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Across the Pond Teev 19/04/11(Thu)21:35 No. 13658

File 155501134274.png - (407.22KB , 900x1250 , 00Cover.png )

Across the Pond
My Hey Arnold comic.

I don't have any sort of update schedule since I don't have much free time to work on it, but I hope you guys enjoy it. The first ten pages should be posted pretty consistently since they're all almost done. The rest is up in the air.

Teev 19/04/11(Thu)21:36 No. 13659

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Disclaimer page because why the hell not.

Teev 19/04/11(Thu)21:37 No. 13660

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Page 1

Teev 19/04/12(Fri)16:44 No. 13661

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Page 2

Teev 19/04/12(Fri)21:30 No. 13664

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This is an update fixing Arnold's shoe color, nothing major.

Teev 19/04/13(Sat)17:48 No. 13668

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Page 3

Anonymous 19/05/04(Sat)06:59 No. 13717

So you post all of five pieces and skip town. Wonderful

Teev 19/05/06(Mon)21:57 No. 13724

Didn’t think anyone was interested. I’ll post more tomorrow.

Anonymous 19/05/07(Tue)17:47 No. 13725

you've definitely got my interest.

Anonymous 19/05/07(Tue)19:42 No. 13726

Oh! You wanted us to ask for more?
Sorry I just assumed that it was done for now seeing how long it took for Area to get new pages done.
But yes plz more!

Teev 19/05/07(Tue)23:48 No. 13729

File 155726571585.png - (581.86KB , 900x1250 , 06Page04.png )

Cool, here's a new page.

Anonymous 19/05/09(Thu)22:09 No. 13737

Super stuff, that's great. I always lurk here, but this series looks to be good. Keep it up!

Teev 19/05/10(Fri)03:02 No. 13738

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Thanks, I enjoy all comments. Here's page 5

Anonymous 19/05/11(Sat)07:39 No. 13746

Oh I hope they join the fun.

Teev 19/05/11(Sat)22:50 No. 13750

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I don't see why not, lol.

Page 6

Anonymous 19/05/12(Sun)11:53 No. 13752

When is Football Head going to put his football head in someone?

Teev 19/05/15(Wed)17:56 No. 13761

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Page 7

Also, I set up a Pixiv and Twitter

Pixiv: http://pixiv.me/teevdraws
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeevDraws

I'll be posting more art periodically on both.

Teev 19/05/16(Thu)22:22 No. 13762

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Page 8

Teev 19/05/20(Mon)20:13 No. 13773

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Page 9

Anonymous 19/05/21(Tue)04:04 No. 13774

Oh no, don't go!

Teev 19/05/24(Fri)01:05 No. 13776

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Prelim page 10. Might get it finished tomorrow.

Anonymous 19/05/25(Sat)00:49 No. 13780


Teev 19/05/29(Wed)18:31 No. 13787

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Apologies for the delay, here's page 10

Anonymous 19/05/29(Wed)18:32 No. 13788

>Can this day get any worse?
uh oh.

Teev 19/06/04(Tue)22:53 No. 13797

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Page 11

Anonymous 19/06/05(Wed)04:27 No. 13799

Then it goes in the wrong hole.

Anonymous 19/06/06(Thu)09:36 No. 13802

Well that escalated quickly.
Half chub? Nice, always happy to see things staring slow.

Teev 19/06/06(Thu)22:01 No. 13803

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Page 12

Anonymous 19/06/07(Fri)02:38 No. 13806


Palindrome 19/06/07(Fri)20:48 No. 13808

And the mud from page 10 magically vanishes!

Teev 19/06/08(Sat)05:16 No. 13810

There’s already a bunch of errors I’ve noticed and I’m too lazy to go back and fix. Just enjoy the ride.

Anonymous 19/06/23(Sun)17:09 No. 13837

Hope all is well with Teev, looking forward to the next few pages but I moreso hope everything's going alright in their work and personal life!

Teev 19/06/27(Thu)19:08 No. 13843

I’m fine, thanks for asking. I have a wife and kid and don’t wanna draw porn in front of them so I’m just kind of between a rock and hard place when it comes to my comic. It will continue soon, can’t say when though.

teev 21/06/03(Thu)04:57 No. 15513

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It's been awhile, huh? Here's page 13. More on the way.

teev 21/06/03(Thu)04:57 No. 15514

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Page 14

teev 21/06/03(Thu)04:58 No. 15515

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Page 15

Anonymous 21/06/03(Thu)20:40 No. 15516

GRRRRRRRAPED in the mouth!

Anonymous 21/06/05(Sat)17:46 No. 15519


teev 21/07/03(Sat)06:38 No. 15573

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Page 16

teev 21/08/15(Sun)15:05 No. 15662

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Page 17

teev 21/12/21(Tue)19:24 No. 15853

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page 18

R Anonymous 23/10/18(Wed)01:08 No. 16829


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