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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Go ahead, critique my writing. I dare you. Ananonanon 23/02/10(Fri)06:36 No. 18349

File 167600738353.jpg - (419.40KB , 720x540 , bleurk (1).jpg )

Yes, indeed there are as many settings as there are shapes. Pavé and channel are what work best for a single row of diamonds, on a base that does not take up that much space. All eventualities, the base alloy needs the strength to hold the diamonds. This is a design; for a necklace; that uses white gold, consisting of gold, platinum and silver. Perhaps, these three elements could be melted together easily and used for jewelry? Indeed, not. It is a complicated process, of yet, unnamed and little known, however results can be achieved which fully satisfy the jeweler's need. Mind you, some benefit from this comes in the form of a higher heat hardening effect. The wire is drawn and wrapped in these 3 shapes: first drawing. The rings are arranged into a chain. Two larger round ones, followed by one oval and one smaller. Second drawing. Tin, and only tin, is used in place of solder. It is called, eutectic bonding. The touching surfaces of the jump rings are dipped with molten tin. And go into the oven at high temperatures for long hours. Gold and tin are eutectic, melting at lower temperatures, allowing diffusion, thus closing the rings. The necklace envisioned in this design, should be kept as small as possible. To each his own.

The+Red+Barron 23/02/19(Sun)10:19 No. 18352

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Several run-on sentences with incredibly needless AI-generated commas

Try again faggot

23/05/24(Wed)06:31 No. 18382

1. Primeris: I wish websites would use standard date format. I can't tell, without scrolling the whole thread, whether you are posting from year 2019 or 2023.

2. Secundus: What is run-on sentence?

3. Tertius: Pace, I could google. But don't trust those fools over these fools?
(A Statement in form of questione. Rhetorical, attention grabbing technique. As was the the deliberate spelling mistake).

No, but really, what do Clappistanis mean by 'run-on sentence'. I've seen it before but never in my neck of the woods.

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