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Invent/create to commune with God Anonymous 19/10/03(Thu)16:26 No. 14198 ID: 5d874a

File 157011280581.jpg - (337.96KB , 1680x1050 , Da'at_Yichud_Safe.jpg )

So recently, I have been replaying Wolfenstein: the New Order. Within the game, there is the ancient secret mystical society of Da'at Yichud.

It's regarding them I wanted to ask a question. Within the game, their practices are based on pure reason and are described as a way of understanding God through knowledge and natural law. They invent, create and discover as a method of communing with God.

I was wondering if there is any IRL religion/philosophy that's similar to that of the Da'at Yichud?

Anonymous 19/10/03(Thu)20:37 No. 14199 ID: 30af1b

None that didn't drink the cool-aid.

Anonymous 19/10/04(Fri)11:59 No. 14202 ID: b4fe80

There may be, but nobody's going to discuss it on /phi/ while the mentally ill postbot is around.

Anonymous 19/10/05(Sat)05:51 No. 14205 ID: 209db6

>Pure reason
Pick one and only one. Every cult is the same, and every religion is just a cult with mass-appeal.

Anonymous 19/10/17(Thu)08:08 No. 14230 ID: efe96d

There is a practice, it's called using your eyes. No. lol I just see faint assumption that there is a god and a question asking to justify him. Assume all you want, doesn't mean there is one. I'm sorry. lol If anything, science is the nearest thing to this, whatever that really informs about in actuality, maybe nothing much at all, I can't say.

Anonymous 19/10/17(Thu)11:52 No. 14231 ID: 5d1945

File 157130597319.jpg - (603.07KB , 1600x1101 , external-content_duckduckgo_com.jpg )

>There is a practice, it's called using your eyes. No. lol I just see faint assumption that there is a god and a question asking to justify him.

Apart from your whole statement sounding like you've just inhaled Jenkem...

Have you seen atom and electrons, a blackhole, how about the north and south pole?

See, (pun intended) you can't see electrons, and black holes but you take it on faith from your local scientist that they're there and in this regard they supplant your priest.

The north and south poles, well, the flat earthers haven't seen those. And if we're to believe them, it's all a conspiracy that the world is round.

So what will it be? Will you follow faith and believe in god/science or follow your eyes and believe the world is flat.

Anonymous 19/10/22(Tue)05:00 No. 14235 ID: 771ef2

What is Jenkem? I've never heard of it. It sounds exotic as far as things to take. Where can I get Jenkem? Is it expensive? Say I was saving up for it, how long would it take me to save up for it? I know where all of my funds are going. Every extra cent I have is going to this Jenkem. I'm working holidays this year. I always wanted to make lots of money, but hearing about this Jenkem stuff has triggered my interest in handling all my financial difficulties. If a particle of it relates to my existence as somebody making good points then I've gotta get on it stat. Why type anything currently? lol I am currently in a calm state of mind thinking about this. The calm state I find myself in has been going on a good amount of time and I expect it to continue on for a long time. I couldn't be in a better random chance bringing about a benefit scenario in being completely calm and learning about Jenkem, because now I can calmly and effectively plan out my path to get this Jenkem stuff, it sounds appealing to me.

Anonymous 19/10/31(Thu)03:09 No. 14242 ID: a115ac

File 157248778497.jpg - (35.85KB , 728x701 , A note about Davespiracy.jpg )

Its an urban legend that goes in and out of fashion.

It started being perpetuated on chans after chain emails sent between grandmothers finally started dying out as a means of perpetuating ignorance and stupidity.

Until we start filtering internet access in nursing homes we have to deal with this nonsense.

Anonymous 19/10/31(Thu)10:44 No. 14245 ID: cca4e7

The world isn't flat, I guarantee it. Why? Because I've been in a plane that flew from the west coast of America to Europe, nonstop, and we went over the ices of far North Canada. This only makes sense if the world is round, as if it were flat they'd just fly in a "straight line" across the middle of the USA and the Atlantic.

The world RUNS on money. There is no fucking conspiracy of bullshit that would compel airliners to fly an inefficient (and thus more expensive) route all the time. Capitalism doesn't allow it.

Anonymous 19/10/31(Thu)21:14 No. 14249 ID: f2b753

>There is no fucking conspiracy of bullshit that would compel airliners to fly an inefficient (and thus more expensive) route all the time.
That's what they want you to believe.

>Capitalism doesn't allow it.
Unfortunately it does, capitalism permits such significant investments in maintaining lies as long as the result maintains (or promotes) it's market position. You could also substitute market position for power over the lesser classes since the two are equivalents within a capitalist environment.

Look at the Nestle/Baby Milk scandal where they heavily invested in a lie in order to support long term economic growth. You think the guys redirecting jets are thinking in years? No, they've spent centuries solidifying their powers and looking to do so for centuries to come.

Anonymous 19/11/15(Fri)09:34 No. 14270 ID: 85987e

>You think the guys redirecting jets are thinking in years? No, they've spent centuries solidifying their powers
Nobody lives that long. Many countries don't even exist that long. You have no grasp over time, which isn't a surprise since basic physics is also lost to you.

Anonymous 19/11/15(Fri)10:08 No. 14273 ID: 06d78a

>Nobody lives that long.
But organisations do, and they are composed of men.

>You have no grasp over time, which isn't a surprise since basic physics is also lost to you.
Next thing you'll be telling us the Earth orbits the Sun and no other model of the universe could possibly exist.

Anonymous 19/11/21(Thu)02:36 No. 14278 ID: 65c2a4

Most organizations in America are barely 80 years old and airlining as a profession is barely a century old. Here's my problem with types like you. Y'all endlessly speculate about "the ties that bind" all day long and provide nothing but blogs and raving as evidence to support your position. In reality oppression isn't tied to your muh illuminatifreemasonsatantictitanic guilds, it's tied to the system that was built up progressively over centuries by people who had little to no idea what the end result would be. You ascribe oppression to direct manage on the part of a dedicated cabal. That's bullshit. Humanity itself and the systems of economy and governence it delved is the real "cabal".

Anonymous 19/11/24(Sun)17:21 No. 14281 ID: d36d31

Indeed, their fear is that the world around them is simply chaos. They're attempting to force order on the chaos by ascribing mystical powers to normal human beings so that the chaos could coalesce into order.

Of course we could readily speculate about what kind of chemical imbalances could lead someone to think this way...

Anonymous 20/05/01(Fri)17:27 No. 14476 ID: aef41d

>I'm not wrong!
>I'm a flat-earther
Pick one, retard.

Anonymous 22/01/17(Mon)00:00 No. 14887 ID: 182caf

This remembers me about Babel's tower.

Anonymous 22/01/17(Mon)00:00 No. 14888 ID: 182caf

This remembers me about Babel's tower.

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