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humanity anonimus 17/07/02(Sun)21:41 No. 12988 ID: 486e31

File 149902448359.jpg - (534.70KB , 1440x1440 , 2016-05-25 03-22-26~2~2.jpg )

Why we are not united? , it s stupid to fight each other , is not better to spent our energy for grow up together?
All the Nations want to have the primacy of something that cause most of the problem on the Earth like the war , economy and political crisis, the hungry , ...
We are Human , we not need a bigger television or beautiful dress , we need to understand to stay togheder

Nero Rand !HZseOmXfoc 17/07/06(Thu)16:02 No. 12996 ID: 7d4565

> Why we are not united?
Do you mean, why are we not united?

> it is stupid to fight each other, is not better to spent our energy for grow up together?
No it isn't. Not everyone is out for each others' benefit and life is finite, so putting yourself out for another person becomes an immoral/unethical act toward yourself. Mutualism, can lead to it not being an unethical act against you but systems or a direct line of cause and effect ought to be drawn back to you to benefit you to make it so.

> All the Nations want to have the primacy of something that causes most of the problems on the Earth like the war, economy and political crisis, the hungry, ...
Arguably, it is that drive that has dragged humanity forward. Ancient logic from the greeks, european thinkers forging deductive reasoning from inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning leading to the scientific method, the scientific method creating the glories of humanity.

Liken that, it was the pursuit of reason that standardized how people could relate to each other. Religion didn't unite humanity, but rationale did.

anonimus 17/07/06(Thu)20:38 No. 12997 ID: 431c9b

No no and no , fight to each other can only take is in a slowly ruins.

You said "Arguably, it is that drive that has dragged humanity forward". Yae i think the same but we grow up only if that discovery is shared with all .

" Ancient logic from the greeks, european thinkers forging deductive reasoning from inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning leading to the scientific method, the scientific method creating the glories of humanity".this is true , i cant say nothing more

" Not everyone is out for each others' benefit and life is finite, so putting yourself out for another person becomes an immoral/unethical act toward yourself".We have to change that!

" Mutualism, can lead to it not being an unethical act against you but systems or a direct line of cause and effect ought to be drawn back to you to benefit you to make it so".mmm ok

"Liken that, it was the pursuit of reason that standardized how people could relate to each other. Religion didn't unite humanity, but rationale did". Yea fucking true , the religion can only divide us

I have an example for you : if in the future we can survive only with a specifical discovery , you think that this discovery is shared with all to survive together? I dont think so .
This is a immoral act , think about that

Anonymous 17/07/25(Tue)04:07 No. 13034 ID: 14f7e1

>Why are we not united?

>It is stupid to fight each other.
Usually. I think more people are becoming of the opinion that diplomatic solutions are usually better than getting into physical conflicts.

If you are asking why we oppose each other at all, it's because we can't all agree. We all have different opinions on what is good, what is bad, and what level of altruism people are supposed to have.

>All Nations want to have the primacy of something that. That is the cause of famine, war, etc.
I agree to an extent. If everyone was perfectly altruistic, then there would be much less fighting.

Hypothetically speaking, there could still be fighting, like in iRobot, where the machines dominate humanity and kill some of them because they coldly decided what was best.

>We are human. We don't need a bigger television or a more beautiful dress.
That's the animal part of us that isn't logical - most of our wants. We want a big television that is going to stimulate all of our friends well enough, so they don't leave us. We want the most beautiful dress, to show our status and fend off the lower mates. It's just what animals do.

>We need to understand each other and to stay together
To an extent, yes. If you want to learn more about this, you should study sociology.

Anonymous 20/05/01(Fri)18:04 No. 14482 ID: aef41d

We are not united because we are told by our Lords and Kings that the world is zero-sum, that only SOME PEOPLE can have the comfort of life and love and happiness, and that every time someone who is not of your tribe achieves those things, it is removing those things from you.

This creates such idiotic delusions such as the idea that bombing a town on the other side of the world will somehow make your town a better place. Or preventing some people from getting married with make your own marriages better. Love and life is just energy, and energy is (compared to a human scale) effectively infinite.

Anonymous 20/05/19(Tue)08:55 No. 14503 ID: 7cb4c3

Man you are really opening yourself and your children up to be robbed blind, literally of their very eyes with this type of thinking. People are humans, we have stomachs, we eat, our stomachs grow. Without the pain of hunger your stomach will never shrink, with sharing comes an increase.

There's a line in Ecclesiastes IIRC that says when goods are increased, they are increased that eat them. They will eat you next.

Anonymous 20/05/19(Tue)09:15 No. 14506 ID: 78d00d

Psychopaths - this is why we can't have nice things.

The truth is man abhors the psychopath but the psychopath at the top is the one protecting you. He needs you under him and as he looks out across the ocean he sees psychopaths ruling other nations and looks at them with both jealous eyes and as a threat. He knows that if he wasn't in charge those psychopaths would steam-roll across your nation ruining everything he owns. So the psychopath tends to his sheep, and riles them to war.

You may want to get along.
But the ones at the top want to protect what's theirs.
And they don't really care about you as an individual.


The solution to your question is to test everyone at birth for psychopathic traits and to euthanise the ones that have them. If you let them grow up they will seize power.

Anonymous 20/05/20(Wed)10:21 No. 14509 ID: 7cb4c3

Population control may actually be a solution

Go to /pol/ Anonymous 22/01/16(Sun)23:58 No. 14886 ID: 182caf

and ask them to redpill you about "Zion`s elders protocols"

You may start to see a bit

Anonymous 22/07/30(Sat)07:40 No. 15027 ID: da3c72

Exactly. Idk why people think it's evil. At least more evil than other NWO methods.

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