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  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

24/11/11(Mon)01:36 No. 18593

File 173128536743.jpg - (14.61KB , 224x338 , 9k=(10).jpg )

So, the guy that's the Levi's heir is now the mayor of San Francisco. Also someone with chemical burns on their hands went through the story I'm writing and another dip shit that thinks he's mother Teresa had me gassed on the sidewalk. Should I just publish the story here? What will happen to this Daniel Lurie guy? Who is John Galt - I mean Ignatius Riley?

General slapstick comedy of errors thread.

24/11/11(Mon)02:01 No. 18594

Oh and by the way. If by chance you saw some spilled milk on the side of market street and then a homeless guy running around dressed like a nun from hell with an adorable little habit hoody thingy, they had a bunch of fuckos be pissed that I jerk off so they all jerked off to weird shit at once to get their sick nice and juicy and then they vaped all over the sidewalk. So that's what you walked through. Homeless and fuckups spiking their immune system and then mixing all of the experimental vapes together in a stew somewhere between Walgreens and eighth street. Invented what ten years ago tops? And mixed with every COVID variant and biological illness they could find. I jerk off. I don't smoke. And I'm not attempting to sicken the populave by having gang members perform science experiments on the public with my dick.


24/11/11(Mon)02:03 No. 18595

Oh, and they've been fucking up my autocorrect when I type. Also my phone is bugged so they'll take copy and paste text from the buffer and overwrite it with spelling mistakes and so forth. So don't expect that the phone network here works.

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