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Daria Thread Anonymous 11/07/19(Tue)18:51 No. 113

File 131109426666.jpg - (1.94MB , 4452x5400 , 667676 - Daria Daria_Morgendorffer umbrafox.jpg )

Any fans of Daria here? The first few seasons were excellent, but season 4 and 5 were lackluster, and Tom overtime became grating.

Anonymous 11/07/20(Wed)15:09 No. 114

Eh, the last two seasons weren't bad. Sure, they didn't have the biting cynicism of the first three, and the writers milked the drama involving Tom as much as they could, but a few diamonds in the rough were present.

"Psycho Therapy," "Fire!," "Camp Fear," "Lucky Strike" were excellent.

Anonymous 11/07/22(Fri)08:33 No. 115

File 131131642565.png - (86.66KB , 488x911 , DariaSexy.png )

Something I drew and have never posted before. Enjoy!

Anonymous 11/07/22(Fri)08:49 No. 116

File 131131739324.jpg - (92.37KB , 925x1000 , daria_darko.jpg )

Daria Darko

Anonymous 11/07/22(Fri)08:50 No. 117

File 131131742330.jpg - (49.63KB , 400x273 , 1309558543023.jpg )

Anonymous 11/07/22(Fri)09:02 No. 118

File 13113181243.jpg - (171.69KB , 800x1000 , jane_by_blueabyss17404-d3fiye2.jpg )

Anonymous 11/07/22(Fri)09:05 No. 119

File 131131830052.jpg - (146.14KB , 800x1000 , excuse_me_by_blueabyss17404-d3f8wo0.jpg )


Anonymous 11/07/22(Fri)09:16 No. 120

File 131131901147.jpg - (136.65KB , 765x964 , 492599 - Daria Daria_Morgendorffer Jane_Lane Stick.jpg )

Anonymous 11/07/22(Fri)15:09 No. 121

One of my faves from the later seasons was "Boxing Daria". I went through something similar to what she did.

Anonymous 11/07/23(Sat)23:29 No. 122

The best

Anonymous 11/07/24(Sun)01:51 No. 123

File 131146506173.jpg - (73.28KB , 710x733 , 17d2162f15246e821cd99e2d0989aa6bb6105e7e.jpg )

Daria rules!

Anonymous 11/07/24(Sun)08:01 No. 124

I don't get that picture.

Anonymous 11/07/24(Sun)10:13 No. 125

i don't get it, is she just some pretentious lesbian you guys like or what?

Anonymous 11/07/25(Mon)01:04 No. 126

She's from a tv cartoon show on MTV, brainy chick takes down stupidity, pompacity, politics, and other social norms.

Anonymous 11/07/27(Wed)19:49 No. 127

It was an odd closer. IICY was a step down from IIFY. Quinn's evolution as a character was perhaps the best in both movies, but IICY just had to kick us in the teeth with more Tom bullshit.

Anonymous 11/07/29(Fri)12:06 No. 128

File 131193397922.jpg - (82.51KB , 725x698 , 210%20-%20Daria%20Daria_Morgendorffer%20Jane_Lane%.jpg )

Anonymous 11/08/18(Thu)20:33 No. 129

File 131369239157.jpg - (74.45KB , 800x595 , 85089 - comic Daria karstens Quinn_Morgendorffer S.jpg )


Anonymous 11/08/18(Thu)22:48 No. 130

Why are her cheeks skinned?

Anonymous 11/08/22(Mon)22:00 No. 131

File 131404324721.jpg - (122.98KB , 716x792 , 54749493.jpg )

Anonymous 11/08/22(Mon)22:01 No. 132

File 131404327384.jpg - (117.23KB , 741x574 , Daria_Jane_Quinn.jpg )

Anonymous 11/08/22(Mon)22:01 No. 133

File 131404330157.jpg - (90.50KB , 280x500 , Daria_shine.jpg )

Anonymous 11/09/13(Tue)18:07 No. 134

File 131593004827.gif - (12.72KB , 185x109 , index_daria_logo.gif )

Anonymous 11/09/23(Fri)17:45 No. 135

File 131679273352.jpg - (123.14KB , 553x720 , 21620_20Christ_Oliver20Daria20Daria_Morgendorffer2.jpg )

Anonymous 11/09/23(Fri)17:46 No. 136

File 131679276986.jpg - (105.12KB , 653x936 , Daria_and_Jane_being_silly_by_Christ_Oliver.jpg )

Anonymous 11/09/25(Sun)02:23 No. 137

I want to fuck Jane ;__;

Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)01:24 No. 138

File 132071185982.jpg - (411.12KB , 596x769 , DARIA 027.jpg )

Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)23:32 No. 139

More of this please! :)

Anonymous 11/11/17(Thu)05:00 No. 140

File 132150245471.jpg - (104.07KB , 640x598 , gangsta_daria.jpg )

I don't usually say this but for some reason I consider Daria rule 34 to be wrong.

Anonymous 11/11/17(Thu)21:09 No. 141


The more "wrong" a given 34 is, the more oh so Right it is.

Kurochin 12/03/08(Thu)22:47 No. 2403

Sharp shoulders.

Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)01:46 No. 2416

I see people posted snippets, so here's the whole thing.

Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)01:48 No. 2417

Snippets continued.

Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)01:50 No. 2419

File 133159984145.jpg - (78.24KB , 590x673 , 16.jpg )

And the very last one.

Anonymous 12/03/19(Mon)10:02 No. 2456

File 133214777927.jpg - (203.90KB , 659x981 , 709835 - Daria Daria_Morgendorffer Penerotic.jpg )

Daria by Penerotic

Anonymous 12/04/05(Thu)11:48 No. 2570

Anonymous 12/04/08(Sun)16:53 No. 2594

My favorites were "Ill", "Write where it hurts" and "Boxing Daria"

Sazan 12/05/01(Tue)20:24 No. 2705


Check out the "comics" and "Adult Daria" links.

Anonymous 12/08/06(Mon)03:13 No. 3228

Out of character, definitely.

is in-character and I really like it.

Saiyaman 12/11/25(Sun)13:11 No. 3912

Hey all, Saiyaman here, since you guys already posted a couple of my pictures I'll gladly post some more.

I also have updated my WWOEC page.

Anonymous 12/11/28(Wed)16:05 No. 3915

This is the best image.

Anonymous 22/01/21(Fri)05:23 No. 15923

Very nice! Should be added to Paheal

Anonymous 22/05/05(Thu)07:29 No. 16119

Been a fan for over a decade! Always awesome to find people from the old days still around and presumably happy and healthy. Hope the years have been kind to you and you’re doing something fun for you. Your art rocked and was really inspiring to me as fan work!

Anonymous 22/05/05(Thu)07:30 No. 16120

Oh, holy shit. This post WAS a decade old lol well hope Saiyaman is good

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