I have all of them, but anything from the tgcomics site and anything from ero-mania are the only things I will never pirate or give away to others, tg is my biggest fetish by far, and the artists who make comics like the ones on tgcomics are already few and far between, so I can't in good conscience give them away to someone, you can get a lifetime dl link to any of them for only 10 bucks, and some of them are extremely long and well done, more than worth the price
what I can do is give you some suggestions: anything by CBlack or Infinity Sign is worth far more than what they charge, especially CBlack, seer coltz and sturkwurk also are very good artists
as far as specifics: frankennerd, road trip, fugitives, anima unleashed, princess and the punk, and quantum butterfly are by far the best the site has to offer, worth every penny
I know this isn't the answer you want, and if it was ANYTHING else that I had you wanted, I would give it away in a heartbeat, but tg artists of this quality are very rare, and with it being my biggest fetish, I'm not going to shaft them like that, sorry