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The year is xxxx of an alternate timeline Earth.
A single empire rules the entire planet, descended from the first civilization, which took no time in ruthlessly conquering the globe and enslaving the other races of mankind, as well as all of womankind.
Those of nonwhite races and those of the female sex have no rights or protections under the law, the same applies to all nonhumans, as well, in the eyes of the imperial government, they are of the same legal status as a nonsentient and inanimate object.
As a result all who are not white and male are slaves to those who are, as their only potential form of protection under the law comes in the form of being the property of a white male.
The story follows the life of a girl who was born into this world after having been genetically designed to be the ultimate sex slave for pedophiles, she lives her life as a prototype for her line, having all manner of sexual encounters with all kinds of partners, both sexes, all ages, all races and species, she's even found in a morgue were she was screwing the corpses all night, after waking up in following her being mistaken for dead, so you could add dead people to her list, robots too, since she was thoroughly tested to see if she could "outperform" the prototypes created by another lab that was developing pedophile sex slaves, but using cybertechnology rather than genotechnology, she ends up succeeding in going far beyond the limits that the robots were capable of, to the surprise of their developers. she spend her free time also doing sex, like masturbating in various increasingly creative ways.