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Ageha!gik6ebp6o6!!EwMGyvLJZ4 11/09/06(Tue)09:35 No. 1556

File 131529455272.png - (119.13KB , 600x750 , 061.png )

Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I draw adult pinups and comics but I need to increase my gallery. Can you guys give me suggestions? Here's some artwork but it's a couple years old. I'm willing to draw anything at this point and I feel like you guys would have some ideas. If this is in the wrong place please point me in the right direction.

121 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:40 No. 1678

File 131787245384.jpg - (958.43KB , 1100x1538 , page58.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:41 No. 1679

File 131787250155.jpg - (893.90KB , 1100x1538 , page59.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:42 No. 1680

File 131787255358.jpg - (879.79KB , 1100x1538 , page60.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:43 No. 1681

File 131787260659.jpg - (795.80KB , 1100x1538 , page61.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:44 No. 1682

File 131787265873.jpg - (845.17KB , 1100x1538 , page62.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:45 No. 1683

File 131787271419.jpg - (841.06KB , 1100x1538 , page63.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:46 No. 1684

File 131787277348.jpg - (906.71KB , 1100x1538 , page64.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:47 No. 1685

File 131787282865.jpg - (859.31KB , 1100x1538 , page65.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:47 No. 1686

File 131787287319.jpg - (845.35KB , 1100x1538 , page66.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:48 No. 1687

File 131787292350.jpg - (848.46KB , 1100x1538 , page67.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:49 No. 1688

File 131787297031.jpg - (792.67KB , 1100x1538 , page68.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:50 No. 1689

File 131787301547.jpg - (758.15KB , 1100x1538 , page69.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:51 No. 1690

File 131787307518.jpg - (710.93KB , 1100x1538 , page70.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:51 No. 1691

File 131787311166.jpg - (724.39KB , 1100x1538 , page71.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:52 No. 1692

File 131787315096.jpg - (659.46KB , 1100x1538 , page72.jpg )

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:57 No. 1693

File 131787343098.jpg - (269.58KB , 769x1194 , susan_-_empregada.jpg )

>>20380 What happens after this?

Glenda Gallaga ‘s home is a space station in space.
Today she has some very wild sex with her favorite sex-partners.
Sharon MacCain, Susan Steel, Suprema, Anaconda, Purple Power and Green Bee are all inside the space station as well.
Some of them are keeping watch for Glenda to make sure this sector of space stays safe.
Others are cleaning up the space station.

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)05:59 No. 1694

File 131787359829.jpg - (100.87KB , 493x610 , Glenda_observes.jpg )

Sharon MacCain is inspecting every corner in the space station to make sure everything is working all right and that nothing is out of place.
She comes across Glenda and her partners and is pleased to see that Glenda is having a great time.
She thinks to herself that Glenda Gallaga deserves to be treated to the best with everything Sharon and the other mentioned superheroines, can provide.
After all, Sharon thinks, if not for Glenda Gallaga, the others and I might not be alive today.

Sharon ‘s thoughts go back to the day she was at the mercy of Dr. Kharan.
Sharon thought she was done for when all of a sudden, Dr. Kharan was knocked unconscious by a purple-pink flash.
It was Glenda Gallaga.

Glenda had been observing the battle of Lord Beliak, Rage Star and Dr. Kharan fighting and fucking Susan Steel, Suprema and Monica, from her space station with her satellites.

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)06:13 No. 1695

File 131787441798.jpg - (551.31KB , 900x653 , Glenda_flies_to_earth.jpg )

Glenda had come up with a plan to save Sharon and the others. She put her teleporter on her back and flew as fast as she could to the earth. After Glenda had knocked Dr. Kharan unconscious she landed a few meters from Lord Beliak and Rage Star. Glenda had removed her teleporter from her back and held it right in front of her.
While Rage Star was busy firing heat-blasts at Lana LeBlanc and her camera-man, Lord Beliak had turned his head and saw Glenda Gallaga. Furious that Glenda had saved Sharon, Lord Beliak ran and then leaped at Glenda. Glenda activated her teleporter and Lord Beliak leaped right into the teleportation-portal that appeared right in front of him. Immediately after the portal disappeared Glenda shouted ‘CATCH’ at Sharon and threw her teleporter to Sharon. Just then Rage Star had turned his head to see that Lord Beliak was gone. Before he could do anything more Glenda flew at him with super-speed and, like Dr. Kharan, knocked him unconscious. Lana LeBlanc had made it to the van with her camera-man. She had lost her micro-phone and he his camera when Rage Star attacked. Lana started the van and drove to the hospital of Samara, because her camera-man was wounded, from Rage Star’s heat-blasts, and needed immediate treatment. After Glenda Gallaga introduced herself to Sharon, she explained to Sharon that she had teleported Lord Beliak to another dimension.
Meanwhile, Suprema and the BROWN-haired Monica, who were holding on to Susan Steel’s unconscious body, had witnessed Glenda Gallaga’s victory as well. They shouted Sharon’s name. Sharon then asked Glenda if she could please fly all 3 of them to their Freedom Stars base. Sharon also asked Glenda to bring the unconscious Dr. Kharan and Rage Star to their base, after she had finished bringing Suprema, Susan and the BROWN-haired Monica. Sharon herself went to her motorcycle. She explained to Glenda, Suprema and the BROWN-haired Monica that she wanted to check out the alley, where Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Green Bee were all kidnapped in Freedom Stars 1 Cattle Call, for clues. Ms. Americana had told Sharon of her mission to investigate the disappearance of Purple Power and Green Bee in an alley. Sharon had learned from Beliak, Kharan and Rage Star that Ms. Americana was also taken to the same place that Purple Power and Green Bee were taken(From Freedom Stars 1 Cattle Call and Freedom Stars 2 Cream Of The Crop).
Sharon arrived at the alley. After finding some clues (maybe hair-samples and alien cum) Sharon drove on her motorcycle to the Freedom Stars base.

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)06:18 No. 1696

File 131787468372.jpg - (154.52KB , 583x1600 , sanguessuga_moyses_cor.jpg )

There, Sharon saw that the unconscious Susan Steel had been placed in a healing-pod.
The BROWN-haired Monica was attending Suprema’s tits and cunt. Suprema’s tits and cunt had been burned by Rage Star’s heat in “Cream of the Crop”.
Monica herself was now wearing a healing-suit.
It was colored gold and her skin had turned blue.

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)06:19 No. 1697

File 131787478771.jpg - (229.06KB , 556x598 , monica_top.jpg )

(Monica will be healed as soon as the suit turns black and her skin returns to normal.
Monica will discover that, as a side effect, her hair-color will be WHITE.
Monica will then decide on a new code-name : ANACONDA)

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)06:31 No. 1698

File 131787549237.jpg - (81.55KB , 276x406 , Glenda_SPACE_STATION.jpg )

Sharon wanted to know where Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Green Bee were taken to.
She asked Glenda to help her attach some ‘mind-helmets’ on Dr. Kharan and Rage Star’s head.
Dr. Kharan and Rage Star were cuffed and still unconscious. They could see on a video-screen that Ms. Americana was sold to the Kleghthnor as a sex-slave. Glenda then tells Sharon that she can pin-point the dimension where Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Breen Bee were taken, with the technology from her space station.
Sharon agreed to go to Glenda’s Space Station.
Sharon also thought that they would need some extra fire-power, to make sure they would succeed in their mission to rescue Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Green Bee.
Sharon decided to use the ‘mind-helmets’ to brainwash Dr. Kharan and Rage Star to obey Sharon’s commands. The effect would last for 24 hours. After pin-pointing the dimension where Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Green Bee were taken to, Glenda, Sharon, Kharan and Rage Star went through a teleportation portal. They found Ms. Americana with the help of a bio-energy reader and witnessed the Kleghthnor fucking Ms. Americana up the ass. (Off-camera, the Kleghthnor had already finished fucking Glory Girl. He had left her in another room, unconscious. Glory Girl, American Angel and American Fox would eventually be rescued by Butterscotch-, Silver- and Emerald Fox and return with them to the 'www.superheroinecentral.com' universe) Sharon commanded Rage Star and Kharan to attack the Kleghthnor and Glenda to grab and fly Ms. Americana away from the Kleghthnor. Kharan and Rage Star killed the Kleghthnor. Sharon then asked Glenda to return the now unconscious Ms. Americana to her space station and then to the Freedom Stars base for treatment. Sharon also told Glenda to rejoin Kharan, Rage Star and herself after she is finished with her task.

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)06:34 No. 1699

File 131787568922.jpg - (1.27MB , 1288x2284 , Defradium - Purple Power.jpg )

Meanwhile, Sharon, with the help of the bio-energy reader, now searched for Purple Power and Green Bee.
Sharon, Kharan and Rage Star soon found them.
Purple Power and Green Bee were getting gangbanged by the Marcus (little green alien guys).
They were the ones that had kidnapped Purple Power and Green Bee back on earth in Freedom Stars 1 Cattle Call.

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)06:36 No. 1700

File 131787579881.jpg - (941.34KB , 1241x2292 , Defradium - Green Bee.jpg )

Sharon commanded Kharan and Rage Star to surround them.
After doing that she ordered them to attack the Marcus.
Kharan and Rage Star did just that, killing the Marcus.

Right on time Glenda Gallaga returned.
Having succeeded in their mission, Sharon and the others all returned back to Glenda’s space station and then to the Freedom Stars base.
There, Dr. Kharan and Rage Star were imprisoned.

Anonymous 11/10/06(Thu)06:39 No. 1701

File 131787598584.jpg - (810.74KB , 1400x948 , Glenda and Americana worm pit HR.jpg )

In the present Sharon is very happy for Glenda Gallaga that she gets to enjoy some wild sex every year , on the day Glenda rescued them all.
(Ms Americana is not present. However, she had thanked Glenda the day before with some wild sex in the worm pit) à worm pit

Sharon also wonders if they will ever encounter Lord Beliak again.
Just then Lord Beliak unleashes his rage against some creatures in an unknown dimension.
He screams that he will someday find his way back to earth and kill the purple-haired super-slut that banished him to this dimension.

Anonymous 11/10/09(Sun)18:45 No. 1702


Anonymous 11/10/25(Tue)19:07 No. 1703

File 131956243299.jpg - (850.98KB , 1400x981 , Glenda anal DP by aliens HR.jpg )

>>20381 Glenda Gallaga ‘s home is a space station in space.
Today she has some very wild sex with her favorite sex-partners.

Anonymous 11/11/27(Sun)11:31 No. 1704

File 132238986937.jpg - (469.44KB , 900x1241 , Susan fucking Sharon.jpg )

>>20381 Sharon MacCain, Susan Steel, Suprema, Anaconda, Purple Power and Green Bee are all inside the space station as well. Some of them are keeping watch for Glenda to make sure this sector of space stays safe. Others are cleaning up the space station.

Anonymous 11/12/25(Sun)14:56 No. 1705

File 132482136227.jpg - (412.27KB , 700x507 , artwork_fr_GG.jpg )

>>20382 Sharon MacCain is inspecting every corner in the space station to make sure everything is working all right and that nothing is out of place.
She comes across Glenda and her partners and is pleased to see that Glenda is having a great time.
She thinks to herself that Glenda Gallaga deserves to be treated to the best with everything Sharon and the other mentioned superheroines, can provide.
After all, Sharon thinks, if not for Glenda Gallaga, the others and I might not be alive today.

Anonymous 12/02/08(Wed)19:09 No. 1706

File 132872454619.jpg - (438.38KB , 900x629 , Sharon_and_Glenda.jpg )

Sharon ‘s thoughts go back to the day she was at the mercy of Dr. Kharan.
Sharon thought she was done for when all of a sudden, Dr. Kharan was knocked unconscious by a purple-pink flash.
It was Glenda Gallaga.

Anonymous 12/02/23(Thu)23:54 No. 2330

I'd actually join superheroinecomixxx if it didn't seem like you only get 3 pics a month or so.

Anonymous 12/05/07(Mon)10:05 No. 2742


I thought their comic was just nihilistic. It's really in bad taste.

Anonymous 12/05/07(Mon)20:05 No. 2743


Actually it's more like 3 to 5 pics a week, give or take

Anonymous 12/05/07(Mon)23:22 No. 2744


Also judging by the comic I wouldn't want to meet the "artist"(sarcastic quotes) of Cattle Call in real life. Jesus Nonexistant Christ, what's wrong with you?!

Anonymous 12/06/01(Fri)11:23 No. 2903

There's no accounting for taste.

Keep up the good work, OP!

Iron Girl's encounter with the horsemen from Alien orgy Farm II Anonymous 13/02/23(Sat)21:51 No. 4218

Alien Orgy Farm I, Glenda Gallaga with the TELEPORTER on her back Anonymous 13/03/09(Sat)20:12 No. 4277

After Alien Orgy Farm 1, where does Glenda Gallaga go?

AFTER Alien Orgy Farm 1 comes Glenda Gallaga : Space Rape Anonymous 13/03/09(Sat)20:23 No. 4278

Glenda Gallaga, with the TELEPORTER on her back, goes home, witnesses Susan Steel fucked up the ass on screen, gets enchanted by some UNSEEN force and then gets fucked by Quasmo's cousin! In effect; SPACE RAPED! (Quasmo's from Alien Orgy Farm II).

Glenda Gallaga's mom Anonymous 13/05/28(Tue)18:47 No. 4708

File 13697596271.jpg - (1.56MB , 2300x1587 , Queen Evana Gallaga.jpg )

Anonymous 13/08/09(Fri)21:02 No. 5218

>>1706 Glenda had been observing the battle of Lord Beliak, Rage Star and Dr. Kharan fighting and fucking Susan Steel, Suprema and Monica, from her space station with her satellites.
Glenda had come up with a plan to save Sharon and the others. She put her teleporter on her back and flew as fast as she could to the earth. After Glenda had knocked Dr. Kharan unconscious she landed a few meters from Lord Beliak and Rage Star. Glenda had removed her teleporter from her back and held it right in front of her.
While Rage Star was busy firing heat-blasts at Lana LeBlanc and her camera-man, Lord Beliak had turned his head and saw Glenda Gallaga. Furious that Glenda had saved Sharon, Lord Beliak ran and then leaped at Glenda. Glenda activated her teleporter and Lord Beliak leaped right into the teleportation-portal that appeared right in front of him. Immediately after the portal disappeared Glenda shouted ‘CATCH’ at Sharon and threw her teleporter to Sharon. Just then Rage Star had turned his head to see that Lord Beliak was gone. Before he could do anything more Glenda flew at him with super-speed and, like Dr. Kharan, knocked him unconscious. Lana LeBlanc had made it to the van with her camera-man. She had lost her micro-phone and he his camera when Rage Star attacked. Lana started the van and drove to the hospital of Samara, because her camera-man was wounded, from Rage Star’s heat-blasts, and needed immediate treatment. After Glenda Gallaga introduced herself to Sharon, she explained to Sharon that she had teleported Lord Beliak to another dimension.
Meanwhile, Suprema and the BROWN-haired Monica, who were holding on to Susan Steel’s unconscious body, had witnessed Glenda Gallaga’s victory as well. They shouted Sharon’s name. Sharon then asked Glenda if she could please fly all 3 of them to their Freedom Stars base. Sharon also asked Glenda to bring the unconscious Dr. Kharan and Rage Star to their base, after she had finished bringing Suprema, Susan and the BROWN-haired Monica. Sharon herself went to her motorcycle. She explained to Glenda, Suprema and the BROWN-haired Monica that she wanted to check out the alley, where Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Green Bee were all kidnapped in Freedom Stars 1 Cattle Call, for clues. Ms. Americana had told Sharon of her mission to investigate the disappearance of Purple Power and Green Bee in an alley. Sharon had learned from Beliak, Kharan and Rage Star that Ms. Americana was also taken to the same place that Purple Power and Green Bee were taken(From Freedom Stars 1 Cattle Call and Freedom Stars 2 Cream Of The Crop).
Sharon arrived at the alley. After finding some clues (maybe hair-samples and alien cum) Sharon drove on her motorcycle to the Freedom Stars base.

Anonymous 13/08/09(Fri)21:07 No. 5220

There, Sharon saw that the unconscious Susan Steel had been placed in a healing-pod.
The BROWN-haired Monica was attending Suprema’s tits and cunt. Suprema’s tits and cunt had been burned by Rage Star’s heat in “Cream of the Crop”.
Monica herself was now wearing a healing-suit. It was colored gold and her skin had turned blue. (Monica will be healed as soon as the suit turns black and her skin returns to normal.
Monica will discover that, as a side effect, her hair-color will be WHITE.
Monica will then decide on a new code-name : ANACONDA). Sharon wanted to know where Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Green Bee were taken to.
She asked Glenda to help her attach some ‘mind-helmets’ on Dr. Kharan and Rage Star’s head.
Dr. Kharan and Rage Star were cuffed and still unconscious. They could see on a video-screen that Ms. Americana was sold to the Kleghthnor as a sex-slave. Glenda then tells Sharon that she can pin-point the dimension where Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Breen Bee were taken, with the technology from her space station.
Sharon agreed to go to Glenda’s Space Station.
Sharon also thought that they would need some extra fire-power, to make sure they would succeed in their mission to rescue Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Green Bee.
Sharon decided to use the ‘mind-helmets’ to brainwash Dr. Kharan and Rage Star to obey Sharon’s commands. The effect would last for 24 hours. After pin-pointing the dimension where Ms. Americana, Purple Power and Green Bee were taken to, Glenda, Sharon, Kharan and Rage Star went through a teleportation portal. They found Ms. Americana with the help of a bio-energy reader and witnessed the Kleghthnor fucking Ms. Americana up the ass. (Off-camera, the Kleghthnor had already finished fucking Glory Girl. He had left her in another room, unconscious. Glory Girl, American Angel and American Fox would eventually be rescued by Butterscotch-, Silver- and Emerald Fox and return with them to the 'www.superheroinecentral.com' universe).

Anonymous 13/08/09(Fri)21:24 No. 5222

Sharon commanded Rage Star and Kharan to attack the Kleghthnor and Glenda to grab and fly Ms. Americana away from the Kleghthnor. Kharan and Rage Star killed the Kleghthnor. Sharon then asked Glenda to return the now unconscious Ms. Americana to her space station and then to the Freedom Stars base for treatment. Sharon also told Glenda to rejoin Kharan, Rage Star and herself after she is finished with her task.
Meanwhile, Sharon, with the help of the bio-energy reader, now searched for Purple Power and Green Bee.
Sharon, Kharan and Rage Star soon found them. Purple Power and Green Bee were getting gangbanged by the Marcus (little green alien guys). They were the ones that had kidnapped Purple Power and Green Bee back on earth in Freedom Stars 1 Cattle Call.
Sharon commanded Kharan and Rage Star to surround them. After doing that she ordered them to attack the Marcus. Kharan and Rage Star did just that, killing the Marcus.
Right on time Glenda Gallaga returned.
Having succeeded in their mission, Sharon and the others all returned back to Glenda’s space station and then to the Freedom Stars base. There, Dr. Kharan and Rage Star were imprisoned.
In the present Sharon is very happy for Glenda Gallaga that she gets to enjoy some wild sex every year , on the day Glenda rescued them all. Sharon also wonders if they will ever encounter Lord Beliak again. Just then Lord Beliak unleashes his rage against some creatures in an unknown dimension. He screams that he will someday find his way back to earth and kill the purple-haired super-slut that banished him to this dimension.

Anonymous 14/02/28(Fri)05:40 No. 6663

Please draw adult pinups and comics about the character Glenda Gallaga from superheroinecomixxx. Scenes of fighting, fucking and being raped by supervillains Lord Beliak, Dr. Kharan and Rage Star.

Anonymous 14/06/27(Fri)16:40 No. 7408

These pinups are close. Perhaps future installments will improve on these.

Anonymous 14/09/10(Wed)18:07 No. 7803

Bump moar plzz

Anonymous 20/08/13(Thu)20:36 No. 15026

Drained Tits- Silver Strike

Anonymous 20/08/13(Thu)22:06 No. 15028

Colored pin ups Iron Girl, Glenda Galaga and Susan Steel

Anonymous 20/08/13(Thu)22:21 No. 15029

>>4278 Glenda Gallaga >>4708 Evana Gallaga

Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)21:11 No. 17080

>>15029 Queen Evana Gallaga


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