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Some questions about skepticism and the principle of knowledge? Anonymous 20/04/15(Wed)02:32 No. 14461 ID: 4af815

File 158691076713.jpg - (37.37KB , 400x340 , violet kitty.jpg )

What about this principle? ("if K (P - > ~ Q), then ~ k (~ Q) - > ~ k (P)") (if you know (P implies non-Q, then you don't know non-Q implies don't know P)

I learnt about that Nozick gave an anti skeptical argument based on this principle from Jesper Kallestrup's "Semantic Externalism "(New Problems of Philosophy),but I think his argument confused the image (electrical signal) of our "foot" in the brain in the vat with our actual foot (if we have one).

Anonymous 22/05/05(Thu)06:01 No. 14939 ID: 1a8448

I entered the Faculty of Economics because my boyfriend went to study there. I didn't really understand where and why I was entering, but I followed him. Passed all the exams, entered. The study went smoothly until the moment when a huge number of written works began to be asked. Here https://assignmentmasters.org/economics-homework.html/ I found detailed information about where and how to find an author who can help me write. The result satisfied me, I will apply again.

The+Red+Barron 22/05/16(Mon)09:06 No. 14941 ID: 7cb4c3

Use English when you ask questions, charlatain

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