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Anarchist Q&A Anonymous 18/08/18(Sat)01:24 No. 13599 ID: c89d35

File 153454827535.jpg - (8.92KB , 479x467 , DEATH TO STARFUCKS.jpg )

(Doesn't even have to be about my politics)

I'm sick and fucking tired of seeing people over worked, over taxed, and under payed. Fire at will.

Anonymous 18/08/18(Sat)12:46 No. 13601 ID: 2ce276

sure why not

Given that, without civil government, people ultimately come under the power of the strongest and most aggressive forces who eventually demand the wealth of others (e.g., the mafia), how does your anarchist stance *sustainably* help people to have more leisure time, reduce their taxes, or receive fairer compensation for their work?

Anonymous 20/12/14(Mon)00:52 No. 14663 ID: baa2f3

What are you on?

Anonymous 20/12/14(Mon)22:55 No. 14664 ID: 72281e

Any model of anarchy simply results in small collectives of power that over time coalesce into larger collectives, which become governments. This is how society happened the first time around. Why would you possibly think you can prevent this should it happen again? You can't just NOT HAVE ANYONE IN CHARGE; a civilization cannot function that way. Hell, a book club with five members won't function that way.

You'll note that there really isn't any such thing as anarchist movements in countries with good social welfare systems. In those countries, their taxes actually go to stuff they use like free higher education, state healthcare, and city beautification; they have no problem paying their taxes. Contrast that to in America, where taxes go to bailout corporations, to line the wallet of billionaire CEOs, and fund the military industrial complex. Plus there are no worker protections so everyone ends up underpaid and overworked.

Really, the question I will provide is actually a rhetorical one: why the fuck are you proposing eliminating government, when the reality is you just want a government that functions properly?

Anonymous 21/10/08(Fri)02:45 No. 14814 ID: d2a5e8

Cooperatives, yay or nay?

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