy.png )

Im learning about anthropology for my last semester in college and I discovered Pliny basically started the thinking of beast-folk and this lasted about 1,500 years after his death in 79 AD. Thoughts? p.s. I aint no furry.

Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)09:59 No. 14717 ID: 7cb4c3

There are Cherubim and Biblical angels that are anthropomorphic.

Beyond that wouldn't evolution have used this at some point? I feel like it's an easy concept to come to on your own, not very original, not likely "invented" by some opium smoking cock jockey

Anonymous 21/04/02(Fri)03:41 No. 14721 ID: 77e1df

Bro, the Egyptians had anthropomorphic gods in like 3000 BC.

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