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Zed 17/08/09(Wed)02:39 No. 12136

File 150223916384.jpg - (263.62KB , 1312x1700 , 0.jpg )

Star VS the forces of sexual tension.

183 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
neo 19/03/09(Sat)21:49 No. 13561

I sadly have no idea what's going on, she has a sfw tumbler but I haven't cheeked that since my tumbler got nuked

Anonymous 19/03/09(Sat)22:35 No. 13562

I have sent them an ask in the SFW Tumblr yesterday. So far, no answer.

In fact, her silence until now is so intense, that, I am starting to think that she HERSELF terminated her Patreon.
Got tired of dealing with ungrateful trolls, maybe?
Or maybe her family found out what she does for a living?

neo 19/03/16(Sat)06:24 No. 13569

HERE'S WHERE YOU CAN DONATE TO AREA https://subscribestar.adult/area

Anonymous 19/03/16(Sat)16:22 No. 13571

She´s not MIA then. Good to know.

Anonymous 19/03/19(Tue)00:47 No. 13582

File 155295282719.png - (825.85KB , 1275x1650 , 150.png )

aaaand it ended.
exactly on the 150th page.

Anonymous 19/03/20(Wed)04:12 No. 13590

Yes. It did.

Anonymous 19/03/20(Wed)09:17 No. 13592

At least until she can find a place that won't ban her for drawing "adult artwork".

Anonymous 19/03/20(Wed)21:39 No. 13595

She found it, on Subscribestar. Here are first paywalled pics (sorry if it's a wrong board, kindly delete and reup them into a proper one)

Anonymous 19/03/23(Sat)00:22 No. 13606

>Ends without Marco creampie-ing Star
I am supremely disappointed.

Anonymous 19/03/24(Sun)07:47 No. 13617

>r63 Robbie
goodass tastes

Anonymous 19/03/29(Fri)18:54 No. 13629

File 155388205246.png - (505.90KB , 1650x1772 , uploads_users_25858_posts_17951_a486204d-7a6c-46c3.png )

Yeah, I agree. it could be wendy, we got her paired with Pacifica for no reason in NS, we could have such amazing wendip content.

Anyway, have some Link/Zelda from Area's subscribestar

Anonymous 19/03/30(Sat)18:51 No. 13632

File 155396827578.png - (564.16KB , 1275x1650 , uploads_users_25858_posts_17961_67463202-ecab-4888.png )

aaand more Starco from Area

Anonymous 19/04/07(Sun)20:52 No. 13646

More Area from her subscribestar!

Anonymous 19/04/10(Wed)16:42 No. 13651

File 155490733263.png - (925.40KB , 770x1697 , uploads_users_25858_posts_19791_53d9fa8b-68e3-479a.png )

And Kagami to complete the set

Anonymous 19/04/13(Sat)23:08 No. 13669

File 155518972968.png - (221.16KB , 1650x1200 , uploads_users_25858_posts_20209_a348d839-9527-43f4.png )

Starco from Area

Anonymous 19/04/14(Sun)00:10 No. 13670

File 155519342470.png - (320.17KB , 1650x1275 , uploads_users_25858_posts_20495_2f1b639d-ffb4-4b27.png )

Mabel and Gideon from GF by Area

Anonymous 19/04/18(Thu)23:43 No. 13695

File 155562381313.png - (352.96KB , 1109x1422 , a8329488-e7ec-4888-91f9-b183fc3940a1.png )

Sleipnir O'Hara and Theopholous DuMedd from Girl Genius from Area

Anonymous 19/05/05(Sun)23:18 No. 13721

More sketches from Area's Subscribestar! She also officialy published Kagami and Marinette ones

Anonymous 19/05/14(Tue)10:10 No. 13758

new sketches from Area

Anonymous 19/06/04(Tue)11:17 No. 13796

Adrinette and Marichloe from Area's subscribestar

Anonymous 19/06/09(Sun)09:46 No. 13812

File 156006641441.png - (671.72KB , 1650x1275 , f25ff50c-4d24-4c7f-b5d2-81636f08565b.png )

And now colours of one of these pics.

Anonymous 19/06/17(Mon)08:56 No. 13829

File 156075459372.png - (735.75KB , 1275x1650 , 04f1cad5-8005-4476-8580-e27aeb694f5a.png )

And now the second one!

Anonymous 19/06/22(Sat)16:49 No. 13832

File 156121496866.png - (1.66MB , 1275x1650 , 53d5211a-1ca9-48a2-a0d2-1da2671b43d9.png )


Anonymous 19/06/29(Sat)09:12 No. 13846

File 156179236014.png - (366.77KB , 1650x1275 , 979329ff-79bb-4edb-8a28-dd90d89603b6.png )

And some post-coitus

El Chulum 19/11/12(Tue)06:49 No. 14130

File 157353775076.png - (64.03KB , 400x224 , 1area.png )

I think these 2 characters from Hilda would look great in Area's style (maybe aged up a little).

Anonymous 19/11/29(Fri)02:29 No. 14184

that's not Jeff

Anonymous 19/11/29(Fri)20:22 No. 14185

is somewhere at all of between friends file?

Anonymous 19/12/18(Wed)02:31 No. 14242

Learn english

Anonymous 19/12/26(Thu)04:13 No. 14384

yeah I know

Anonymous 19/12/29(Sun)08:29 No. 14394

I've never felt like something's so adorably cute and unearthly hot at the same time.

Is this a normal feeling? Because I swear to fuck this is the best feeling in the world.

Anonymous 20/01/05(Sun)10:57 No. 14424

Don't be sad that it's over. Be glad that it even happened.

Besides, Area already said it was getting a sequel.

The art gets a little uncanny valley at times, but it never stops being good IMO.

Anonymous 20/01/06(Mon)21:59 No. 14425

It better, that ending was weak.

Zed 20/01/10(Fri)22:17 No. 14528

It's getting a sequel? NICE

Anonymous 20/02/06(Thu)02:43 No. 14601

Did Area say when she will start the next chapter?

Anonymous 20/02/17(Mon)08:26 No. 14616

No, and frankly, imo, it's unlikely to be super-fast. She's already working on a bunch of other projects, and based on the number of subscribers on subscribestar compared with what she had on Patreon, she's lost the vast majority of her revenue stream.

Anonymous 20/03/29(Sun)07:22 No. 14681

I doubt a sequel will even be made. No one cares about this show anymore and I doubt even Area will bother to make a next one anytime soon.

Anonymous 20/04/25(Sat)11:40 No. 14744

>No one cares about this show anymore

You underestimate Rule 34's draw and strength. (Look at the the top sticky of this board.)

Anonymous 20/05/01(Fri)20:41 No. 14753

True. I routinely discover obscure and regional shows I had no idea existed through porn of them.

Anonymous 20/05/25(Mon)08:24 No. 14804

It's how I heard of this show.

Anonymous 20/08/04(Tue)23:39 No. 14995

OP you didn't even post the comics in order. you fucking nigger

Anonymous 20/08/05(Wed)00:20 No. 14996


It's okay, don't cry.

Anonymous 20/08/05(Wed)00:41 No. 14997

also is this CP? I live in America so I can't go to jail for cartoons but still-- I didn't save these because you never know for sure.

Anonymous 20/08/05(Wed)01:23 No. 14998

Not really, but it'd be harder than shit to argue against it if you found yourself in front of a Judge and jury.

Anonymous 20/10/06(Tue)06:23 No. 15105

Where's the victim?

Anonymous 20/10/07(Wed)00:59 No. 15108

Who cares? It's a jury. They're the people too stupid to find an excuse to get out of jury duty. They might think the drawing is an actual child.

Anonymous 20/11/09(Mon)04:31 No. 15159

Drawn porn and suggestive comics exist in a legally grey area. US v Handley ruled one way and US v Dean ruled the other.

Anonymous 20/11/11(Wed)02:00 No. 15160

Which one was more recent?

Anonymous 20/11/27(Fri)15:26 No. 15198

Can we unpin this comic. It's dead and the second chapter isn't coming for a while, kinda stupid to make it the first thing you see when you come here.

Zed 20/12/05(Sat)17:33 No. 15219


Anonymous 24/05/15(Wed)07:50 No. 17236

do we have a thread for area's other arts?
8muses deactivated their forums


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