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Anonymous 21/07/16(Fri)16:44 No. 15606

File 162644665885.jpg - (417.46KB , 850x1201 , sample_770a1571f474265e2e2f6337d135f78a.jpg )

Anonymous 21/07/16(Fri)16:44 No. 15607

File 162644669569.jpg - (397.18KB , 850x1201 , sample_7fe6b4da8876cbe018c3d3416cb36fed.jpg )

Anonymous 21/07/16(Fri)16:46 No. 15608

File 162644676613.jpg - (274.53KB , 850x1201 , sample_6de06a1b73b222a4b7ae9a791995f95a.jpg )

Anonymous 21/07/16(Fri)16:47 No. 15609

File 162644682438.jpg - (455.18KB , 850x1201 , sample_821c0e7576bdb8dd867433b9d62c704f.jpg )

Anonymous 21/07/16(Fri)16:47 No. 15610

File 162644686143.jpg - (527.92KB , 850x1201 , sample_531b77f95201df28de8316ed6de43bed.jpg )

Anonymous 21/07/16(Fri)17:19 No. 15612

Awesome, you've returned! Good to have you back

Dan 21/07/20(Tue)17:15 No. 15619

I got to be honest and just ask why did the 3rd ppl page was nuked? If its the whole loli/shoto shit I call BS because other pages on 8kun and sites has them.

Dan 21/07/20(Tue)17:15 No. 15620

I got to be honest and just ask why did the 3rd ppl page was nuked? If its the whole loli/shoto shit I call BS because other pages on 8kun and sites has them.

Anonymous 21/07/21(Wed)16:08 No. 15623

File 162687648892.png - (1.70MB , 1200x1696 , page16.png )

Anonymous 21/07/21(Wed)18:00 No. 15624

What about the burning love pages?

Anonymous 21/07/21(Wed)18:00 No. 15625

What about the burning love pages?

Anonymous 21/07/22(Thu)13:20 No. 15627

no specific reason was given other than that certain pages were "illegal". best guess would be that it was the bs "loli/shota" reason

Anonymous 21/07/28(Wed)09:34 No. 15645

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Anonymous 21/07/28(Wed)09:42 No. 15646

Here's all the pages for the MU comic "Burning Love" which is now done.


Anonymous 21/07/29(Thu)02:57 No. 15647

2 things
1. Who thinks piplup will be very turned on at the end and dawn decides to satisfy him after they're done with ash
2. How do these future comic ideas sound either a sequel to kalos threescore called kalos foursome with Pikachu being the fourth or a comic with korrina and her lucario

Anonymous 21/07/29(Thu)17:38 No. 15648

As long as there an actual foursome in the comic I’ll take it, but maybe with Clemont instead of pikachu

Anonymous 21/08/04(Wed)10:41 No. 15653

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Anonymous 21/08/11(Wed)15:02 No. 15656

File 162868696063.png - (2.18MB , 1200x1696 , page19.png )

Anonymous 21/08/21(Sat)09:11 No. 15680

File 162952987395.png - (1.46MB , 1200x1696 , page20.png )

Anonymous 21/08/21(Sat)12:27 No. 15681

Oh come on she doesn't take her boots off. The other two fantasies themselves completely naked and I bet we're near the end/climax of this comic.

Anonymous 21/08/25(Wed)21:38 No. 15685

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Anonymous 21/08/26(Thu)06:25 No. 15686

will be honest, the artstyle for the last 3 wet dreams were better than the current one

Anonymous 21/09/01(Wed)17:08 No. 15697

File 163050893140.png - (1.36MB , 1200x1696 , 22.png )

Anonymous 21/09/04(Sat)10:52 No. 15700

It looks like Gary is cheering him on, god this sucks

Anonymous 21/09/09(Thu)10:17 No. 15705

File 16311754289.jpg - (2.31MB , 3510x4961 , 23.jpg )

Anonymous 21/09/09(Thu)16:55 No. 15708



Anonymous 21/09/10(Fri)05:07 No. 15710

Is it stupid for me to say that I hated the fact that she never took her boots off in both the fantasies and actually blowing ash.

Anonymous 21/09/16(Thu)21:05 No. 15722

File 163181911648.png - (1.31MB , 1200x1696 , 24.png )

Anonymous 21/09/25(Sat)15:03 No. 15734

File 163257503960.png - (2.01MB , 1200x1696 , page25.png )

Anonymous 21/10/04(Mon)13:32 No. 15739

File 163334712791.png - (1.71MB , 1200x1696 , 0.png )

New Comic underway

Anonymous 21/10/09(Sat)10:20 No. 15740

File 163376765696.png - (2.23MB , 1200x1697 , 1.png )

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