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19/05/15(Wed)04:48 No. 17981

File A_Walking_Aphrodisiac_by_Nicholas_Blacksmith.pdf - (704.95KB , A Walking Aphrodisiac by Nicholas Blacksmith.pdf )

Read A Walking Aphrodisiac now.

#Burn the bookstores #Shoot the mailman #Stop the printing
Anti-intellectual prose, monarch butterflies, walking aphrodisiacs and anthropomorphic sperm. Encompassing sexuality, embracing the future, puking antibiotics, dropping napalm on the Louvre.
Stab your teacher, bite his neck and wipe the blood off your chin with a textbook.

20/09/04(Fri)21:05 No. 18112

Not that bad of a read. May print out a copy if I can redo the size and font.

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